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Student Writing Reflection

Re-read the paper and teacher feedback.
Complete the reflection using complete sentences.

1. The purpose of writing this paper was

The purpose of this writing is to be able to understand what the poem Hangman was talking
about and writing a lit analysis.
2. My performance in relation to the rubric/overall score was
I think I did okay with my performance because I did not get that much things wrong. Also this
was graded like in high school.
3. Aspects of this piece where I did well were (provide at least one example)
I think I did well on the analysis part. For example I did well analyzing what had happened in the
second quote that I put on the Hangman Analysis because I got nothing wrong on the second
quote analysis.
4. The most difficult challenge that I dealt with in writing/revising this piece was
The most difficult challenge that I dealt with in writing or revising this piece was trying to set up
a good quote.
5. Based on teacher comments, improvements I need to make for the next revision/future
assignments are
I need to set up my quotes a lot better in the later future if we ever do this again.
6. In the future, I believe I need more teacher support in the following areas:
In the future I believe I need more teacher support setting up my quotes because I am not that
good at setting up my quotes.

7. One measurable goal that I will set for myself for the next and future writing pieces is
One measurable goal that I will set for myself for the next future writing pieces is to be able to
set up my quote a lot better.

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