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As we all know, tortoises and turtles are both reptiles from the order of
Testudines, but they are in different classification families. But the major
differene between the two reptiles is that tortoises dwell on land, while
turtles live almost all the time in water. A characteristic that they both
have in common is that their bodies are shielded by shells, which are
composed by the upper part (caparace), and the lower part (plastron).
These two parts are attached by the bridge. The function of this shell is
that, even though the legs and head are not protected by it, the whole
body will never be totally detached from it. Both are reclusive and shy
from nature.
About the differences in habitat and reproduction, turtles live
most of the time in water, while tortoises live on land. Both lay eggs on
the ground. The mother always digs a burrow and lays between two and
twelve eggs there. The hatchlings stay inside the egg between 90 and
120 days incubating. Once the incubation process is complete, they dig
their way to the surface. Tortoise mothers provide protection to the
hatchlings for 80 days, but the turtle hatchlings are not given
About the differences in physical characteristics, a tortoise has a
dome-shaped shell and short, sturdy feet. Its legs are bent instead of
being straight. On the other hand, the turtle has a flat, streamlined shell
and limbs that are webbed and have long claws, which provide a good
grip upon floating logs and help the reptile climb onto riverbanks. Some
turtles have flippers.
About the differences in shell, the shell that covers the body of these
reptiles is very important as they give a fair idea of how do they live. As
turtles generally live in water, their shell is flat and streamlined to aid in
swimming and diving. About the tortoise, which lives on land, its shell is
rather large and dome-shaped to provide protection from predators.
About the differences in diet, most land-based tortoises are
herbivores while turtles can be both herbivores and carnivores.
About the difference in lifespan, tortoises can live about as long as
humans, around 60-80 years, but some have been known to live for
over 150 years. The longest verified tortoise life span was 188 years. On
the other hand, the common lifespan of a turtle is about 20-40 years,
and sea turtles age is between 60 and 70 years, with about 40 to 50
years of that required to reach maturity.

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