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The Blood Letter

By Lauren Bowman
What the hell is this? Elaine stormed into Nicks study holding up an opened
Nick jumped up from his desk, Why do you have that? Thats confidential.
Answer me Nick. What the hell is this?
Why did you break into my study?
Nikolas! What kind of treachery are you getting yourself in?
I cannot tell you.
Tell me right now! Elaine advanced on him and he backed up.
Darling, please.
Dont darling me!
I cannot.
Im your wife!
And regardless I cannot tell you. There is nothing you can say to me that will
change my mind.

Then dont expect me to act like your wife tonight, she snarled as she threw
the letter at him. She then turned on her heels and stormed out of the office. Nick
hung his head and sighed as he walked over to pick up the discarded letter.

The previous morning, sunlight poured through the window pane

lighting up the sitting room except for the figure sitting in the corner on a
faux couch. She was covered with shadows and the only thing you could see
were here bright hazel eyes. She came to the sitting room every morning to
watch the sun rise while her new husband got ready for the day. He would
always come down the grand staircase, dressed handsomely as usual, give
her a peck on the lips and escort her to the dining hall for breakfast.
Marriage was something she was still adjusting to, even though this
extravagant lifestyle was not really a change; it was a transition from one
role to another. More or less.
Once they reached the dining hall, after her husband pulled out her
seat, they sat down to await whatever Mrs. Ortega had made for them this
morning. Punctual as always, the plump little housekeeper bounced in
followed by their butler, Mr. Kerrigan, carrying silver platters with eggs,
bacon, hash browns, sausage and toast. The smells mixed in the air like a
welcoming embrace and were overwhelmingly enticing. Without another
wasted moment, they began to indulge.
So, dearest, what are your plans for today? her husband inquired.

Nick, you know that I dont really do anything except try desperately
to find something intelligible to pass the time.
Well, it doesnt hurt to ask.
I know. Its just like you; you do the same thing every day as well.
Well, my job isnt a walk in the park, Nick replied.
I know honey.
Halfway through breakfast, Mr. Kerrigan came into the hall.
Sir, a letter has arrived for you.
Thank you, Mr. Kerrigan, Nick took the letter as he continued sipping
his coffee. She looked at him and as he looked the letter over, his brow
Something the matter dear?
IIuh, everything is fine, dont you worry, Nick assured her. Ill be
right back, Im sorry.
Her eyes narrowed as she watched her husbands retreating back as
he headed for his study.
Are you alright, Mrs. Volek?
Mr. Kerrigans voice brought her out of her reverie. Yes, I am. Sorry. It
just troubles me that something is bothering Nick.

Yes, he has been getting more and more letters lately. Its rather odd.
He never used to get letters until the past year or so. All from the same
gentlemen too. Her eyes locked with his.
Do you know what the letters are about?
Sorry, maam, I do not. Mr. Volek doesnt reveal such private business
with me. I daresay it has to do with the stock brokerage. Maybe he is taking
on some new endeavor that might be a bit risky and doesnt want to
jeopardize the competitors intercepting confidential information.
Hmm, I see, She replied softly. Do you know who sent the letters?
Yes madam, I do. There are three consistent gentlemen; a Cedric
Diamond, a Hadrian Everhart and today was from a Finn Vaccaro, I believe.
Do you know any of them?
Strangely no, I do not, she pondered. But then again, he is a man
full of secrets.
Indeed. You know Nick, you can never shake the daredevil out of an
No, he has always been a risk-taker. He married me, didnt he?
Mr. Kerrigan chucked, And you were always the witty one, Mrs. Volek.
Please, call me Elaine.
As you wish, Elaine.

I really should go check on Nick. I hope this isnt some sort of huge
business acquisition, he will have officially started losing his mind if he tries
to take on another international company.
Mr. Kerrigan bowed out and Elaine left the room to find her husband in
his study. The grand oak door that led to his study was cracked ajar. As she
slipped inside, her husband was leaning over his letter strewn desk, sifting
through files on top of his solid mahogany desk. He ran his fingers through
his hair and rubbed his temple as she slipped up behind him.
He chuckled, You are the only one who can sneak up on me.
Ill take that as a compliment.
As you should. He kissed her hand and returned to his papers.
Elaine glanced at the letter in his hand, What is that?
Oh, its nothing, Nick replied shortly without looking up.
Impatient, she snatched the letter from his grasp and read it to herself.

