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a palo < Sikh vont 8 [ae 45-46] - Gorn goad? Hovdinte-? 7 Siths were defeated , Lahore Treaty 24 Anglostthwort (sqe-u9] Goverron. Generals Dathousie Mother § Son sent London at pensioners . * Fanjab was the Lack éngdom Conquered by Britlchers Ubrough ator ockeiee Lae [se ‘ce to this concept, any stake created by th. Brillch, th PLCan not be Mnherited 4y adopted cons - Satara [4242] (3849) Zambalpux., orisia Weed] Tebpest, Burdieled Bhagak (1850) Oday pur, Ragastan [i282) Thanst , Bundelkhand [te53) Nakpus_ [48 su) * Awad, rulet-Wwajid Ali shah {is 56] Peter: mes goveanance finak.cdmtni stration) this was ask stale taken by Britithers Wajtd Ali shah —> Sent to calcutta § died with broken earl in same seat 197 siaslst British Administration Adminfstrative struckuaes structure was Creaked by “the Acts passed by the " Betish Postioment” for. every douss * 4973, Regulating Ack (#4) * 1484 amendment Ack ts known as “it's India Ack Structure % im 2 -levelt + dondon —> Supervisory sole ° Sndia. fadon: * count of Direckors, by 1773 Aeguiating ck 2h members — majoc eharebolders of the Company “they have completely Superuisony poroek over Sndian admn. * Board of Controk , by $784 pitt!s India Ack - consist of @ members of pasitament , ore f the member & Cabinet Minister » functions a4 President ¢ Boosd - Qndias we * Ms pox 1443 Ack, the Governors of Madras ¢ Mumbai Aubosdinated to Governos f Fost william %H the matters of Waa and peace, So, the déeignation of Foxt willéam Governox changed as Foveanon General : 1° 6 of Fort wiluiam : Haren Hosting 4833 Ack, charged the designation 4-4 aS Goveanon General ef India First Governion General of Qndia — williom Bentik * 1933 Regulating Ack was creaked an og called , ‘ Goveanon. General's Executive Covndt “— 4 members . pcksseauciees Se Every detision of the §-G can be approved by atlens Joye the -firct -form of the. Poaliarnent - * L484, peit's India Ad reduce the gq Ec members to 3 * 4733 Regulating Act. CAcated a Supreme Court in Galeutto [1 chief sustice +3 other judges] 1% chief gustice — Eliga, Seaphey” Revenue Administration g eee {Nok uniform -throughout indict] (Rermanent settlement SR ne ae tystern by 4765-4973 — Annual Bidding S48 Problems 5 Cosruption Prequent change ¢ land revenue Collectoz - 199 Sino. Revenue Spm Yak 4. Rermanenk cctdwrent 2403 er Taming. f (O Salabet 2 Ryetwait settlers “9 o0z 3 Mahabeoast System 1833 Regions percentage pute i Loh develop thes) 4 Bengal Bihan 2% ‘ix Tehn chore Load Coan Walls orissa (489) & others Madras Cokhel aeobay 5A Park Lod Hastings eso “thomas Marko Conky (Kama) Ag xa prodine Central prove gg Nosth-toect Fronliee Lieand Punjab Rom. Bird wittion Bentinck Ai fewarent eter: * lands were given to Local Zamtndars weth total a bie % Zamindar a entitled to collec “gent ° meses * 4h) of amount’ — Zamindars 10),, 4 totalamount — Government ¥ 9b a decimal. settternent [10 yrs) Ryoksoasi system ¢ * Every peasant Hos gluen by a Fle deed . % land reverue && collecked divectly by the got fiom each and every individual Mahal wari System 2 C compocilte System] Agucatture Land of every villoge constitute te astete( mahal). fe Land is dtueded into mahals Govt fered the lard revenut fat entire mahal - * The amounk was collected by the Village conmittee/panchowat- [Modified vetcion of 2amdndatt system] Tediviany: ® * sh: ° No Equality before Law ° No legal codes [codefecation of lato} fe Judiciasy was not Seceelar. , becauwe Fe war baseel on Felygious text (Looks) . Reforms of Diff Governor Generals t a en one blazren Hastings: * Li _ s Oreleal system was abotlicshed wy sfstem started & Requlor courts im Hievarch ( ctvil court , Ceiminal cout} Lewest civil coust — Mofussid Dtwane Adalat Highest civil coust — Sadar Diwori Adalat [ealeutto] howeck ctiminal court ~ Nizamak Adalat Highest criminal. coust - Sedat Aizomal Adalat Ceateutto'] Seber judicy ~ Judgements & lower. coriat canbe Cosn wallise challenged tn higher. court - Arnie ® Mobtle courts * Court ¢ oacea records