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Student Writing Reflection

Re-read the paper and teacher feedback.
Complete the reflection using complete sentences.

1. The purpose of writing this paper was

The purpose of writing this paper is to let us summarize by synthesizing information from the
two sources and have a better understanding of Charles Dicken and also the reason why he made
the book.
2. My performance in relation to the rubric/overall score was
My performance in this summary was a 62 out of 80, which is ok, but I think I can do better on
these writing assignments.
3. Aspects of this piece where I did well were (provide at least one example)
I think I did well on not putting too much rip words in the writing assignment, but also having it
on less than one page.
4. The most difficult challenge that I dealt with in writing/revising this piece was
The most difficult thing in the writing would be trying to make all the parts make sense.
5. Based on teacher comments, improvements I need to make for the next revision/future
assignments are
In the future assignments I need to make sure that my font is in Times new roman and size 12
font. I also need to make sure that I have no rip words that I shouldnt use.
6. In the future, I believe I need more teacher support in the following areas:
In the future I believe I need more teacher support in the following areas like awkward or unclear
7. One measurable goal that I will set for myself for the next and future writing pieces is
One measurable goal that I will set for myself for the next time and future writing pieces is to get
70 out of 80 on the writing assignment.

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