Levelled Reading Comprehension

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eased. ® sewoel ab leant LESSON PLAN emotion Observation 8 ~ Bounce Back Lesson Lesson Topic/Focus: Bounce Back Date: 17/06/14 AusVELS Domain(s): Year level(s): 5&6 ‘AusVELS strand (s): . "Lesson duration: 20min AusVELS sub-strand(s): : Learning Standard(s)/Outcome(s): ~ awareness f Cyber Safely in the weld Hey uve in Assessment: (2 or 3) = Nok assessed ,justdiscussion 4 redirecting ideas fo - RAUSHC cutconces 4 responses to Situations . Teaching focus: A. (Chosen by Associate Teacher) -Awareness F cyber safety onol Shratayies fe Sugeest or Hon: B. (Your personal choice of skill development} Background to the learning: : A Teacher (Teacher resources to inform your content knowledge) = ww cy bersmavl. gov: et - — follows antt on wbvbillying -acma ~ Bounce Back by Pasmey Tor Nobel , Helen He Gtyette B, _ Student (Identify Students’ background and current knowledge of topic) - previous Bounce Back LeSSons 4 bnowiedage . Lesson resources: in dot point) Worksheet ~ = Videohttp://cybersmart.gov.au/young2420kids/visit-hectors-world/cyberbullying/eyberbullying- youre-not-alone.aspx Interactive whiteboard Lesson content: A. Introduction mins ~ Students enter the classroom and on their desks are worksheets that have a column for cyberbullying and bullying. ~The students brainstorm what they know about these two concepts on the worksheet for 3minutes and then discuss as a class. What is bullying? What is cyberbullying? How could you and | verbally bully someone online? Skype, face-time, video-chat, gaming chat Does anyone have any questions about cyberbullying or bullying? B. Development mins ~ The students watch a short video from the ‘Cybersmart’ website that is centred on cyberbullying and different strategies for handling cyberbullying. ~The video is interactive and allows opportunities to stop and discuss certain issues questions that arise during the video. Any thoughts on what you have seen so far? Would you call it bullying? Why/why not? What could she do? ~The teacher explains the situation more clearly and offers other suggestions of things she could do to stop the bullying. ~The teacher discusses catastrophizing and how even though it may not be quite that bad a situation and not everyone is bullying you/laughing at you like it appears, something still needs to be done because no one should feel that way anyway. What should/could she do now that it is at the ridiculous stage? Is there something you could do to stop something like this getting to far with your friends? ~The teacher explains how the students in this class have the opportunity to be the middle person that says hold on this isn’t funny, stopping the bullying before it gets out of control. €. Consolidation, practice, extension - __ mins ~ The teacher provides the opportunity for any comments or questions. + The students are referred back to their sheets and further discuss cyberbullying. What are some things that can allow cyberbullying? Laptop, Skype, online gaming Hands up, who has been bullied? How did that make you feel? Closure __ mins ~The teacher discusses the importance of not talking to people online that you do not know. ~The teacher stresses the point that you don’t need a lot of online friends, what's important is the people in the real world, the friends from school and family life. ~The students are reminded that telling a trustworthy adult or authoritative figure something to make yourself or someone else feel better/safe/comfortable is not considered dobbing. ~ Students are reminded of the dangers of sharing personal information with strangers online and online in general (ae ReadWorks _How Animals Stay Sato How Animals Stay Safe By Kate Paixao All animals have ways to protect themselves. Turtles have hard shells that keep them safe. Many turtles can pull their bodies inside their shells. That makes it harder for other animals to hurt them. Walking sticks are insects. They look like sticks. That makes them hard to see. A predator may never notice the insect. Puffer fish can swallow a lot of water. The extra water makes them look very big. Puffer fish also have spines that can hurt predators. Animals protect themselves in many ways. Can you think of others? READING COMPREHENSION ReadWorks.org : ReadWorks.org How Animals Stay Sate Name: Date: For questions 1-4, please circle the correct answer. 1. What does a turtle have that protects it from predators? A) spines B) a hard shell C) good hearing 2. This text describes how some animals protect themselves from predators. How do turtles stay safe? A) They pull their bodies inside their shells. B) They swallow lots of water. C) They look like sticks. 3. This text is about how different animals protect themselves from predators. The text says that walking sticks look like sticks. That makes them hard to see. How might this help the walking sticks? A) If the walking stick looks like a tree, it doesn't need to build a house. B) The walking stick's predators won't hurt the walking stick because they won't notice it. C) Looking like a stick can help the walking stick find new food. 4, What is “How Animals Stay Safe” mostly about? A) food that animals eat to stay healthy B) things that animals do to protect themselves from predators C) how turtles use their shells to protect themselves from predators ReadWorks.org MiSunen tems nes ReadWorks.org How Animals Stay Sate 5. What does a puffer fish do to make itself look very big? To make itself look very big, a puffer fish 6. Draw a puffed up puffer fish. ReadWorks.org Mesciinon To ReAbine COMPREHENSION ReadWorks.org How Animals Stay Safe 7. What did you learn from "How Animals Stay Safe"? | | 8. Class Discussion Question: Discuss how swallowing lots of water helps a puffer fish protect itself from enemies. ReadWorks.org [.Suines ie mmemac ne ReadWorks Non-fiction: Ready for Cold Weather Ready for Cold Weather Slowing Down Hedgehogs sleep in winter. A hedgehog