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Leon Petrulio

Ms. Miskinis
CP American Literature
12 May 2016
The photographer responsible for taking this moving picture of an Afghan Arab coal
miner laughing, is none other than Seamus Murphy. This picture was taken in the Takhar
province of Afghanistan, in 2004. The audience is anyone who wants to become uplifted,
because thats what this picture seems to do. The purpose of the picture is to show that even in
the worst of scenarios, you can still choose to be happy. The subject of the piece is, as
previously stated, an Afghan Arab coal miner.
The ethos of Seamus Murphy isnt very clear, as he isnt a particularly popular
photographer. Although, this isnt an issue, as a picture is a picture, and its quite real, it doesnt
matter who took it. Im also sure that Seamus is a pretty normal person, but he tends to take
pictures of places that are in some sort of crisis. The pathos of the painting is hopeful, happy,
and uplifting. When you see someone who is happy, even though there situation may say
otherwise, you can only be more positive, and perhaps rethink your own situation. There are
some logos present in the photograph. There arent many logos present in the photograph other
than the fact that coal mining is a pretty common job among Afghan men.
This photograph has a very strong connection to my position statement. In my position
statement, it states that happiness cannot be chased or even found in materialistic things, but
rather can only be found within yourself and nowhere else. It also claims the only way you can
be truly happy is if you accept your situation and make the most out of it and not let it bring you

down. This picture cannot be a more accurate representation of my position statement. Even
though the person shown in the picture, probably doesnt have that much to be happy about, as
he is a coal miner in Afghanistan that seems to not have that much money at all. Even though his
circumstances may seem bad, the picture shows him laughing, happy, and enjoying himself, even
though he may not have the best scenario, he doesnt let that bring him down, and instead he
chooses to be happy. This photograph strongly supports my position statement.

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