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1. Were there any changes to your original idea of the bullying project?

Yes, we did one change because at the beginning we were thinking, that in a sheet
of paper the kids of fourth grade need to write what they dont like other people tell
them and at the end they tell to their classmates what they dont like others tell
he/she, but then we change our idea to one more creative, we did it with second
grade they need to write what they dont like that other people tell them and at the
end with divide the kids in 3 groups Daniela was with one group, Isabella with other
and me with another group so in each group we discuss what they write and at the
end we paste the sheet of paper in a balloon with helium and the kids need to throw
2. What did you like the most about working with the group?
The things that I like the most in my group was that we understand each other very
well and we discuss the ideas and we take the final decision in the group if all of us
agree, also the creativity we have, I think that help us to do a better work and work
in team all the time because we can gather the ideas to have a good and creativity
3. What were the difficulties you encountered working with the group that was
assigned to you?
We dont have any difficulties because we discuss all the things to do our work in a
good way.
4. Do you believe the students got a nice message from you? why?
I think that yes because we make them feel better when they tell us that some girl or
boy tell that person he/she is fat so we tell them that just be who they want to be not
what others tell them, for example a boy go in front of the classroom and he tell that
other people tell him that his hair was ugly so we tell him that his hair is beautiful
that he think he look good just dont care what others tell him.
5. Do you believe in the message you try to give the students? or do say you agree but
you usually bully, insult and disrespect people often? give examples (Be honest with
your answer)
Im agree, I dont insult people in their faces but I tell to my friends that for example
one girl of our classroom smell so bad and that I think she doesnt wsh herself so in
her birthday we need to give her a deodorant, also I tell about another girl of the
classroom because she has to all men who are in love with her in his power and I

say this with other friends that she is bad person and a bitch because she's always
deluding everyone and wants to be with all at once.

6. If your previous answer was that you bother students, and sometimes are
disrespectful, give some examples, and reflect on whether you wish to continue
acting like this or not. If your answer was no, that you are a true promotor of peace,
empathy and sympathy, then give a message to those who think that bullying is a
"stupid" concept and they should keep on disrespecting people.
I all ready give examples so now I will reflect about it, no I will not act like this
because I think that person feels that we are talking bad of her and she can get
depressed and start feeling that he do all the things bad, I wanted wish not say bad
things about other people, because it can happened to me, I think I need to
apologize to that person, because she can feel better.
7. What do you think you learned from this activity?
I learn that even the small kids have a lot of problems with their classmates, and
also that the bullying is a big problem that can change the life of someone they can
even commit a suicide because of depression.
8. Would you do this activity again?
Yes, sure because if we do it again and again we can try to stop the problems of
9. How would you improve this activity? What can you do to improve the bullying
situation in this school? How could you reach the entire Gimnasio del Norte
Well I can improve it doing a lot of campaigns or activities to change the mind of
people, telling people to be more aware and not be silent when you see an act of
those, I can reach all the Gimnasio Del Norte doing a meeting with the entire school
and tell them about the bullying, and to say all the things they now about cases of
10. Provide a quote from a famous person that is related to bullying and explain why
you picked it. Then make your own quote and explain why you picked it.
(Remember that quotes have quotation marks and your name at the end.

In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends

Martin Luther King

I picked this quote of Martin Luther King because, the word your enemies tell you
obviously heart, but that your friend know what is happening to you and they dont
tell to other people is worst, because I think is better to talk not to being in silence.

Be who you want to be, not what others tell you to be Catalina Castiblanco c
I make this quote because you dont need to care what others tell you because you
can be a wonderful person and have beautiful personalities that anyones has.

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