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Biology Common Mark Scheme Answers

Light hitting leaf is not used by chloroplasts

Due to reflection
Incorrect wavelength
It is transmitted, not hitting the chloroplasts

Structures in a chloroplast involved in light dependent reactions


Made of membranes
Arranged as stacks of grana
Contains chlorophyll

Oxygen from Light dependent reactions


Energy from light

Photolysis occurs
Of water
Produces oxygen

Energy from light is made available in ATP molecules for synthesis


Thylakoid membrane
In Granum
Electrons become excited due to increase in light energy/Photoexcitation
Electrons released from chlorophyll
Taken by an electron carrier
Series of redox reactions occurs
Photophosphorylation occurs
Synthesis of ATP from ADP + P
Electrons from photolysis replace those which have been lost

Role of microorganisms in the recycling of the carbon from these


Releases CO2 for photosynthesis
Methane is released in anaerobic respiration

Site of carbon fixation is the Stroma of a chloroplast

Carbon Fixation

Produces GP
GP is converted into starch
Faster carbon fixation means faster production of starch
Increased GPP of crop

Net primary productivity


Rate of production of energy incorporated into biomass

Losses in respiration in plants


Explain what is meant by the term NICHE:

Of an organism
It is predator controls prey population/it is prey provides food for other
Provides shelter for some animals

Global Warming

Less greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide & methane

Greenhouse gases cause greenhouse effect
Absorb/trap infrared radiation
Reflected from the earth
Decrease in greenhouse gases means decrease in greenhouse effect
Temp of earths surface is less likely to rise
Reduced climate change for example ice caps melting & crop failure

Reduction of fossil fuels will not prevent global warming


Carbon dioxide is produced when using fossil fuels

There is no evidence that CO2 causes global warming
CO2 is released by respiration & population is growing
Evidence from past is being used lacks temporal
Scientists may be bias in research

Changes for concentration in RuBP & GP


RuBP rises due to regeneration

Falls as being used to fix carbon dioxide

GP drops due to less Carbon dioxide to convert into GP

Reproductively isolated populations

No mating or reproduction
Due to geographical barrier
Different behaviours
Incompatible genitalia
Restricted gene flow

Genetic diversity in a species


Variety of alleles
In a gene pool

Two species from a single population


Original population spreading to a wider diversity of habitats

Mutations may occur
Reproductive isolation may occur
Restriction in gene flow between extremes in populations
Different environmental factors in each region
Plants adapt to the region
Change in allele frequency over time
Change in gene pool over time

Genetic Mutation

Change in nucleotides
Causing a change in the sequence of amino acids

Plants growth

Pioneer communities
Able to grow in little/no soil
Break up rock fragments to form thin soil
Plants with short roots can grow in thin soil
Soil structure changes allowing shrubs to grow
Competition could affect growth

Climax community

Both animals and plants have high biodiversity

Species can interact with each other

Balanced equilibrium of species

Stable without any human influence


Gel electrophoresis

Source of DNA sample, blood, saliva, semen

Small samples of DNA can be amplified by PCR
Restriction enzymes can be used to break down DNA
Stain the DNA fragments/samples
Show up as bars to compare
Number of bands that match indicate similarity of DNA

Estimate time of death


More than one species of insect present

Succession will have occurred
Life cycles of insects are known/used
This depends on the environmental temperature

Body temp.
Drop in body temp. is linked to time after death
Factors affect the temp. body size/clothing/environmental temp
Only useful for short period of time after death
State of decomposition

Body decomposes in a specific sequence with time

Factors affect decomposition environmental temp/wounds
Not useful if all body has decomposed

Factors that can influence the rate at which a body cools after death:
Body Mass

Primary Structure of a Protein


Sequence of bases determines the amino acid sequence

One triplet codes for an amino acid

DNA acts as a template
Transcription occurs
mRNA moves from nucleus to cytoplasm
Translation occurs
tRNA carries an amino acid
Peptide bonds form between amino acids
Primary structure is the sequence of the amino acids

Fibrous & Globular Proteins


Fibrous linear chains, Globular spherical

Globular are folded, Fibrous are not
Globular are soluble, Fibrous are not

- Pentose present in nucleotides
- Phosphodiester bonds
- Adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine

Polymer formed from a single strand of nucleotides


DNA strands unzip

One strand acts as a template
Complementary base pairing occurs
Hydrogen bonds form
DNA helicase


Anticodon attaches to the codon/triplet on mRNA

Peptide bonds are formed

No more than one tRNA at any one time

Peptidyl transferase used

DNA profiling

Assumes every individuals DNA is unique

apart from identical twins
DNA profiling analyses non-coding blocks
There is a large number of non-coding blocks

Many combinations at each locus


HYDROLYSIS - type of chemical reaction involved in the digestion of cellulose by
GLUCOSE - most likely product of the digestion of cellulose by the bacteria.
Chemical nature of cellulose

Unbranched chain
1-4 glycosidic bonds

Special adaptations for bacteria


Low pH / Oxygen
Acid destroys bacteria
Anaerobic respiration
Resistant to stomach enzymes

Effect of temp. on the rate of growth


Enzymes involved in growth

Molecules have more kinetic energy as temp. increases
Enzyme & substrates collide more & more enzyme substrate complexes are
Some enzymes denature
Rate of growth decreases as less enzyme molecules available

High light intensity investigation


Each temp. has same light intensity

Must be above the compensation point
Below which, no photosynthesis takes place
So temp. is the limiting factor not light

Non specific/Phagocytosis stages

Bacteria with antigens enter the blood

B cells produce antibodies which bind to antigens and label bacteria
Labelled bacteria attach to antibodies receptors on macrophage
Macrophage engulfs labelled bacteria by forming vacuoles
Enzymes is released into the vacuoles to destroy the bacteria

Specific response

Antigens are specific to each bacteria

Antibodies need to be complementary to antigens
So binding can take place
Antibodies already present from passive immunity/breast feeding

How organisms are taken up by macrophages


Bacterium recognises it as nonself

Phagocytosis occurs
Vacuole is formed

Advantage of using monoclonal antibodies, rather than polyclonal


specific antigen
specific monoclonal antibody
specific treatment can be given
more likely to be effective

Active immunity

Vaccine contains the antigen

Activates specific lymphocyte
B memory cells are produced
Body can produce specific antibody at a higher concentration



Distribute bacteria on plate of agar

Control of antibiotic conc.
Using aseptic techniques
Incubate at a suitable temperature
Measure inhibition
Repeat with same & different bacterium

Both Viruses and Bacteria are involved

Antibiotics only target bacteria
So other medication is needed for viruses
Reduction of antibiotics

Some bacteria can resist antibiotics

This can be passed on genetically

HIV Infection & CD4 Lymphocytes


Glycoprotein on virus
Binds with receptors
On membrane of lymphocytes
Viral RNA enters the lymphocytes
And is used to produce Viral DNA
Using reverse transcriptase
T killer cells destroy T helper cells

HIV enters through T cells and phagocytic cells


Binds to CD4 receptors

On cells
Fusion of virus with cell membrane
Phagocytosis macrophage

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