Annual publication ¢ gudgemerte biilliam Bentinck ¢ ¥ Abolished the Mobile couse Acc te 4833 charterad, } * 7 18284, Finsk Law commision chairman — Mecauloy” [Teday, 194 lew commission — President hatrenesy * edification & las cevil Procedure Code (cp)— 1859 Gndian Penal code (2p¢) - 1860 Crémtnal Procedure code(CrPe) - 1864 202 Lord Canning * In 1864, Ondtan High courts Ad. Acc to this Ack. 3 Highcouate — 1862 [Bombay , calcuttn, Madras] => Bréttsh Judichay & based on, 3 Equalily Before Low ® Rule of law * Bark spot on British judéciaey - Rattonol viserimination [ap a white fnvelued é a Crime, he can nok produced _&n front of Indian guages] * Te end this d&ctimination, In 1883, Under Lippon's instruction. One offices. , Flbect a fll Prepased a bfll Zlbeat B Because ¢ éducatton Of Brttichers th Andter this bill wos dropp al a Civil Services + 2486 , ¢-G Lord Cosn wallis introductd @ sesvices * -Covenanted [ Mighest pation) — venant agreement * None ovenanted 4861 Ge Civil Service Ack, Acc te this, Convenanted sexvice designated as 9s, (Fodean cov Sexvie) Before convenanted Service; Mexcantile Services au there Covrupt people * Lack managerial Skill s “ndians were not eligible Jaa these sobs, Te 7 ny oy . In 359, YEG" ack wwe Acc iG this Ack, A Competitive Cxam -for the civil Seevant was conducted . * Compulsory papers 2 datin ¢ Greek is classical languages of Europe) Maz age limit is gradeally decreased. 1857-3 3yrs S860-22- 985 Ag6/-21grs 18Fo-34g15 —> egtton was the valeiot Responsible fox this, wlimit ° Centre of the éxram — London * 1° Sndtan 2¢5 —> 1863, “Satyandranatha Tagore, ‘ ( Brother J Rabindranath Tagose) Jy 4869 — Surendranth Benarjee (aes disminsed from sevice) R-C. Dats > som — Subhash chandsa Bose , [1920 he left service ¢ yorved” Congress poth | Comminsions on Civil Seavices ¢ % 14886 “Atchison commintion Governah Gere: Du ‘rein Recotpmendations: + London shatl be centre s exam should be condacked in both . for PCS exams , whereas fa other civil sesvice London ¢ Undia , © Dpper age Limit shall be asyrs 204 vecapted , 1898 #1924 kee Commision ¢ TAAL Cee Commisien [ Visecunt tee] Governd. General : dord Reading & 50% civil services shall be filled with Indeans . ° Constitution of public Sesuice commision, in aehi [1926 Pe Sottal Policy of British * Female Infantidde Ack (abolition) 1802 2 goueenor Generals strictly dmnplemenked this Ack - + Wdelliam ‘Berkinck * Hardinze-r * Sati abolition Ad 49aq. — william Bentinck Bndian coho created preasuae on British about -thy act , "Roja Rematiohan fo *® In 4833, Baittsh Pralzamen- abolished the slavany in British engin Ph India, TE wat implemented im 1843 by Allenbousough * Human Sackifice abolttion Ac, 4846. by dord Horolenre -f [ primasly targeting the tribe in Orissa - khond ) (Hartge. practice) # caste disability Removal Ack by ” Balhousy . , (4850) Eat Untouthability * Religious diaobilikies Ad, 1858 by Bothouy By changing the Feligion no body can diprive i his Previlager f pot elzoible ROinherit ¢ property) Widow remaretaged Act, 1856 by Salhousy . Gndian who treated pressure on British for this at, Fereesacharstes Vielyaseqet” ( Bengal!) « = tthe widow kemorrioge Ad f- 4966 war a logical sequel of the Sati abolition Ack f 4829 ” ° Jn 3958, Brttish Queen announced thak British get should not be tmvoled in the Aelegtous | sowalf culbuaat matters - [> 1858 — End ¢ annexation. end of -sottal polteles Reason: 4857. sipai's revolt wt ‘Education folicy da Batish ed ee i ‘oki Education ve mony Spending activity not money ere mg Paoduee anti colontal forces. three col eA os 2 calcutta Madarasa , 1484 — Waren Hastings = Vavanst sanskait College » 1392 — Jonathan Duncan 2 Fost Wilhom cdlege » 4800 — Lord Wellesley “these 3 colleges stosted -fox administration puspose ‘90k promoting edacation ‘ot William College ¢ EI ws Ukshifted f vil sexvice training covlege , after couple f yeo u Ne fm 1206,“ Hailleybury collere “was tkawted -for conductiny- 1 CARRE SES aivil Sesvice callege (london) sos

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