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Michael Tomlin

Mr. Amoruso
Religion 1
April 11, 2016
Community Service Essay
During the 2015-2016 school year I was required to complete 20 hours of community
service. I completed my service in two areas where I thought I could make a difference. I spent 5
hours for the Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic Open House and 16 hours at my local Boys and
Girls Club. Both of these services felt like the best possible way for me to help because of my
knowledge and skillset.
I helped with the Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic Open House because I know how this
school has helped me grow as a person. The goal of this event has to persuade families to send
their student to our school. I feel like with my knowledge of our school I was a perfect fit to give
the interested parents insight on what our school is. I helped with the Little Dribblers program at
my Boys and Girls Club because I have grown up in the program. At a young age I participated
until I outgrew it. Now whenever my schedule allows me to I come to help these children
practice their basketball skills while being active and having fun.
These service helped me realize how I can help people younger than me grow into mature
young adults. The Open House was to introduce younger students to what they can become at
this school. The Little Dribblers program was to keep kids healthy and occupied. I didnt realize

how much I can help other people for a better world. As Gods children we need to help our
brothers and sisters.

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