Mr. Orion Blood,

The plan has been confirmed. It will takeThe letter was abruptly torn from her hands.
What is this? She asked urgently.

Its confidential, Nick replied, snatching the letter back. For the
business. Im in the middle of a very important and very risky transaction
and I cannot divulge any of it. Im sure you understand.
Elaine eyed him.
Im sorry darling, you know how dangerous these types of
transactions can be.
Indeed, she replied, Very dangerous.

That night, Elaine slipped out of bed when she heard her husbands
heavy breathing, knowing he was in deep sleep. After escaping her bed
chamber, she grabbed a flashlight and headed down the hallway and up the
stairs to her husbands study. She fiddled with the lock as she inserted the
key she had swiped from her husbands coat pocket when she had jumped
him off guard to ravish him. He hadnt even noticed her take it. Once the lock
clicked, her eyes glanced down the hallway to make sure she hadnt been
spotted. Upon her survey and the coast being clear, she slinked inside the
door and gently closed the door. She took a deep breath and hastened over
to Nicks desk.
Scanning the contents strewn upon its surface, Elaine began to dig
around his desk with precision. She made sure everything returned to its
exact place, erasing her fingerprints. Finally she found her prize in his desk

drawer. Smiling to herself, she removed the letter from its envelope and
began to read:

Mr. Orion Blood,

The plan has been confirmed. It will take place
tomorrow at 19:00 hours at Il Felicianos Ristorante. An
inside source has revealed that Cronus will be making an
important transaction for Operation Atlantis. He plans to
meet with other members of the Order and make plans
for their next target: the President. They have already
been monitoring his whereabouts and know where he will
make his next public appearance. Be there at 18:30 sharp
to make sure the correct table is reserved.
Finn Vaccaro
Her hands shook as she finished. Sweat began to surface and her
vision blurred. After rereading the letter several times, she turned back to
Nicks desk and rummaged through his secure files to find what she was
looking for. After retrieving what she needed, she stuffed the contents into
her nightgown and retreated from the room.

A soft knock came from the door but Elaine refused to answer.
Elaine, please open the door?
She rolled her eyes and shook her head.
Darling, please let me explain myself. You can do whatever you wish
afterwards, but at least give me a chance.
She moved over to the door and flung it open, making Nick jump.
Make it quick.
Nick took a deep breath, May I come in?
Elaine glared at him, but moved aside to let him in.
Dont darling me.

He relented, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, Im sorry. I wasnt

lying to you. The letter you confiscated from my desk was a business
That is by far the worst lie Ive ever heard you come up with, she
snapped. Do you really think Im stupid enough to fall for that?
NoII just am trying to
Trying to do what? Huh? Enlighten me, Nick? What preposterous
engagement do you have yourself wrapped up in now?
He folded his hands and rested his elbows on his knees; his nicely
trimmed goatee brushing against his clasped hands as he gazed off in deep
thought. Why do you want to know?
Im your wife! Why wouldnt I want to know what evils my husband is
engaged in?
Nick sighed. I think we will need a drink for this. He rose and walked
over to his mini bar he had set up in the corner of their chamber. He slowly
poured the scotch into the diamond glasses and strode back over to her
handing her a glass. He turned towards the window as he took a drink.
She eyed him cautiously, What secrets could you possibly be keeping
that are so dark that if they were revealed, they would ruin you?
He remained silent and took a sip of scotch.


I said make it quick! Elaine raised her voice.

Elaine please!
No I wont!
Fine, then I will leave. I came here to ask for your help.
Why would I help you?
Such a supporting wife I have, Nick replied.
Our marriage wasnt my choice,
And it shows. Im sorry that it was a business transaction. But I have
provided for you and have shared my familys wealth. I would have thought
that would mean something.
You know exactly what a woman wants, Elaine retorted. There is
nothing that could make me help you,
You may be right, but your help is imperative.
Oh ok, now Im convinced, she said sarcastically.
I may not be able to convince you, but I know someone who can.
Nick turned and walked over to the door, slowly opening it. Elaines
eyes fixed on the figure before her as her glass crashed to the floor. She


could not believe who was standing in front of her. Her heart was pounding
Hello Elaine, his eyes locked on hers.
He crossed over to her and enveloped her in a hug and she slowly
reciprocated as he whispered, Its so good to see you.
Where have you been?
All in due time, dear sister, Dom touched her cheek, But you need to
listen to both of us. Including Nick.
She nodded and he led her to sit on the bed as he made to sit beside
Will you listen to me now? Nick asked as he stood across from them.
Yes, she said.
The first thing that you should know is that I am not actually in capital
Then what are you?
Im an assassin.
Elaine gaped at him, opening and closing her mouth but no words
came out.


