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In the English class we study the present simple, using the structure Subject + verb
to be + complement, for example:

I am Uriel.
I am a student.

I learned the present continous tense too, using the structure Subject + verb to be
+ verb in gerund (ing) + complement, for example:

Im doing my homework.
Theyre watching TV.

We learned about the countable and uncountable nouns that the first ones can be
counted and the las ones not, but you can use meisures to count the uncountable
nouns, for example:

Car - Cars
House - Houses
Room - Rooms
Coffee a cup of coffee
Milk A carton of milk

And there are irregular nouns:

Child Children
Men Man
Women - Woman

And we learned the articles an and a. They go before the nouns and you use a if
the sound of the noun is a consonant and you use an if the sound of the noun is a

A car I found a beautiful car in the street.

A house My brother has a big house
An apple I eat an apple.
An orange I drink an orange juice.

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