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levetoknow aevice youean tut French Gender Rules to Keep in Mind ‘There are no hard and fast rules. Almost all rules have some exceptions. With that said, remembering the ‘general rule will greatly improve your fluency and the exceptions can be learned later. In addition, there are some nouns that have both masculine and feminine forms that coincide with whether ‘or not that being referred to is female or male. Many professions have masculine and feminine forms, as do the words ‘dog' and ‘cat’. Also remember that in groups where there is at least one male present, you would use the masculine plural form. Likewise, when a word has both female and male forms, you always use the ‘male form unless referring to a specific female. Common Endings and Their Genders Masculine Endings Feminine Endings Lage “ace “b -ade be “ale Lele “ance “d “be (ae “ce “é “06 “eee ee vet “te ‘eur “esse of eur Gi “fe “ing vie bk “ine a “ion “mn “ique “ment “ise on “ite “o “lle Foie “mme Fone nde lp “ole Masculine Endings Feminine Endings Nouns Lists With Gender and Translation Ifyou are learning French, memorizing the gender of the nouns you are learning is « must. Below are some fof the most popular nouns in the French language. Notice thatthe indefinite article is included to indicate gender ( for masculine nouns and la is for feminine nouns), Note that for nouns that begin with vowels, or nouns that are plural, the gender is noted in parentheses after the word. (Example: Veau, £) School Vocabulary [Noun [Pronunciation —=S*«*rastatiom =| INaffiche (f) lian feesh [poster ie bureau uh byub roh (desk le cahier uh ki yay notebook iscare Ta kart imap is chaise ih shez [hair fe erayon uh rah yohn [emyon ies devoirs (m) ay duh vwahe homework Tecote Tay kot School fi gomme ah gohm lemser (fora pencil Ie ive Ih te vrub Ibook ordinateur (m.) Johr deen ah turh computer lame lah rch glob ‘rler Ie sylo Ich sto Joh pen Calendar Vocabulary fan omy lah nay ear [aprs-midi lh pray mee dee [afternoon [automne (m.) lah tome [autumn ire my ay ay sumener Ihiver(m) lee vie winer fe jour uk zhoor aay Ie matin [uh mah chn Imoming femal a va month fe pimemps Ga) lu proha teh spring Ia semaine lah sch men werk Ie week-end uh week end weekend House Vocabulary ichambre i shohm bruh fedroom In cuisine [sir kwee zeen itchen les escaliers (m.) lez es kah lee yay. ‘stairs In fenétre Ih fh net uh [window Ie four Ih foor loven Ihoxtoge (&) lr oak lock leit lub tee bed fin malson fh meh 2hon fowse le mur [uh mur bal in poubelle ih poo bell rash is pore ih port [oor le nerigrateur i ray fee ahay ra mar fetrigeratar isle de bain lah sa duh beh athroom Getting Ready for the Day fabroase&cheveux fia bros ah shu va fabrash [inbrosseRdents ~~ ros ah dehn——=S*Cstt sh | ‘les chausettes (f,) Jay show set [socks In chemise lah shuh meez shire In cravate lah crab vaht tie les gants(m lay gahn leloves fnjupe fzhoop skirt les lunes f) lay oo net elasses fle manteau uh maha toe oat jiamonte ih mob tub [watch fe parepiue ln pab ah plo wee lumbetia fa peigne flash pen yuh feomb [iwroteSS~S~*~*~doSSS*~*~S~*~

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