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_____ Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2013 - Volume 14 - Issue 2______


Chirazi M. (Marin Chirazi)1
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iai, Romania, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Human Movement Science
The evolution of the sport undergoes, globally, more and more prominently, the requests of the media means.
We notice every year new modifications of the regulations of carrying out the competitions in different sport branches.
This fact is a necessity both to maintain and develop it, and also to stop some technical-tactics directions against the
practice principles.
This work wants to underline the way it was influenced the competition side, the technical practice and tactics
by methodical observation, as well as other aspects, such as: motive qualities required, priority muscle groups, number
of accidents, etc., by analysing the documents of planning the sportsmen training in judo.
The most significant influences have been noticed at the level of expressing the level of techniques of the
sportsmen, caused directly by the limitation of the number of technical procedures, as well as the decrease of the
number of errors of arbitration (according to the statements of the coaches interviewed), by the specification of the new
KEY WORDS: judo, spectacular character, mass media

The evolution of the sports undergoes, globally, more and more prominently, the requests of the
media means. Every year there are modifications of the regulations on how to carry out the competitions in
different sports [2, 3, 4, 5] The most recent modifications of the regulations in judo in 2013 can be
considered a real revolution, both from the perspective of the sports and the spectator [6].
The modifications of the regulations in judo in 2013 can be framed into two distinct directions:
- Fighters regarding the possibility to use some acts, actions and technical procedures;
Spectators facilitating the understanding of the fight by those who didnt practise or do
not practise judo.
Thus, it was eliminated a whole group of technical procedures (those who required grasping the
trousers), who were adopted in time by other fighting sports (sambo, different types of fights of some
Asian peoples) and that did not classify (always) in the initial principles to practise judo. Other
specifications refer to the way of contact with the opponent (actual hold), as well as how to interrupt this
The other direction, as it was mentioned, aimed to increase the level of understanding the
regulation by the spectators in order to attract a large number of people in the audience to competitions, as
well as to increase attractiveness and popularity of judo. One of the unknown to the viewer used to be the
conversion of penalties given to a fighter (for various reasons) in points for the other fighter! Thus, the
penalties cumulated cannot be transformed in points for the opponent, they are taken into consideration
when they didnt get points by the successful execution of some technical procedure of attack or defence, in
the fight standing or on the floor. Thus, a fighter who cumulated more penalties for various reasons and
succeeded in obtaining minimum number of points after the successful technical execution will be declared
winner! Until this modification of the regulation, the decision will be taken after the transformation of the
penalties and successful actions into points, and the decision was for those who had more points, regardless
of their source!
Based on the same idea, it was eliminated the situation to finalize equally a match, and the winner
would be chosen by the commission of arbitrators by the rule of majority.
This study started from the idea that even if the modifications of the regulation aimed, to a large
extent, the increase of the degree of understanding the fight by the audience will have a major impact on the
strategy of fight of each sportsman and, this, on the methodical strategies of training during trainings.
- Identify the main technical procedures used in the competitions of seniors in 2013;
- Quantitative analysis of the matches from the perspective of the used techniques;


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Qualitative analysis of the decisions of the winner;

Setting priorities in planning the sport training in judo.


In view of verifying the hypothesis and achieving the objectives set, it was used as methods of
research: the methodical and planned observation, and the questionnaire by means of the interview
technique. Thus, it was registered a number of 98 matches at medium categories (66Kg, 73kg, 81kg, 90kg
boys and 52kg, 57kg, 63Kg, 70kg feminine) for the final of the national championship of seniors that took
place in Brasov in the period 5-6 October in Brasov. At the same time, a number of 36 sportsmen and
trainers were interviewed about their opinion regarding the modifications to the regulation. They
participated to a non-formal interview, in way of an open discussion.
After the direct observation, it was recorded a number of 13 technical procedures in the fight
standing, with significant frequency (graphic 1). The procedures used in the fight on the floor
The procedures used in the fight on the floor were not taken into consideration because the
modifications to the regulation do not refer to this category of techniques. As it can be noticed in graphic
number 1, predominant are the procedures in the categories of throws above the shoulder (Nage Waza),
followed by the throws over the hips (especially Uchi Mata and Harai Goshi). Out of the total of those
approximately 830 executions, about 28% are leg techniques (Ashi Waza). This can be interpreted as an
element to make the fight more dynamic, following the exchange of the way to offer penalties that are given
too easily.