I know its a bit of a shock.

A bit?! she exclaimed. She turned to Dom, Are you?
He nodded, But that doesnt mean that were horrible men. Please let
us explain before you judge us any further.
Fine, she huffed.
Thank you, Nick cleared his throat. My alias is Orion Blood, but my
real name is Nikolas Volek. I just hide under the impression that I am in the
capital investment field under the fake company, Voletrade. I never lied
about who I was, just what I did.
And my alias is Cedric Diamond and I have been hiding under the
impression that I work for Nicks company.
I need a drink, Elaine breathed. Nick brought her a scotch and she
downed it immediately.
Nick refilled her glass as he continued. We work for the government
and are involved in taking down a secret society called Order of the Titans
who want to return to the old ways of life. They firmly believe that we as a
nation are corrupted by false promises and empty dreams. They believe it is
because freedom itself is a lie, but only because those in charge make it a
lie. So they have a plan to take out the thing that is holding us back from
being truly free: our leaders. Its called Operation: Atlantis.


Elaine nodded as she stared at a blank spot on the wall.

Well, from our research, their names are based off mythology, Dom
said. Atlantis was a threat to Greece and mysteriously disappeared, but
some say they suffered a day and a night before the island disappeared. This
may relate to the Orders ideology. We think Atlantis represents America; that
if something isnt done about the rulers who are destroying our country
Then our nation will sink like Atlantis did, Elaine finished.
He narrowed his gaze, How did you know that?
I saw it in the letter I read, of course. I just now understand why it was
relevant, Elaine explained.
We and the other agents figured out that the leader of the society got
the name from one of the founding agents alias, Atlanta. But it has double
meaning, which is why I am guessing they chose the name Atlantis. Nick
Elaine nodded again.
Nick took a drink and continued, The Titans were according to Greek
mythology the original gods of Ancient Greece before Zeus and the other
members of the pantheon took over, betraying the Titans. This is also
reflected in the Orders beliefs. They want vengeance for the betrayal of our
nations ideals that were created by our founders.


And we found out the head of the Orders alias name is Cronus, Dom
said weakly.
CronusCronus where have I heard that name before? Elaine
questioned. Wait! Fathers government database firm is called Cronus.
Yes dear.
But thats just merely coincidence, right? Elaine asked.
Let us finish, then all your questions will be answered, Dom said.
But Fathers surveillance business isnt involved in some back alley
secret society, right?
Elaine, please! Dom said sharply.
Alright, alright. Ill let you finish, Elaine forfeited.
Our mission on this assignment is to eliminate Cronus, take out the
head as it were. I have been in correspondence with Dom and two other men
under the aliases of Hadrian Everhart, Finn Vaccaro. I cannot reveal to you
their true identity for their own safety. Im sure you understand.
Is that all? Elaine asked.
No, theres one more thing, Dom said taking her hand.


The most important thing, Nick added.

Elaine turned to face Nick, What more could you possibly tell me?
Elaine, Cronus is your father.
What?! Elaine threw her arms in the air and pushed Doms hand off
of her as she rose.
Now calm down! Dom said.
Calm down? Calm down! You expect me to calm down! Elaine
exasperated as she paced around the room. You dont have any idea what
this does. This just absolutely complicates everything!
I know this is a lot to take in, Nick spoke up.
Elaine turned on him, Did you drag him into this? She pointed to
Elaine, I came to him, Dom replied.
You did, didnt you? She spat at Nick, ignoring Dom. I cannot believe
you would drag my own brother into this mess! Why! Why would you mar up
the Sinclair name!
Elaine, I didnt drag- Nick started.
And now you are trying to do the same to me, arent you? she


Elaine, stop. Dom said.