gathers leaves, It carries them in its mouth and makes a pile. Why? The animal is making a winter nest. It will soon hibernate (HIGH-behr-nayt). That means it goes into a long, deep sleep. Some hedgehogs live in places where winter is cold. Food is hard to find. The hedgehogs eat a lot of food in the fall. They store fat in their bodies. When the animals hibernate, they live off the extra fat. During their long winter sleep, the animals use very little energy. They do not move. Their body temperatures drop. Their hearts beat slowly. They breathe slowly too. EA Janes/Photo Library When the weather gets warmer in March or April, the | hedgchogs are hungry. They leave their nests to eat again, | What do hedgehogs like best? Insects, worms, snails, and slugs! Terry Button /Genty Inages A hedgehog eats an earthworm. ReadWorks.org 2.223018 1222s cournevension Die: Copy © 200 Westy Reade: Ceperatn. i ips ese. tell ease argilared vadamarl West) Reader Coperton ReadWorks Questions: Ready for Cold Weather Name: Date: Directions: Answer the following four questions based on the information in the passage. 1. Why does a hedgehog gather leaves? 3. According to the article, what happens when the temperature gets warmer in March or April? ReadWorks.org 2% 221210" 29 nexoine compnenension ReadWorks Questions: Ready for Cold Weather Directions: Please read the sentence below and then write the word or phrase that best answers the questions. The first answer has been provided for you. During the winter, hedgehogs use very little energy by hibernating. What? hedgehogs 5. (do) What? ReadWorks org 2 SOLUTION TO READING COMPREHENSION 2 20%2 Reaver. Aes sand ReadWorks Questions: Ready for Cold Weather 8. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Hedgehogs eat lots of food in the fall, they can live off fat stored in their bodies during the winter. A but B because Cso Directions: Read the vocabulary word and definition below. Then answer questions 9 and 10. Vocabulary Word: hibernate (hi - ber - nate): to go into a long, deep sleep for the winter. 9. Read the sentences below and underline all forms of the word hibernate. a. Some animals that hibernate during the winter sleep in a den or burrow. b. During the cold winter months, most bears hibernate in caves, and their heart rate slows down. c. Some turtles hibernate under mud during the winter months. d. Animals have learned to adapt to their surroundings by migrating and hibernating in the winter months. e. Animals that hibernate during the winter eat more food during the fall months than they normally do to prepare for their long sleep. 10. Which animal probably does NOT hibernate? ReadWorks.org 25 212210" e.nea2ne conpnenension ReadWorks Nor-fiction: Awesome Animal Homes Awesome Animal Homes Animals build safe places to sleep, eat, and raise their young. Some animals build homes that have different rooms, tunnels, and much more! Read on to learn about some awesome animal builders and their homes. Mounds Termites are insects that live in large groups called colonies. Some termites build mounds as their homes. Termite mounds are made with dirt and saliva. Termites build tunnels inside the mound. Termites travel through the tunnels. The tunnels help keep the termite mound cool. Some mounds can be more than 20 feet tall! Nests Cliff swallows are birds that live in large groups called colonies. Cliff swallows build nests with thousands of tiny balls of mud. They build their nests on the steep sides of cliffs or under bridges. It is hard for other animals to reach the nests in those places. So the nests are safe places to lay eggs and to raise young Burrows Prairie dogs are rodents that live in big groups called towns. Prairie dogs dig burrows as their homes. Burrows are underground tunnels. Prairie dogs sleep and raise their young in small rooms inside the burrows. Some prairie dog towns are many miles wide and are home to millions of prairie dogs! Some beavers build lodges in rivers or ponds as their Lodges Beavers are rodents that live in small groups called families. Some beavers build lodges in rivers or ponds as their homes. They use logs, tree branches, and mud to build a lodge. A beaver lodge has one room that is above water. Beavers have to swim underwater to get inside their lodge. ReadWorks.org THE SOLUTION TO READING COMPREHENSION aie. Cop 208 Wey Render Coparon. Alri eserves ReadWorks Questions: Awesome Animal Homes Name: Date: Directions: Answer the following four questions based on the information in the passage. 1. What do termites make as their homes? ReadWorks.org THE SOLUTION TO READING COMPREHENSION (2012 Resse, ne Aegt esoved ReadWorks Questions: Awesome Animal Homes: Directions: Please read the sentence below and then write the word or phrase that best answers the questions. The first answer has been provided for you. When prairie dogs build homes, they create burrows by digging in the ground. What? prairie dogs 5. (do) What? ReadWorks.org THE SOLUTION TO READING COMPREHENSION (©2012 Renan, ne Aets saves ReadWorks Questions: Awesome Animal Home: 8. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Cliff swallows want to protect their eggs and young, they build their nests in hard-to-reach places. A but B because Cso Directions: Read the vocabulary word and definition below. Then answer questions 9 and 10. Vocabulary Word: steep (steep): a slope that is at a very sharp angle and is hard to climb up. 9. Read the sentences below and underline all forms of the word steep. a. When riding your bike, it can be really difficult to go fast up a steep hill. b. The family built their home on a steep cliff where few people could reach them. c. The mountain climber loved climbing the steepest mountains in the world! d. The car slid down the steep hill in the icy weather. e. In math, a steep slope means a value increased rapidly. ReadWorks.org THE SOLUTION TO READING COMPREHENSION (©2012 Resstes, nA mus resened

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