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Group 8

Problem statement:
Relatively low growth rate had yield to poor productivity in Agriculture sector. In
order to increase the quantity of crops, the growth rate can be improved through
the light intensity absorbed by a plant needed for photosynthesis. Light is an
important aspect for the growth of plant. However, not all the wavelengths of the
light spectrum is required by plants for growth. The red (640nm-680nm) and blue
(430nm-450nm) wavelength of the light spectrum are the required wavelengths
for plant growth (Kevin M. Folta and Stefanie A. Maruhnich, 2007). Generally, the
effects of green light oppose those directed by red and blue wavebands. This
review examines the literature where green light has been implicated in
physiological or developmental outcomes. Thus, to overcome the problem of
slowed growth rate an indoor plant artificial lighting system is to be designed
and constructed using Red and Blue LEDs such that it provides optimum
distribution of growth light to all parts of the plant to promote faster growth and
better crop yield. The system is to be designed to support the growth of the
radish plant (Raphanus sativus var. Saxa) that is easy to be grown and suitable
for the analysis of the system to be designed. The intensities received by the
plant will be monitored using LDR to ensure that the radish plant receives the
required optimum amount light for growth as well as the light intensities will be
controlled by the generations of PWM signal of varied duty cycles thus varying
the light intensities.

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