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Sabah Rehman

The Golden Girl is the first piece of the two part series I painted. It conveys the
idea of love, with a tragic twist. I used shadows and depth within the smoke to
create a chaotic background which contrasted with the girl herself. In this piece, you
can see the girl looking off into the smoke. Her expression can be interpreted by the
viewer, but the darkness that surrounds her helps convey the intense mood, with a
chaotic surrounding. The setting of these two pieces is important when
understanding the message. The smoke represents catastrophe due to a civil war.
But the chaos that surrounds them is at a standstill, lost in the smoke, as they share
a moment together. I used acrylic paint and water color pencils.

The Penultimate Tragedy Is the second piece of the two part series I painted. I
used a repetition of visual components, continuing the smoke from the first piece,
except you can see the darker smoke surrounding the boy. The more intense
darkness indicates that hes suffered differently than the girl. His love is more
symbolic due to his battle scars, which indicate he fought in the war. The boy has
endured pain, both physically and emotionally, but his love for the girl still prevails.
His expression is a mixture of sorrow and hope. Their lack of movement captures
the sudden desperation they feel for one another. Each figure holds their own
emotions for the viewer to perceive. I used acrylic paint and water color pencils.

The Single Revolution Is a piece thats portraying a person revolting against an

oppressive community. There is a contrast of colors between the pink hand, in which
I added layered components to create a glow, for a ghostlike affect and the blue
hands I outlined with a dark ink to represent their vile aura. This piece can represent
both a physical revolution, or convey a mental revolution. The pink hand merely
represents overcoming a difficulty. I used acrylic paint.

The Evolution Is a piece that represents a drastic evolution that has occurred with
certain species. I took organisms from the deepest parts of Earth and painting them
in space, a place in which represents both discovery and mystery. This piece has
allowed the idea of these species to thrive in one of the most extravagant settings
known to man, as they overlook Earth. The colors I chose helped emphasize the
bizarre theme, and the animated illustrations pop due to the bright colors. I used
acrylic paint.

The Outburst Is a painting that portrays an explosion of colors that ooze from the
figures (pyramids). I wanted to take two different ideas and morph them into one.
Pyramids can represent structure and discipline, while bright colors convey a more
happy and expressive tone. These combinations tie in to my theme of revolution, or
going against the norm. I used acrylic paint.

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