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Has Man features in Common with previously investigated planctomicetes.

strukturess in the All All extracellular appendages, reproduction by budding, the presence of
internal compartments and a dense, fibrillar nucleoid were all consistent with observations
made previously for gemmata obscuriglobus, pirellula Marina and pirellula staleyi
Cells of b. Anammoxidans were found to have an internal, membrane Bond
compartment that Kwe have termed anammoxisosome. This anammoxsosome dia not
contain any ribosom or choromosome. Instead, the anammoxosome cytoplasm Fontaine
elektron-dense inclusions (diameter 20 nm) and was filled with fiber-like structures of
unknown function or composition. Apart from the anammoxosome, the cells were organised
similar to pirellula, with an intracytoplasmic membran separating the pirellulosome
compartment (containing most or alk of the RNA, DNA and the anammoxosome) from a
fringing, peripheral compartment.The All All appeared to be similar to the All Wallis of the
other planctomycetes, a typical trilamellar structure.

Memiliki manusia dengan planctomicetes sebelumnya diinvestigasi. Crateriform strukturess d

alam semua semua ekstraseluler pelengkap, reproduksi oleh tunas, kehadiran kompartemen in
ternal dan padat, fibrillar nucleoid itu semua konsisten dengan pengamatan yang dibuat sebel
umnya untuk gemmata obscuriglobus, pirellula Marina dan pirellula staleyi
Sel-sel b. Anammoxidans ditemukan memiliki kompartemen Bond membran internal, Kwe te
lah disebut "anammoxisosome". Dia anammoxsosome ini tidak mengandung ribosom atau ch
oromosome. Sebaliknya, anammoxosome sitoplasma Fontaine elektron-padat inklusi (diamet
er 20 nm) dan dipenuhi dengan serat-seperti struktur unknown fungsi atau komposisi. Selain
anammoxosome, sel-sel disusun mirip pirellula,dengan membran intracytoplasmic memisahk
an kompartemen pirellulosome (yangpaling mengandung atau alk RNA, DNA dan anammox
osome) dari kompartemen Zoobic, perifer. Semua semua muncul untuk menjadi serupa denga
n Wallis semua dari planctomycetes lain, struktur khas trilamellar.

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