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Time management is the potential to use time productively or effectively in
our life. Time management is a set of habit or learnable behaviour that
maybe acquired through increased knowledge, training or deliberate practice.
(Carolyn McCann and, 2012)
2.1Yes, I do believe time management skill is important for open and distance
learner to balance time for study, leisure, earning money and job hunting. To
understand and practice the attitude and abilities of time management
doesnt solve the persons problems but it helps them to achieve effective
solutions and results. (Alay and Koak, 2003). Timpe (1987) suggests that, the
effective use of time affects persons productivity and performance. (Yilmaz
et al, 2010). To manage time effectively we should set our priority and goals
to avoid us from being conflicted. Time management helps us to be more
organized as we plan our short term and long term activity. Being organized
prevents us from forgetting, doing mistakes and redoing our work or task. By
being organized, this way many problems and stress due to tight deadline
could be solved.
2.2Decrease in stress level, increases our productivity in doing a task assign to
us. Not only that being productive, gives us more opportunity to excel well
and improve our performance at work, home and in our education. By
managing our time efficiently we dont waste time on rework and tend to
have more time which allows us to allocate more time between our distance
education and our family.
3.0By managing time effectively as an adult learner, we are able to improve our
life from many aspects such as in work, education and family without
sacrificing too much and wasting time on unnecessary stuffs.

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