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write a DAl layer.

write a test for DAl layer

For a new table write a new test case
Query to retireve the data (ask paul)
Specify 271
select query whether DSSPTRM has new column in it
One for shipto
one for determine column
Ask the name of the IB program
If there is any earlier case where IB program is referred and where
Modifying Anticipate Dates
Connect to IP Program
DSSHIP Like DSPORT , can we know another table.
Send mail on what are the queries
DsShipTes.cs -> add new method which have a query returning data.
Right another test method with attribute test
Adding new method for testing your DB query
1. Retrieve data
2. Conenct to new IP program
3. What is the new column for DSSPTRM
Ask -> any other case or sample of IP Program

Familiar with RPG program to understand the communication link

Bridge the communication between Spice and IP

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