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Poppe 1

Leah, Poppe
Ms. Meyer
English 1
7 February 2016

I am From Pictures

I am from pictures of my youth

Each telling a story, in their own way.
Backyard swing sets and picnics on the lawn.
I am from fairy tales and once upon a times,
with stories of love and adventure,
now replaced with bittersweet reality.
I am from journals with unwritten thoughts,
words from feelings long ago.

I am from white picket fence neighborhoods,

two houses, two homes.
I am from the charisma of my mother and the confidence of my father.

Poppe 2

Teaching me that life starts at the end of your comfort zone.

Words encouraging and intimidating,
nevertheless guiding me through life.

I am from my grandmothers records,

each holding onto a memory from years past.
I am from her stories and photo albums,
showing me that memories may fade but never disappear.

Poppe 2

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