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Armthorpe Academy = mona 2OA ‘bie, Respect -Responsibity Pride (Our Ret: ACOIAN: May 26" 2016 Dear Parent / Carer [As we approach the end of an unusually long half term, | would tke to draw your attention to two ‘pectic mater. Uniform ‘Ata recent Parent Forum meeting, ! was asked to provide lay on school uniform expectations for the remainder of the term, As you are aware, students are now able to wear an Armithorpe ‘Academy polo shit, 2s an alernative to a formal shit and te. However, please be aware of the {oliowing points: + All students must continue to bring their school blazers every day. When the weather is very hot, ‘we allow them to remove their blazers both inside and outside the buildings. However, ita second layer Is wom over their shit and tie J polo shit, Ir must be a blazer and not any other ‘garment. + Black denim trousers are not alowed + Biack school shoes must be worn. Skits, worn, must be no sherter than just above the knee. Now that the exam period has started for Year 11 students, we have relaxed some aspecis of Uniform regulations for ther, But all ther students must comply withthe expectations which appear above, Holidays during term time ‘You wil no doubt, be aware of the recent High Court ruling related tothe issue of family holidays luring term time. ‘The Local Authority intends to produce a letter for schools to forward to parents, Indicating their position on this matter. In the meantime, | can confirm that te legislation remains the same, noldays curing term time cannot be authorised unless there are exceptional CGreumstances, and Fixed Penalty Notices wil stl apply It seems highly probable thatthe government wil respond tothe revent publicity by strengthening the law regarding this matter by September. | wail keep you informed of developments as and when they occur Yours seer Cy Keer ASS endear eran tote rata sunexcuny _asteacher Arty Cope sas —. a cot megan Par ofthe Con Academies Group

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