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Oaklee Ohmie

FHS 1500
Reflective Essay
This was the first concurrent class that I have been enrolled in. I have had
many challenges and in-depth topics from this class. I have progressed throughout
the semester, a lot more than I thought I would have. It is very interesting to learn
about babies and the rapid growth that they go through but also to learn about
older kids and people that might go over your head at other times. The learning
objectives for SLCC is a college wide objective. You learn as much as someone 4
years older than you might, but you earn college credit in high school. This course
connected with my Child Development course. I liked Life Span Development a lot
better because I learned more. Also, the stuff that you learn in this class can apply
to you personally and you can use it in the future.
This class did change the way I saw the world, it showed me how and why people
acted and the thought processes that they went through. The adolescence stage of
the course was one of my favorites because if you saw what teenagers did some
days, you would assume that their parents raised them wrong or that they werent
very smart, but they actually dont have a fully developed prefrontal cortex. Which
means their judgement and thinking about future consequences is absent or not the
first impulse thought. I also learned about marriage and what makes divorce more
likely which is something that I can use later in life. So it did teach me a lot more
than I had expected, it prepared me in some ways. I love the challenges that this
course put me through, they really made me think and the fact that I didnt have
some opinions on things and now I do, shows a lot. My education about people has
broadened and I couldnt be happier.

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