No, I- Nick started again.
Its all about Fathers wealth, isnt it? Elaine cut Nick off.
Just not satisfied with what you have, always wanting more-
Enough! Doms voice cut through Elaines rant as he came in
between her and Nick. His hard look caught her attention. It was my
Elaines stiff shoulders slumped. How could you?
He wanted to do what was right, Nick said behind Dom.
Elaine merely glared at him.
The silence was so thick the sharpest blade couldnt cut through it.
Nick stood frozen looking upon his wife with pleading eyes.
She finally broke the silence, her breathing was rugged and her voice
was dangerously quiet, Soyou are telling me, that I have to choose
between my own father, and my husband who now has involved my brother
in this sick conspiracy?
Stop accusing Nick of involving me, Dom snarled. I chose it. If there is
any blame, its mine.


Fine, Elaine relented.

And Elaine, I am not asking you to choose Nick began.
Then what are you doing Nikolas? She pushed Dom aside. Because
that is the only legitimate explanation for revealing this to me.
Ok, look, fine I do need your help. We have devised a plan, and wellI
really need you to be a part of this for it to work.
I will not go against my own father, Elaine snarled.
I am, Dom said.
Why? Hes your own blood. Elaine said.
Because Id rather lose a father than sitting aside and watching him
destroy our country when there was something I could have done.
I cant believe what Im hearing, Dom,
Sweetheart Nick reached out to her.
Dont! she screamed. Dont. Touch. Me.
Nick retracted his hands and backed away, not breaking his gaze. I cant
even imagine what you are going through right now
You have no idea in hell
And I cannot begin to express how much I hate myself for putting you in
this horrible position


As you should.
You just have to realize how dangerous this is for our country. Please
look at it objectively
She scoffed, Look at it -
She crossed her arms as she bore daggers into him, but remained silent.
I have nothing against your family and dont interrupt, he put up his
hand cutting her off before she could speak, I know my relationship with
your family isnt perfect. What Dom and I are trying to say is that we put our
country and its safety as a priority. It wouldnt matter if it were someone I
was close to or if it was a complete stranger. If they were in the wrong and
threatening the lives of innocent people, it is my sworn duty to stop it. Its
who I am. Would you want me to be anything less than that?
No she admitted.
Nick dared take a step towards her. When she remained silent and didnt
back away, he took her hand. Darling, I love you so much it hurts. And it
kills me to know that I have to do this to you, but I have no choice. If I back
down, Ill be eliminated for treason. Please, understand the position I am in
and how hard it is. Do you think I chose this?
Elaine remained silent.


Darling, I didnt ask for this. I protested. But they refused and stated
that this was the best option, considering how close I was with him by being
married to his daughter. He would never suspect. I was furious with them
that I almost walked out on them, till I realized you cannot walk away from
this type of work. Alive.
And that is why they wanted both of us, sis, Dom added. Because of
how close we are and how it would be harder to detect.
Elaine let Nick embraced her, Im sorry.
There is nothing to be sorry for.
She backed away from him and headed for the door.
Where are you going? Nick called out.
Nick, I may have forgiven you, but I am still furious at you.
Nick nodded and watched his wife duck out of the room.

Elaine and Nick sat in silence in the back seat. After some more
convincing from Dom, Elaine had reluctantly agreed. They then made all the
necessary arrangements for the evenings festivities. Elaine had insisted to
be the one to call and invite her parents for dinner. She had informed her
father as well that Nick had a business proposition for him and he agreed to


discuss it then. As Mr. Kerrigan drove them to Il Felicianos Ristorante, Elaine

turned to Nick, Calm down everything is going to be fine.
I am fine,
No you arent,
Yes, I am,
Stop lying, she warned. You only clench your jaw when you are
Nick sighed, I do not understand how you could be so calm in a
dangerous situation like this. Its as if you have practice.
She laughed, Well I did marry an assassin. Subconsciously, but still.
He chuckled, I guess youre right. Ok so can we go over the plan one
more time?
If it makes you feel better.
Ok, so as we discuss the proposition with your father, Cedric will come in
and accidentally spill your fathers wine. We would ask a waiter to get us
another glass. Hadrian will be in the kitchen and will put poison in your
fathers glass. Finn will be patrolling the perimeter.
Sounds like a great plan, dear.
Nick raised an eyebrow, Dear?


I have to practice for tonight, she said.

