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Lab Report

Research question: How much energy is released when having potato and
hydrogen peroxide in a syringe in a tub of water for a minute ?

Hypothesis: I hypothesis that the rate of the reaction will increase with the
increase of temperature. However I also hypothesis that the rate of reaction will
stop increasing with hydrogen peroxide when the water starts getting colder.

Depended variable: Height of bubbles

The stopwatch is started once the syringe has reached the bottom of the
bowl of water. we stop counting the bubbles when the stopwatch stops.

Independent variable: Time and temperature

> Potato ( Depends on how many tries you would like to do)
> Ice ( A lot )
> Hydrogen peroxide
> Syringe ( 1 )
- To put the cut potato and the hydrogen peroxide
> Water ( Hot and cold )
> Ruler ( 1 )
- To measure the size of the 1 ml to cut on the potato
> Cork borer
> Scalpel ( 1 )
> 100ml glass beaker ( 2 )

1 for the Hydrogen peroxide

1 for the potato

> Thermometer ( 1 )
> Bowl ( 1 big bowl )

Procedure :
Put the amount and the temperature of the water in the bowl ( use the
Thermometer to get the temperature you need)
Use the Cork borer the make a whole into the potato from the top to
Cut the that one stripe of potato in the measurement of 1 cm.
We insert the 1 cm pieces of potato into the syringe.
Add the hydrogen peroxide to the syringe by pulling it in with air.
Check again the Thermometer to see if its still the same.
Hold the syringe under water and observe the reaction by counting
the bubbles in a minute.
Redo it 3 times, with the different temperature you have chosen.

Our temperature weren't pick at random, we decided that we were going to start
low, and double it 3 times.

This experiment proves our hypothesis to be correct because once the
temperature of the potato and hydrogen was greater than 60 C, the enzymes
could carry out its function. The higher the temperature got the higher the
hydrogen peroxide reacted.

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