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Another can mean 'one more of the same kind'. It is used with singular countable nouns.

We need another person to finish the work. (= We need one more person to finish the

He has bought another car.

Could I have another cup of coffee?

With uncountable and plural nouns, we normally use 'more', not another .

Would you like some more milk? (NOT another milk)

However, another can be used before a plural noun in expressions with few or a number.

We will wait for another few days.

Another can also mean 'one that is different'.

I think we should paint it another colour.

See Also
Another or other: grammar worksheet

Another or other
Complete the following sentences using another,
other or others.
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another or other worksheet
If you want to learn the correct usage of another

before doing this exercise, go to this study page.

1. He has bought car.
a) another b) other c) others
2. Could I have piece of
cake, please?
a) another b) other c) others
3. She said that she would be staying for
few weeks.
a) another b) other c) others
4. We need - three computers.
a) another b) other c) others
5. One must not do things that will harm

a) others b) another c) other

6. You never think of a) others b) other c) another
7. Have you got any chocolates?
a) another b) other c) others
8. I think we should paint it
a) another b) other c) others
9. Give this to Peter and that to the
a) other b) another c) others
10. I had a strange experience the
a) other b) another c) others

1. He has bought another car.
2. Could I have another piece of cake, please?
3. She said that she would be staying for another
few weeks.
4. We need another three computers.
5. One must not do things that will harm others.
6. You never think of others.
7. Have you got any other chocolates?
8. I think we should paint it another color?
9. Give this to Peter and that to the other boy.
10. I had a strange experience the other day.

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