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The Anniversary Surprise

The bell hanging above the door to the diner chimed as Alison burst
through the door on a sunny September morning with a bounce in her step.
Julia, her fellow waitress, walked over to her putting her notepad in the
pocket of her black apron.
Late as always. Its usually not too bad, but now its you showing up
fifteen minutes late. Julia criticized playfully. Having a little too much fun
this morning?
Its only 8:15, dont get your panties in a wad Julia! And Jordan isnt
feeling too well today, so no, sorry to disappoint your corrupted little mind.
Alison replied as she ran her fingers through her brown hair.
You seem very excited about something today, Julia observed.
Oh, its nothing; just a few plans for my husband tonight. Alison
blushed as she walked behind the counter to put her apron on.
Oh thats right, I forgot that its your anniversary today!
Congratulations by the way. How many years has it been now, Mrs.
Six, Alison replied over her shoulder as she walked over to get her
notepad from the cupboard behind the counter.

Poor sod, Julia smirked and received a slap on the shoulder from
Alisons notepad. Just kidding! Whose panties are in a wad now! Sheesh. But
really, congratulations. What are your plans, or are they too scandalous to
share with the crowd? she winked at Alison.
Wow, really? Youre horrible. Alison rolled her eyes. So you know
how Jordan just recently got promoted to the Senior Vice President of Cantor
Fitzgerald, you know that investment bank in the North Tower; well, he has
gotten a really hefty raise so he wanted to treat us on our anniversary to a
nice dinner.
Ooh, where? Julia couldnt contain her curiosity.
At Alain Ducasse.
That fancy French restauraunt in Midtown! Alison nodded. Well,
youre a lucky girl! He just keeps on surprising you.
Well, I also have a few surprises up my sleeve. Alison replied
Spill! Julia insisted. Alison shook her head. Ok, fine. But I will find out
later! But for right now, Table four needs my attention, and Julia sauntered
off to attend her customers. Alison laughed to herself; her friend never
ceased to amaze her.
After an hour and a half of taking peoples orders and bussing tables it
was finally 10:15 and time for her first break. She habitually retrieved her
phone and a granola bar from her purse and sat in a small room in the back.

She set her phone down next to her on the table as she tore into the granola
bar. She picked up the remote to the break room TV and turned it on. As the
screen flickered on, she dropped her granola bar.
She saw the smoke billowing from the two towers.
My God she breathed.
She sat frozen for several minutes as she watched the scene unfold
before her. She couldnt believe her eyes.
After five minutes of staring blankly at the TV, her phone rang. She
tore her eyes away from the TV and saw the all too familiar number flicker
across the screen. Her heart began to race as she quickly answered it.
Where are you?! she demanded.
Alison! Im trapped in my office Theres smoke everywhereI cannot
get out he was coughing frantically.
Jordan, just get out. There has to be a way out.
Darling, weve already tried Thethe plane hit almost an hour ago
and Chris even tried to break down the wall to our offices his voice
Just get out. Please, she pleaded.
Alison, I cant. I jusI just want you to know that I have always
loved you and-

NO! Dont you say that to me! Youre gonna make it. Youre going to
make it home tonight and to our anniversary dinner.
I want to be there, he said earnestly.
Then be there. Tears were flowing freely as she stared at the TV
screen, as if she were watching over him like a guardian angel. Why did you
go to work this morning? You were so tired and wore out. You told me last
night you wouldnt go
Because I was going to get out of work early to get you
something, Jordan choked out.
I saw this beautiful necklace inin the jewelers window. It was made
of sapphires and it reminded me of your eyes. I wanted to susurprise
Darlingthats so sweet. You didnt have to. Alison whispered.
I know, but I wanted to. Youre worth it to me. he declared softly.
His voice was getting more hoarse by the second.
I had a surprise for you too love, Alison said softly.
Really? Can you tell me? Jordans voice was barely above a whisper.

I found out yesterday and wanted to surprise youbutIm

pregnant. There was a lingering silence that lasted longer than Alison had
wanted. His time was precious and she didnt need silence. Jordan?
Im sorryI justI cant believe that and now Jordans pained
voice echoed in her ear.
What are you sorry for my dear?
That I wont be there.
Yes you will. PleasePlease dont say that. She furiously wiped the
tears away from her eyes.
I love you my dear Alison, no please, I have to say this, he insisted as
she tried to stop him. I have alalways loved you, from when we first met
in college. Please, dont forget me. And please take care of our child for
me. Please. He was gasping for air.
Tears were pouring from her eyes. What do you want to name it?
UmwellMicahs a ni..nice name..Or if its a gi..girl, maybe Emma
aftermy grandmother.
I love them.
And I love you Jordan said with conviction.
I love you too my dear, Alison replied quietly.

There was a lingering pause; the only sounds that could be heard were
crying and Jordans heavy breathing.
Please stay with me Alison whispered.
Always. he replied before he started coughing again. I need you toOH MY GO-
Jordan? a desperate plea escaped her lips.
Jor-Jordan? The tears cascaded down Alisons face. Please please
answer me. Please, love
She looked up just as the North Tower plummeted to the ground in a
cloud of dust. A blood-curdling cry echoed throughout the diner.
Alison! What on earth is going on in here? Julia burst into the room.
Alison whats Julia looked up and saw the CNN broadcast. Oh no
She ran over to Alison and embraced her. Alison clung onto her as she
succumbed to a fresh wave of tears. She howled and wailed loudly, causing
others to come into the room. As soon as they saw the TV, the reruns of the
planes hitting the towers and of them falling out of the sky, they were frozen

where they stood. Julia turned to Kirk, the head chef and manager, She
needs to get out of here.
Kirk could only nod as Julia bustled Alison from the room.
As Julia led her to the door, Alison screamed, WHY! He promised hed
stay! He promised
I know dear. Lets get you home. Julia consoled.
They walked out into the dust filled pandemonium to the Eldridge
apartment across the street, to the place where they were going to raise a
family; to their home
It was just her home now.
2014 Lauren Bowman ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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