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Legends of the Nayanmars

So, he renounced the human world by his unique Yogic prowess

and attained Lord Shivas holy feet.
In the coastal town of Karaikkal in Tamilnadu, there was a
wealthy trader named Danadattan. After some years of married
life, his wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her
Punithavathiyar. She was raised in the lap of luxury. The girl
grew up to be a staunch Shiva devotee and spent her time praying
to Lord Shiva.
When she attained marriageable age, her father got an
alliance from another trader named Nidhipathi for his son,
Paramadattan. As both the parties liked each other, the wedding
took place with great splendor. As Danadattanar couldnt bear
to live far away from his dear child, he made arrangements for
his son-in-law to set up a business in Karaikkal itself.
The newlyweds settled to a peaceful life in Karaikkal.
Punithavathiyar, like a virtuous wife, looked after her husbands
needs and kept her family happy. She also continued her daily
worship of Lord Shiva and her pure devotion grew exponentially
with passing days.
One day, Paramadattan, got a pair of mangoes as gift from
a fellow trader. He sent them home through his servant,
conveying the message to his wife that the mangoes are to be
served in his lunch. Punithavathiyar received them and went
about with her domestic duties. Later, a Shiva devotee
approached her for alms. On seeing the Shiva devotee, she
treated him with the greatest reverence and served him the lunch
she had prepared and later gave one of the mangoes her husband
had sent. The devotee ate his fill, blessed the young wife and

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