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Brynlie Reid

Thursday May 5th 2016

Chapter 1B- Kinship
There are a variety of different kinship roles I play. Not only in my
family but as well as my extended family. One of the first roles I played as
soon as I was born was a daughter. A daughter to my parents, as well as a
non biological daughter to my aunts and uncles. Who at the time didn't have
children of their own. Another major role that I play is a sister. Luckily for me
I got blessed to be a baby sister to one of the world's best brothers. With
these two major roles in my life there's come a lot of responsibilities and
opportunities. In my opinion, every family member contributes to the family
as a whole. Without one person it's very difficult. Everyone just fits, and it's
Other roles that I play include a granddaughter. Personally, one of my
best and most favorite relationships in my family is my relationship with my
Grandma. "In U.S. society, the basic kinship system consists of parents and
children, but it may include other relatives as well especially grandparents."
(19) Strong, B, & Cohen, T.F. (2014) The marriage and family experience:
Intimate relationships in a changing society(12th ed.). Belmont, CA:
With this role in my life I have become so blessed. Another role I play
is a niece, as well as cousin. Being a cousin hands down is my favorite role. I
didn't/don't have the responsibility of being an older sibling. So for me being
a cousin is much enjoyed. With this role there are many obligations. I first of
all I get to play the roles of an older sibling by being an example. I get to be
their best friend and talk about school, sports, drama and all of the above. I
can also tend to mother them in a way and comfort them. This role is one
that I cherish the most.
I have a lot of fictive kin that we call family. The first family that comes
to mind is the Thomas Family. I have grown up with all of them and we've
stayed SO close. The parent first met when our Dad's were on their missions.
Later our moms hit it off the back and are even better friends than our Dads.
Then my brother and the oldest daughter were born three months apart and
have been best friends ever since.

Personally, I think fictive kin has to deal with time and relationships. I
think through time relationships grow stronger and stronger. Through time
certain things occur in your life. With those things allows an opportunity to
grow close to someone. Fictive kin are very beneficial in your life.

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