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Thomas Wellness Class Syllabus

Metro Early College High School


About Wellness:



There are two main branches of Wellness class: a fitness component and a health
component (mental health, nutrition, first aid, and infections/diseases). Both branches are
equally weighted. We will be using the typical classroom setting to obtain knowledge and
understanding and then implementing this knowledge through application using the
recreation facilities at OSU. We will be using Metro for the classroom setting and the
RPAC for everything physical.
The fitness component will consist of everything physical that will be covered in class.
Students will learn how to apply personal programming that is aimed at accomplishing
their personal goals.
The health component will consist of gaining an understanding of basic understanding of
mental health, nutrition, infections/diseases and first aid and how they relate to wellness.

Essential Understandings of this course:

The human body: anatomy, and mechanics

Program design
Nutrition/ Sugar/ Food Labels
Mental Health
First Aid
Drugs and Alcohol

Wellness is a graded course:

Students will earn a letter grade at the end of the semester. We will be following the 90-100%=A, 8089%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%,=D, & <60%=WIP grading scale. Mastery is not required but is inevitable
to be successful in this class and successful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
You must accomplish or show evidence with a successful plan to accomplish your personal goals if you
want to earn an A in this course.
Assignment Due Dates: Assignments are due on the dates posted on BlueQuill or provided by the
teacher. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK DUE DATES. Late work is not acceptable,
especially since we have access to the Internet at all times. The ONLY time lateness is excused is if the
infrastructure network is down. My computer wasnt working is not a valid excuse. Show this to
your parent so they know ahead of time. Students must plan ahead!
Every day an assignment is late, it loses 25% of its value. An assignment that is done at 100% and
turned in one day late is then worth 75%. You cannot receive credit for an assignment turned in after 4

BlueQuill, PowerSchool and Metro Email:

Students will use their laptop's, e-mail accounts, PowerSchool and the class's BlueQuill website
REGULARLY as this course is HEAVILY integrated with technology. Furthermore, ALL required
assignments and graded material will be uploaded and saved to a personal electronic file with Mr.
Class schedule and assessments will be updated on BlueQuill regularly, please follow closely for
Students should create a folder on their desktop labeled Wellness. All work will be organized into this
folder. Please create this folder immediately!

Class Schedule:
We will be holding class at the RPAC the majority of the time. Each 90-minute class at the RPAC is
broken down into 3 segments.

Travel using the CABS bus system, arrival, changing into proper athletic attire (if
necessary) using the designated locker rooms and check-in with Mr. Thomas.
Exercise/workout session (55-60 minutes).
Shower/dress, checkout and travel using the CABS bus system.

We will also be holding class at Metro. This class will start promptly at the designated class start times.
YOU ARE EXPECTED TO ARRIVE IN ALL LOCATIONS ON TIME. Not arriving on time will result in
points being deducted from your class grade due to the fact that you are not able to fully participate in
A typical week may look like this:
Monday-RPAC, Tuesday-Metro, Wednesday-RPAC, Thursday-Metro, Friday-RPAC

RPAC Rules:

Do not share your RPAC pass. Absolutely zero exceptions! Loss of RPAC pass and dismissal
from Wellness class may be the result.
Do not use anything or act in a manner that will cause harm to you or others.
Do not conduct yourself in a manner that will get you removed from the RPAC and jeopardize
our class and future classes from using the facilities.
Conduct yourself as a responsible college student while at the RPAC, not as a high school
Apply proper exercise/weight room etiquette at all times. BE RESPECTFUL at all times!
Traveling to the RPAC is a very independent task and you must be able to monitor your time in
order to earn full credit. If you have yet to take an OSU course, Wellness can be a great tool and
barometer to determine if you will be successful (or what you need to work on) in OSU classes away
from Metro. If you want to take OSU classes, look to see how you handled the Wellness schedule.
This will give you an idea of how well you can do on a college campus. I will also communicate my
opinions to your advisory teachers when it is time for you to gateway.

RPAC Dress Code:

Students are required to dress properly when we go to the RPAC. Proper attire would include the

T-shirt or athletic shirt, muscle shirts are prohibited.

Athletic shorts.
Athletic shoes, tennis shoes, gym shoes, etc. Skateboarding shoes are prohibited.
Long hair must be put up in a ponytail, use a headband or wear a hat.
Jewelry is prohibited, except watches and studded earrings.

RPAC Attendance/Participation Policy:

If you are well enough to come to Metro/OSU you MUST come to the RPAC. No Excuses. I am
accountable for you and if you are in attendance at Metro/OSU, then you must be in class.
Everyday at the RPAC is assigned a grade value of 15 points. If you follow the rules at the RPAC and
complete your program you will receive full credit. Compliance/overlooking of the following rules will
result in points received/points lost:
1. Check in with me when you arrive at the RPAC.
2. Arriving on time.
3. Following the wellness dress code.
4. Following all rules while at the RPAC.
5. Completing your workout program with proper intensity. Check with me for completion
before showering/changing.
6. Showering and leaving the RPAC on time. Showering early or leaving early will result in
point deductions.
7. Check out with me before you leave the RPAC.
Not arriving on time will result in points being deducted from your class grade.

RPAC Absence Policy:

All absences are either labeled excused or unexcused. All absences from the RPAC must be made up. An
excused absence can earn back all 15 points for that day. An unexcused absence can earn back only 10
points for that day. An excused absence is notifying Mr. Thomas or Metro prior to missing that RPAC
day, ex. Dr. Appointment or illness. An unexcused absence is not notifying Mr. Thomas or Metro prior
to missing that RPAC day, or not being prepared for class (no workout clothes).
If you develop a habit of missing RPAC days or coming without appropriate workout clothes, Mr.
Thomas reserves the right to assign office hours and/or twilight school.
Office Hours this semester: At the RPAC, Tuesday mornings from 6:15-8:00am.

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