But it does sound like a well thought out plan.
Thanks, it only took me several years to concoct, he admitted.
Dont quit your day job.
Too late. He gave her a peck on the cheek as they pulled up to the
As they walked through the double doors, a waiter took their coats and
let them to their table. Elaine sported an elegant, blood red, floor length
evening gown and Nick wore his custom made jet black tux. Elaine knew that
Nick loved the fact that her dress was tastefully low cut and accentuated all
of her curves.
As they approached their table, Nick nobly pulled out her chair for her
before taking his own seat. Just as they were beginning to wonder where
their accompanying party was, Elaines parents were escorted to their table.
Hello Mr. Sinclair, Nick greeted as he rose to shake his father-in-laws
hand. Mrs. Sinclair, as beautiful as usual. He kissed her hand.
Please, Mrs. Sinclair blushed, Call me Evelyn.
As you wish, Nick replied as he let Elaine greet her parents respectfully.


So Nikolas, Elaine tells me you have some sort of business proposition

for me, Mr. Sinclair remarked.
Ahh yes, I do.
Fabian, Evelyn scolded her husband. Even before dinner?
Its alright mother, we both know how our husbands are regarding
business, Elaine piped in.
Indeed, you have learned fast, Evelyn replied.
The waiter strode up to their table, May I offer you our selections of
No thank you, we are regulars here, Fabian casually boasted. We will
take a bottle of Nicolis Amarone della Valpolicella.
Excellent choice, sir, the waiter praised as he went to retrieve Fabians
What a lovely choice of wine, father, Elaine commented.
Its what we always get here, Evelyn explained. You cannot find a
better authentic Italian red wine.
The waiter returned promptly with their wine and filled their glasses.
Here are your menus; take as much time as you need.


After looking over the menu in silence with occasional commentary on

the choice of dishes, everyone ordered. Fabian turned to Nick.
So, what is your proposition Mr. Volek? I am eager to hear about what
you have to offer.
Well sir, I am not sure if you are aware that I have been doing some high
risk business acquisitions to make a big break in my company.
So Ive heard, Fabian replied.
And its been rather secret because I didnt want any of my competitors
to find out. But, I have decided to add some governmental firms to my
portfolio, Nick continued.
Really? And how do I fit into the equation? Fabian implored.
How would you like to have Cronus become the first governmental
contractor to be added to Voletrades portfolio?
I would have to consider the variables, Fabian pondered. What would I
get in return?
I can offer you major promotion of your company as an investment
option which would result in a large infusion of capital for your company.
That is quite an offer! Elaine dearest, dont let this one out of your sight,
hes a risky man! Fabian joked.


Just before Fabian could answer, Dominick bumped into Fabian as he was
passing by, spilling his wine.
Oh my new suit! Fabian roared and turned you clumsy son of a.
Father? Dominick said in disbelief.
Whawhat are you doing here?
I was having dinner with Elaine and her husband. Youve met Nikolas?
Yes I have, Dominick extended his hand. Good to see you, Nick.
So, Dom would you care to join us for dinner? Fabian asked.
I would be delighted, Dom replied.
A waiter rushed to the scene to clean up the spilled wine. Could you get
an extra glass for my son? Fabian requested.
Certainly, sir, the waiter replied.
And could you get another glass for Mr. Sinclair as well? Nick added.
Fabian nodded, Yes, please get me another glass.
Im so sorry father, Dominick apologized. I havent seen you in years
and yet I run into you here, literally, and ruining your new suit.


Yes, what a coincidence, Fabian said. But dont worry about it Dom. I
can easily replace the suit.
The waiter brought out the new glass filled with wine and an empty one
for Dominick. As he reached for the glass, Fabian stopped him. He grabbed
the empty glass and new one laced with poison. Fabian grinned.
Now was this part of your business proposition, Nikolas?
What do you mean, sir? Nick asked.
You know damned well what I mean, Fabian growled. You think Im
stupid enough to not see whats going on? Well, Mr. Volek, you have
underestimated me.
Elaine sat frozen watching her fathers mouth curl into an evil grin. Nick
had not seen this coming.
Well if you want to play games, Nikolas, lets play games.
Fabian called the waiter over. What can I do for you, sir?
I would like you to fill these glasses with wine in the back, Fabian
pointed to Nicks glass and Dominicks empty one. Taking this one you just
brought me with you. Now when you return, please hand them back at
random and tell my wife which glass was originally mine.
The waiter looked confused but bowed his head and took the glasses to
the back.


What are you doing! Evelyn exclaimed.