Graphic no. 1.
The percentage of the technical procedures at the National Championship of Seniors 2013
This specification had as a clear objective an increase of the fight dynamics, an increase of the
desire to win by obtaining the points directly. Also as a distinct element of this statistics is the very low
number of technical procedures of attack about 2%. This percentage confirms the previous statement,
concerning the fact that the sportsmen do not wait for the opponent to attack to execute a technique of
counter attack, but initiate techniques in view of success. The intention to increase the level of spectacular
character of the fight is also given by the large number of procedures finalized with throws over the
shoulders or throws over the hip. Another element studied was the ratio between the matches won by
penalties and those won by points obtained directly. Thus, among the 98 matches recorded, 21 were decided
at penalties and 77 by points obtained directly. On taking into account that the modifications of regulation
became valid this year, 38% of the penalties were given for penalties after some common techniques: the
execution of some forbidden techniques, maintaining or breaking the non-regulated hold (according to the
new provisions).
To underline the way of direct influence on the new modifications of regulation, the percentage of
technical procedures in graphic no. 2 are presented comparatively, the recording done by us at the national
championship of seniors of Romania in 2013 and that at the European championship of seniors in 2012 [1].


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Graphic no. 2
Dynamics of the technical procedures after the modifications of regulation
The analysis of the graphic (graphic no. 2) underlines the fact that the number of trials of procedures
in the leg technique (O uchi gari, Ko uci gari, De ashi barai) is superior. This fact can be interpreted also as
an increase of the number of technical combinations because the procedures in the leg technique represent,
in most cases, a preparing attack or even finalizing in a combination or a set of technical executions. Also, it
can be easily underline the fact that a part of the procedures is not executed anymore and namely those
where the arm acts under the level of the belt (Kata Guruma-wheel over the shoulder, Morote Gari-strike
with both arms).
After the discussions with the sportsmen and coaches, it resulted that the current regulation appeals
to the stimulation of the initiative in the outburst of the attack, simplifying the regulation of giving points,
simplifying the rules to name the winner (it is name the winner the person who got points after some points
giving). Another aspect underlined by the coaches and sportsmen is the decrease of the number of errors of
coaching by imposing the filming of the matches, even if on the mattress there is only one coach.
Even though from the statistic point of view the number of trials and finalizing is not that
spectacular, from direct observation it can be drawn the conclusion that all the points obtained were
gathered based on some fighting techniques easy to identify, clear executions, reason for which the fight has
become more spectacular and the dynamic increased a lot.
From the study done, resulted some directions of modification of the training planning both from
the perspective of the technical-tactic training, as well as the specific physical training.
Thus, from the perspective of the technical-tactic training, some clear provisions are imposed:
- Eliminating from the planning of teaching the techniques of throwing that require the arm under
the level of the belt (Kata Guruma-wheel over the shoulder, Te Guruma-throw with one arm,
Morote Gari), of some technical procedures with finalizing done by an arm on the opponents
leg, as well as some technical combinations with hook or grasp by hand;
- Eliminating some possibilities to break the opponents hold (break holds with both hands or by
hitting), which leads to applying an older principle in judo: the best hold is the one offered by
the opponent, it imposes acquiring technical procedures on both sides in view of executing them
during the matches;
- Modifying the fighting strategy on the margin of the mattress;


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Insisting on acquiring technical procedures in the leg technique as alternative to an efficient

attack or as part of some technical combination.
From the perspective of the specific physical training, the coaches must focus on:
- Developing the capacity of effort mainly anaerobic;
- Developing the speed of reaction;
- Developing the speed in regime of resistance;
- Developing the force at the level of the muscle of the scapular-humeral belt and the muscles of
the back.
[1] Bocioac L. Study on the development model of high performance judo competition. Analele Univ.
Dunrea de Jos din Galai - seciunea EFMS. 2013; (1): 27-32.
[2] Gheorghe V. Lascu M. Judo. Bucureti: Editura Sport Turism. 1996. Romanian
[3] Hantu I. Dezvoltarea calitilor matrice n judo. Bucureti: Ed. Sport-Turism. 1995. Romanian
[4] Hantu I. Manual de judo. Bucureti: Ed. Didactic i Pedagogic. 1996. Romanian
[5] Muraru A. Judo - Pregtirea Juniorilor. Bucureti: Editura Sport Turism. 1988. Romanian
[6] Romanian


