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Technetiums atomic number is 6 and it also has the atomic mass of 12.011. Technetium
like every element, has an element symbol. Technetiums element symbol is C. Technetium is
important because it helps you with medical care and warfare.
How Is Technetium Made
Did you known Ttechnetium does not exist on earth. It is man a made element.
Technetium is made out of molybdenum and deuterons and is accelerated by a device called the
cyclotron. It was also the first artificially produced element. It was artificially produced by two
people, Segre and Perrier.
What Is Technetium Used For
Do you know what technetium is used for? Technetium is used for radioactive isotope
medical tests and nuclear medicine. It is also a gamma ray-free source. It can be used as a
medical tracer and to calibrate particle detectors. Also, technetium can be used as a topic for a
research paper.
Where Is Technetium Found
Technetium was found in 1937. The location technetium was found at was Italy. It was
found in a sample of molybdenum bombarded by deuterons. Also, technetium was found by
Emilio Gino Segre and Carlo Perrier.
Technetium helps in medical care and is good for warfare. Technetium is made out of
molybdenum and deuterons. It was found in Italy. Technetium may be used a gamma ray free

Gagnon, Steve. "The Element Technetium." It's Elemental -. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.
Advameg, Inc. "TECHNETIUM." Technetium, Chemical Element. Advameg, Inc., n.d. Web. 01
Dec. 2015. <>.

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