Simple, Fabian replied. Im playing it risky.
By playing some stupid guessing game?
No dearest. By making Nikolas choose his fate.
All eyes turned to Nikolas. How do you mean? This is madness!
Madder than trying to assassinate your father-in-law and getting his
children involved in the conspiracy?
What are you talking about?
Fabian reached into his jacket and pulled out a few folded pieces of paper
and held them out, I dont know Orion Blood? But what I have in my hand is
enough evidence to get your true identity revealed and a guaranteed death
sentence for you and your family. Or worse. A dangerous smile danced
across his lips.
Father, enough of this! Dom exasperated. What is this wine thing
When the waiter returns, Fabian said coldly, No one but Evelyn will
know whose glass contains the poison. Nikolas will have to choose who gets
which glass. Then we drink and find out whose dead and who isnt. See if you
die by your own medicine.


Wait a minute, Dominick observed, there are three glasses and two of
you. Who gets the third glass?
Fabian smiled and locked eyes with Nick.
WHAT!! Nicks fists hit the table, causing people to look at them.
Father, is this really necessary? Dom pressed.
Very. Fabian remarked.
This is ridiculous! Nick exasperated.
Calm down Nick, Elaine put her hands on his shoulders.
No! I refuse to drag you into this!
More so than you already have?
This is different.
Nick, you are causing a scene. Please, stop!
Nick took some deep breaths and once he had composed himself he
looked into his wifes eyes.
I cant let you do this.
I dont have a choice.


I just dont, Elaine said.

Nick hesitated but slowly nodded just as the waiter returned, Your
drinks, sir.
You remember which one you had originally gave me? Fabian asked.
Yes, sir.
Alright, Nikolas. Let the games begin! Who gets the first glass?
Nick took a ragged breath, Me.
The waiter handed him the glass.
And the next one? Fabian pressed.
Which leaves the last one for my precious daughter, Fabian said
smugly as he turned to the waiter. Now tell my wife which one was mine
originally. The waiter whispered in Evelyns ear and retreated.
Everyone stared at each other. Then at the three glasses. At Evelyn.
Fabian raised an eyebrow and spoke with confidence. Alright, let us raise our
glasses and for one of us, our final glass.
A lump formed in Elaines throat as she looked at her wine. She then
looked at her mother, trying to see if she revealed anything. A slight cringe.


A brief glance. But she sat like a pillar of stone: unrevealing. Elaines eyes
darted around the room as she finally raised her glass to death.
A shot rang out.
Fabian slumped onto the table, spilling his glass for the second time all
over his tailored suit.
Evelyn screamed as she threw herself onto her husband. Panic was
setting into the restaurant and people were frantically trying to escape from
the clutches of the Italian tomb. Elaines eyes were wide and she couldnt
breathe as Nick drug her with the crowd outside. They had to get away.
Dominick was nowhere to be found but Elaine was too numb to care. The rest
became a blur until they arrived back at Alder Estate.
Once the reality had set in, she fought hard to break free of Nicks
grasps. He managed to get her to the sitting room just as the sun was going
down, shadowing many parts of the room. Elaine finally sprung out of Nicks
protective arms and stood by the window away from her husband.
Hes gone. Her voice was hollow and dry.
I know.
No you dont know. Everything is ruined!
No its not, Nick consoled. It didnt go the way we planned but we still
accomplished our mission.


No, you accomplished your mission.

We were in this together. Im just so glad that our back up plan worked.
Elaine spun around, Back-up plan?
Yes, a back-up plan.
We never discussed a back-up plan.
Im sorry, I should have mentioned it. I didnt lie to you. Finn was on the
perimeter, but he was stationed with a gun with a silencer on the balcony
above us just in case something went astray. Im so glad he was there.
How could this happen? Elaine threw her arms up in the air in
It doesnt matter which plan worked. It just had to be done and it was.
You dont understand.
Nick rolled his eyes, What dont I understand?
Things werent supposed to end like this.
How so?
The poison should have worked.
I know.
No you dont. The plan failed.


No it didnt.
Youre still here, arent you?
Nick tilted his head, Yes, but wasnt that what we had planned?
No, thats what you had planned.
Nick shifted uncomfortably as he stared at his wifes silhouette. All he
could see was the suns reflection off her hair and hazel eyes.
Well, she said as she turned away, not all is lost.
Whats not lost?
I know things you dont, things about Operation Atlantis and those
The temperature in the room rose as Nick loosened his tie. You know
who Atlanta is, dont you.
Who is it?
Elaine remained still looking out the window.
Elaine, who is it?
She turned her head and smiled dangerously as Nick backed away from
her, I am Atlanta.

2014 Lauren Bowman ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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