Chirazi M. (Marin Chirazi)1
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iai, Romnia, Facultatea de Educaie Fizic i Sport - Centrul de
Cercetri Interdisciplinare n tiina Motricitii Umane
Evoluia sportului este supus la nivel global, din ce n ce mai pregnant, cerinelor mijloacelor mass-media.
An de an asistm la modificri ale regulamentelor de desfurare a competiiilor din diferite ramuri sportive. Acest
lucru este o necesitate att pentru meninerea i dezvoltarea acestuia dar i pentru stoparea unor direcii tehnico-tactice
care contravin principiilor de practicare.
Lucrarea i propune s scoat n eviden modul cum a fost nfluenat latura competiional, pregtirea
tehnic i tactic prin observaia metodic, precum i alte aspecte, cum ar fi: calitilor motrice solicitate, grupe
muscular prioritare, numrul de accidente etc., prin analiza documentelor de planificare a pregtirii sportivilor n judo.
Cele mai semnificative influene s-au constatat la nivelul exprimrii nivelului de tehnicitate a sportivilor,
cauzate n mod direct de limitarea numrului de procedee tehnice, precum i scderea numrului de greeli de arbitraj
(dup afirmaiile antrenorilor intervievai), prin prevderile noului regulament.
CUVINTE CHEIE: judo, spectaculozitate, mass media

Evoluia sportului este supus la nivel global, din ce n ce mai pregnant, cerinelor mijloacelor
mass-media. An de an asistm la modificri ale regulamentelor de desfurare a competiiilor din diferite
ramuri sportive [2, 3, 4, 5]. Cele mai recente modificri ale regulamentului din judo din anul 2013 pot fi
considerate ca o adevarata revoluie att din perspectiva sportivului dar i a spectatorului [6].
Modificrile regulamentului din judo din anul 2013 pot fi ncadrate n dou direcii distincte:
1. Spre combatani - cele care privesc posibilitatea de realizare a unor acte, aciuni i procedee
2. Spre spectatori - cele care faciliteaz nelegerea luptei de cei care nu au practicat sau nu practic
Astfel, s-a eliminat o ntreag grup de procedee tehnice (cele care necesitau priz de pantalon),
care de fapt au fost adoptate de-a lungul timpului din alte sporturi de lupt (sambo, diferite tipuri de lupte
ale unor popoare asiatice) i care nu se ncadrau (totdeauna) n principiile iniiale de practicare a judoului.


