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Antonice, Jaylen S, Jayden, and Trevor

Night Project
The theme of chapter seven is dehumanization. Dehumanization is when another human
deprives someone else of their positive qualities. They get treated like an animal and they arent
treated as a human being. Five elements of symbolism in our project would be the crust of
bread, the train car, the skull, the stars and the moon, and the snow. The crust of bread
symbolizes the hunger and the starvation that the prisoners have, that a son kills his won father
for that crust of bread. The train car symbolizes how packed all of them are and the skull
symbolizes the death that goes on every where. The stars and the moon symbolize the night
and it goes in relation with the title because every night, something bad occurs and its full of
despair while the snow symbolizes the cold and the pain they live through.
To all the people who lived through the Holocaust, and suffered through such horrible
conditions, we remember. We remember your starvation, we remember the pain you
experienced. We understand what you have gone through and we are here for you. We
dedicate our project to all the ones that suffered, the dead and the alive. We will remember what
it was like to not get a crust of bread or a pair of shoes to put on your feet. We hope that you are
in a happy place, a place that isnt full of pain and agony. We hope that this doesnt haunt you,
especially all the dead bodies that surrounded your frail body.

Three quotes from chapter seven would be Meir, my little Meir! Dont you recognize me
Youre killing your father I have bread for you too for you too This quote shows the
dehumanization that takes place in chapter seven. A song was killing his own father for a crust
of bread, even when his father said he was going to share with him. Concentration camps had
changed them into pure animals. They dont care about anyone, they just want to look out of
themselves. Another quote would be, Throw out all the dead! Outside, all the corpses! All the
SS officers were throwing away all the dead bodies on the the train car. They did not care who
they were, and all those dead bodies didnt get any grave or candles or remembrance. They
were just bodies thrown out of the train car on the snowy ground. They stayed there to rot. The
final quote in chapter seven is I cant go on Shlomo!I cant help itI cant go on This
shows that even the strongest people on that train car are giving up. Everyone is becoming so
weak and fragile, and theyd rather die than be alive and live through the terrible conditions that
keep getting thrown at them.

An example of imagery in chapter seven is Then the train resumed its journey, leaving in its
wake, in a snowy field in Poland, hundreds of naked orphans without a tomb. This imagery is
detailed about the dead bodies that had gotten thrown out of the train car. They didnt get a
grave or a tomb for their death, they were just treated like trash. Elie refers to them as naked
orphans because they were stripped of their clothes and their life, and he calls them orphans
because they have lost all family. The last example of imagery is, His eyes lit up, a smile, like a
grimace, illuminated his ashen face. And was immediately extinguished. This shows imagery
because when the man had gotten his crust of bread, he had gained so much happiness. He
was finally going to ease his starvation, but his son had jumped onto of him, ruining the
happiness that had been created.

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