_____ Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2013 - Volume 14 - Issue 2______

Alte prevederi fac referire la modalitatea de a realiza contactul cu adversarul (priza efectiv) precum i cum
se poate ntrerupe acest contact.
Cealalalt direcie, aa cum s-a precizat, a vizat creterea nivelului de nelegere a regulamentului
de ctre spectatori n ideea atragerii unui numr ct mai mare la competiii ct i pentru creterea
atractivitii i popularizrii judoului. Una dintre necunoscutele spectatorului era convertirea penalizrilor
acordate unui combatant (din varii motive) n puncte pentru cellalt combatant! Astfel, penalizrile
acumulate nu mai pot fi transformate n puncte pentru adversar, ele sunt luate n consideraie atunci cnd nu
s-au realizat puncte prin execuia reuit a unui procedeu tehnic de atac sau de aprare, n lupta din picioare
sau n lupta la sol. Prin urmare, un combatant care a acumulat mai multe penalizri din diferite motiv dar a
reuit s obin un puncaj minim n urma reuitei unei execuii tehnice va fi declarat ctigtor! Pn la
aceast modificare a regulamentului decizia se lua n urma transformrii penalizrilor i aciunilor reuite n
puncte iar decizia era pentru cel care avea mai multe puncte indiferent de unde proveneau!
In aceeai idee a fost eliminat situaia de a se finaliza la egalitate un meci iar ctigtorul s fie
stabilit de comisia de arbitri prin regula majoritii.
Acest studiu a pornit de la ideea c chiar dac modificrile regulamentului au vizat, n cea mai
mare masur, creterea gradului de nelegere a luptei de ctre spectatori vor avea un impact major asupra
strategiei de lupt a fiecrui sportiv i, implicit asupra strategiilor metodice de pregtire n cadrul
- Identificarea principalelor procedee tehnice folosite n competiiile de seniori n anul 2013;
- Analiza cantitativ a meciurilor din perspectiva tehnicilor utilizate;
- Analiza calitativ a deciziilor de ctigtor;
- Stabilirea prioritilor n proiectarea i planificarea antrenamentului sportiv n judo.
n vederea verificrii ipotezei i a realizrii obiectivelor propuse s-au utilizat ca metode de
cercetare: observaia metodic i planificat i ancheta prin tehnica interviului. Astefel, au fost nregistrate
un numr de 98 de meciuri la categoriile medii (66Kg., 73kg., 81kg., 90kg. biei i 52kg., 57kg.., 63Kg.,
70kg. feminin) la finala campinatului naional de seniori desfurat la Braov n perioada 5-6 octombrie la
Braov. n acelai timp au fost intervievai un numr de 36 de sportivi i antrenori n legtura cu opinia lor
referitoare la modificrile intervenite n regulament. Acetia au participat la un interviu nonformal, sub
forma unei discuii libere.
n urma abservaiei directe au fost nregistrate un numr de 13 procedee tehnice din lupta n picioare
a cror frecven a fost semnificativ (graficul 1). Procedeele utilizate n lupta la sol nu au fost luate n
consideraie deoarece modificrile aduse regulamentului nu fac referiri la aceast categorie de tehnici. Dup
cum se observ din graficul nr. 1 predomin procedeele din categoria aruncrilor peste umr (Nage Waza)
urmate de aruncrile peste old (n special Uchi Mata i Harai Goshi). Din totalul celor aproximativ 830 de
execuii un numr aproximativ 28% l reprezint tehnicile de picior (Ashi Waza). Acest lucru poate fi
interpretat ca un element de dinamizare a luptei ca urmare a schimbrii modului de acordare a penalizrilor
care se acord foarte uor.


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Graficul nr. 1
Ponderea procedeelor tehnice la Campionatul Naional de Seniori 2013
Aceast prevedere a avut ca obiectiv clar o cretere a dinamicii luptei, o cretere a dorinei de a
ctiga prin obinerea punctelor n mod direct. Tot ca un element distinct al acestei statistici o reprezint
numrul foarte mic de procedee tehnice de contra atac aproximativ 2%. Acest procent confirm afirmaia
anterioar, referitoare la faptul c sportivii nu asteapt adversarul sa atace pentru a executa o tehnica de
contraatac ci iniiaz tehnici n vederea reuitei. Intenia de a crete nivelul de spectaculozitate a luptei este
dat i de numrul mare de procedee care se finalizeaz cu aruncri peste umr sau aruncri peste old. Un
alt element urmrit a fost raportul dintre meciurile ctigate prin penalizri i cele ctigate prin puncte
obinute direct. Astfel, din cele 98 de meciuri nregistrate 21 au fost decise la penalizri i 77 prin puncte
obinute direct. Avnd n vedere c modificrile de regulament au intrat n vigoare anul acesta 38% dintre
penalizri au fost acordate pentru penalizri ca urmare a unor obinuine tehnice: execuia unor tehnici
interzise, meninerea sau ruperea prizei neregulamentar (dup noile prevederi).
Pentru a scoate n eviden modul cum a influenat n mod direct noile modificri de regulament
ponderea procedeelor tehnice n graficul nr. 2 sunt prezentate comparativ nregistrarea realizat de noi la
campionatul naional de seniori al Romniei din 2013 i cea de la campionatul european de seniori din anul
2012 [1].

Graficul nr. 2
Dinamica procedeelor tehnice ca urmare a modificrilor de regulament
Analiza graficului (grafic nr. 2)scoate n eviden faptul c numrul ncercrilor procedeelor din
tehnica de picior (O uchi gari, Ko uci gari, De ashi barai) este superior. Acest lucru poate fi interpretat i ca
o cretere a numrului de combinaii tehnice deoarece procedeele din tehnica de picior reprezint, de cele


_____ Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2013 - Volume 14 - Issue 2______

mai multe ori, fie un atac pregtitor, fie chiar de finalizare ntr-o combinaie sau ntr-o suit de execuii
tehnice. De asemeni, se poate uor evidenia faptul c o parte dintre procedee nu se mai execut deloc i
anume a celor la care braul acioneaz sub nivelul centurii (Kata Guruma-roata peste umr, Morote Garisecerarea cu ambele brae).
n urma discuiilor cu sportivii i antrenorii a rezultat c actualul regulament face apel la stimularea
iniiativei n declanarea atacului, simplicarea regulamentului de acordare a punctelor, simplificarea
regulilor de desemnare a ctigtorului (este desemnat ctigtor cel care a obinut puncte n urma unui
punctaj). Un alt aspect evideniat de antrenori i sportivi este scderea numrului de greeli de arbitraj prin
impunerea filmrii meciurilor, chiar dac pe saltea este un singur arbitru.
Dei din punct de vedere statistic numrul de ncercri i finalizri nu este chiar att de spectaculos,
din observaia direct se poate concluziona faptul c toate punctele obinute s-au realizat pe baza unor
tehnici de lupt uor de identificat, a unor execuii clare, motiv pentru care lupta a devenit mai spectaculoas
i a crescut evident dinamica.
Din studiul efectuat au rezultat cteva direcii de modificare a programrii i planificrii
antrenamentului att din perspectiva pregtirii tehnico-tactice ct i a pregtirii fizice specifice.
Astfel, din perspectiva pregtirii tehnico-tactice se impun cteva prevederi clare:
- Eliminarea din programarea nvrii a tehnicilor de aruncare care necesit braul sub nivelul
centurii (Kata Guruma-roata peste umr, Te Guruma-aruncarea cu un bra, Morote Gari), a unor procedee
tehnice a cror finalizare se realiza cu ajutorul unui bra pe piciorul adversarului, a unor aciuni de evitare a
atacurilor adversarului cu ajutorul minii pe piciorul adversarului, precum i a unor combinaii tehnice a
cror desfurare prevedea o agare sau prindere cu mna;
- Eliminarea unor posibiliti de rupere a prizelor adversarului (rupere prizelor cu ambele mini sau
prin lovire), ceea ce conduce la aplicarea unui principiu mai vechi n judo: cea mai bun priz este cea cea
cre i-o ofer adversarul, acest lucru impune insuirea procedeelor tehnice pe ambele pri n vederea
execuiei lor n timpul meciurilor;
- Modificarea strategiei de lupt la marginea saltelei;
- Insistarea nsuirii procedeelor tehnice din tehnica de picior ca alternativ la un atac eficient sau
ca parte a unei combinaii tehnice.
Din perspectiva pregtirii fizice specifice antrenorii trebuie s se axeze pe:
- Dezvoltarea capacitii de efort predominant anaerob;
- Dezvoltarea vitezei de reacie;
- Dezvoltarea vitezei n regim de rezisten;
- Dezvoltarea forei la nivelul musculaturii centurii scapulo-humerale i a musculaturii spatelui.
[1] Bocioac L. Study on the development model of high performance judo competition. Analele Univ.
Dunrea de Jos din Galai - seciunea EFMS. 2013; (1): 27-32.
[2] Gheorghe V. Lascu M. Judo. Bucureti: Editura Sport Turism. 1996. Romanian
[3] Hantu I. Dezvoltarea calitilor matrice n judo. Bucureti: Ed. Sport-Turism. 1995. Romanian
[4] Hantu I. Manual de judo. Bucureti: Ed. Didactic i Pedagogic. 1996. Romanian
[5] Muraru A. Judo - Pregtirea Juniorilor. Bucureti: Editura Sport Turism. 1988. Romanian
[6] Romanian


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