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ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and


Problems in the On-demand Irrigation Networks Design

Moreno M. A.
Planells P.
Ortega J. F.
Tarjuelo J. M.
Condensed abstract: Several models for obtaining the design flow in on-demand irrigation networks have been
developed, being Clments methodology the most commonly used. This methodology has been compared with
data measured in on-demand networks by different authors, concluding that the methodology proposed by Clment, does not fit properly. For this reason, a new methodology is proposed in this paper, so the design flow can
be obtained. This, has been compared with data measured at the irrigated area of Tarazona de La Mancha
(Albacete). The results show that Clments method does not fit as well as the method proposed, when they are
compared with measured data.
Key words: on-demand irrigation network, flow, Clment, model, random, probability


In the design phase of on-demand irrigation networks, one of the main steps is the flow calculation in each line
(LABYE et al. 1988). Such discharges strongly vary over time depending on: the cropping pattern, crops growth,
meteorological conditions, on-farm irrigation efficiency and farmers behaviour (LAMADDALENA 1997). Besides,
some periods all through the day can be established in which a higher discharge is demanded due to the lower
energy cost, networks management, farmers behaviour, etc. (PULIDO et al. 1998, RECA et al. 1999).
Several methodologies have been developed in order to obtain the design flow in each pipe of the network
and several studies have been performed to validate those methodologies. The proposed methodologies can be
divided into empiric methodologies (US BUREAU OF RECLAMATION 1967), statistics methodologies (CLMENT
1966, MAIDMENT et al. 1983, MAVROPOULUS et al. 1997) and methodologies based on a random hydrant opening (PEREIRA et al. 1994, TEXEIRA et al. 1996, LAMADDALENA 1997, LAMADDALENA & SAGARDOY 2000,
ALIOD et al. 1997, PLANELLS et al. 2001, CALEJO 2003).
For all the methodologies, when obtaining the design flow the Operation Quality (OQ) has to be applied
2001, ABADA 2003). This is the value, expressed as a percentage, of the statistical probability that the flows,
during the peak consumption period, are smaller to the ones designed (GRANADOS 1990). Such a value is fixed
by the technician, by considering the security level of the network that had been planned and trying to avoid its
over sizing.
The aim of this paper is to propose and analyse two new methodologies for calculating the design flow in ondemand irrigation networks, based on a random assignation of the crop (depending on the cropping pattern) and
on a random opening of the hydrant. A determination of the model which allows to obtain the most similar results to those measured on the network of Sector I in Tarazona de La Mancha, will be carried out.


2.1 The case study

In order to conduct this study, two on-demand irrigation networks have been analysed (Sector I and Sector II),
which are part of the Sociedad Agraria de Transformacin SOciedad de REgantes de TArazona (SAT
SORETA), located in Tarazona de La Mancha (Albacete). Sector I irrigates 550.2 ha and Sector II 494.1 ha.
Water is obtained by means of 8 wells, from the Hydrogeologic Unit 08.29, located in the Jcar basin. Water
extracted is conveyed to two independents reservoirs of 23,000 m3 for Sector I and 48,000 m3 for Sector II. From
the reservoirs, water is pumped to the irrigation network through two pumping stations composed by 10 pumps
of 140 HP in Sector I (one of them as an active reserve) and by 9 pumps in Sector II (all of them operatives). The
demanded discharge is supplied to the network at a head of 62 m (manometric regulation). Two speed variators
and electronic starters in the rest of pumps are used, all of them commanded by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
The irrigation network is composed of asbestos cement pipelines (those with the bigger diameters (400600 mm)) and PVC pipelines. Moreover, each plot has its own hydrant (389 hydrants in Sector I and 283 in

ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland

Sector II). The hydrant diameter depends on the plot size and the number of sectors in which the plot is divided.
All hydrants are controlled using an automatic system, which allows to centrally managing the irrigation network. The automation system consists of a central computer connected to 14 units, which control the remote
terminal units (RTU). There is an RTU for each hydrant and all of them are ring connected through a single
Although permanent sprinkler irrigation is the system of irrigation most commonly used, it has to be mentioned that both solid set and drip irrigation systems are also used (less than 5 %).
The following data have been measured in the on-demand irrigation networks: A) Discharge and pressure
data at the hydrant level. Discharge data have been measured using the automation system, which gives the
measure of the hydraulic valve flowmeter. Besides, pressure data have been determined by selecting 21 strategic
points distributed along the two irrigation networks, where a pressure transducer with a datalogger has been
installed. The pumping station operation has been fixed by measuring both the discharge at each pump with an
ultrasound flowmeter and the pressure with a pressure transducer. B) Electrical data. Current and voltage have
been measured in order to obtain power, and the power factor and the harmonics have been estimated to determine electrical quality. These data have been obtained by means of two portable supply network analysers,
placed at the entrance of each variable frequency drive in Sector I, and a set network analyser, located just after
the low voltage switch, which allowed all the pumping station electrical parameters to be measured.
Discharge and pressure data at the hydrant level were assessed over three irrigation seasons (2002 2004),
while pumping station data could only be measured in Sector I during 2004. Due to some problems with the
automaton system, both Sector II and the 2002 irrigation season, have not been included in this study.
2.2 Cropping pattern and irrigation parameters
All the methodologies that calculate the design flow in on-demand irrigation networks take into account the
cropping pattern and the main irrigation parameters such as Operation Time (OT), Irrigation Set Time, Irrigation
Interval and number of sectors in which the plot is divided. The hydrant discharge is also calculated considering
those irrigation parameters.
This study analyses the irrigation parameters and the cropping pattern of two irrigation seasons (2003 and
2004) and compares the different methodologies considering the same initial data.
The design flow is calculated for the peak period, i. e. when there is a higher probability of hydrant opening
(p). Daily volume supplied to crops is measured so the peak period can be estimated. For each week an average
daily volume is obtained, and the one with a higher value has been labelled as the peak period (LAMADDALENA
& SAGARDOY 2000, POCH et al. 2000, PULIDO et al. 2003, MONSERRAT et al. 2004).
2.3 Clment methodology evaluation
In order to evaluate the first Clments method, both the initial hypothesis and the design flow are analysed
through the measurement of the head discharge in the network. The initial hypothesis in which Clement methodology is based on are: (1) the flow in a pipe fits to a binomial distribution and to a Normal distribution if the
number of hydrants downstream is big enough, (2) p is the same for all the days and hours of the peak period.
The first hypothesis has been tested with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, (p-value limit 0.05) and the second
hypothesis with Least Significant Difference (LSD) graphs.
Clments methodology makes use of the average water requirements in the cropping pattern, in order to obtain the design flow. In those lines, with a few number of hydrants downstream, there is a high probability of
crops with high water requirements accumulation. This causes an underestimation of the design flow in such
lines. In order to solve this problem a crop random assignation for each hydrant is proposed.
2.4 Crop Random Allocation to hydrants
Most of the methodologies for calculating the design flow in on-demand networks take into account the irrigation season peak period that varies with the cropping pattern of the area irrigated. Traditional methodologies use
the average value of the cropping pattern irrigation parameters in order to estimate the average probability of
hydrant opening. In this study, an alternative methodology based on a random assignation of the crop to each
hydrant is developed. Once crops are assigned to each plot, it is contrasted that the cropping patter obtained fits
on the cropping pattern initially proposed. Otherwise the crop scenario is rejected.
The following steps have to be followed so this methodology can be applied.

ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland

2.4.1 Initial data

This methodology requires the following initial data:
- Daily crop water requirements in the peak period, in order to determine irrigation set time considering
the rainfall.
- Cropping pattern, obtaining the probability that a crop is established in each plot.
- Plot area and crop water requirements, which help to determine the daily supply volume.
- Maximum failure percentage in order to determine the goodness of the generated scenario.
2.4.2 Crop Random Allocation to each plot
Considering the percentage of each crop on the cropping pattern (A, B, C, ), a methodology based on the crop
random assignation to each plot can be developed, through the random generation of a number between 0 and
100. Once a random number is generated for each hydrant, this is related to a crop through a conditional formulation, assigning a probability interval to each crop (Table 1).
Table 1. Probability interval calculation depending on the proposed cropping pattern
Probability interval

Crop A

Crop B

Crop C

Crop D


Therefore, if the generated number is:

- Equal or lower than A, the assigned crop will be A.
- Between A and A+B, the assigned crop will be B.
- Between A+B and A+B+C, the assigned crop will be C
- Between A+B+C and A+B+C+D, the assigned crop will be D.
If there is a plot with a prefixed crop or with no crop, this could be established as a condition.
2.4.3 Goodness of the generated cropping pattern scenario
When the crop random allocation is implemented to each plot, results that do not fit to the cropping pattern,
established as initial data, can be obtained. Those scenarios have to be eliminated, so a double filter that allows a
maximum difference in the percentage of each crop with the initial cropping pattern and a maximum difference
in the daily supply water volume, is established.
The first filter is applied calculating the area that each crop has in the scenario, and comparing it with the
area that should have when considering the cropping pattern. If the difference is higher than the maximum established (5 %), the scenario is rejected.
The second filter takes into account the daily water volume. This depends on both the area and the water each
crop requires. Then, total water volume of the scenario is compared with the one required by the cropping pattern, establishing 5 % as the maximum difference.
2.5 Proposed methodologies for calculating the design flow
Once Clments methodology is evaluated, two alternative methodologies are proposed for obtaining the design
flow. The first one is based on the probability of the opening of the hydrant (p) (Random Opening Hydrant
methodology), and the second one, on the random daily demand curves (Random Daily Demand Curves methodology).
2.5.1 Random Opening Hydrant methodology (ROH)
This model takes into account the crop irrigation parameters of each plot. Therefore, p can be calculated (equation (1)) using the irrigation parameters related to the peak period.
Ns tr
where Ns = number of irrigation subunit per plot; tr = irrigation set time; OT = Operation Time; and IR = irrigation interval.

ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland

p depends on each plot crop because during the peak period, different irrigation set times and intervals are applied to each crop. This parameters are conditioned by water crop requirements and the hydrant discharge. This
probability is always lower than 1.
The calculation process is based on the random generation of a number between 0 and 1. If the generated
number is lower than p, the model considers that the hydrant is opened, otherwise it considers that is closed. The
sum of opened hydrant discharges downstream of the studied line is its flow.
Once enough number of scenarios are generated, several flows are obtained in each line. The study of the fitting to a Normal distribution of those flows is carried out. Therefore, a design flow related to an Operation Quality (OQ) is obtained through the following equation:
Qd = + U
where = population mean; U = standard normal variable corresponding to the OQ probability; and = standard
Table 2. Standard normal variable corresponding to the OQ probability












If the p evolution is known, the design flow can be established when p is higher. Then the probability should be
corrected through the application of a correcting factor that makes it bigger. Other authors, such as RECA et al.
(2000), consider variable probabilities for each hour of the day and each day of the irrigation season. This allows
them to determine how the flow evolves in the lines.
Other authors such as RECA et al. (2000) consider variable probabilities for each hour of day, for each fifteen
days of the irrigation season in order to determine the evolution of the flow in the lines.
2.5.2 Random Daily Demand Curves (RDDC) methodology
With this model the design flow is obtained through the calculation of the Random Daily Demand Curves.
First of all, the daily probability of the hydrant opening (pd) is established. This depends on whether the time
the plot is irrigated is higher than the Operation Time (OT) or not. If it is higher, the farmer is considered to use a
full OT one day and, the following day, the rest will be irrigated. Then, pd is determined from (equation (3)):
Necessary days to irrigate the plot
pd =
If the plot cannot be irrigated in just a day, there will be different irrigation set times depending on the day irrigation takes place. In this methodology, the irrigation day is randomly chosen, by taking into account the irrigation
Once both the opened hydrant in a day and the irrigation set time of each opened hydrant are determined, the
moment of the day in which the hydrant is opened is randomly assigned from the starting to the final time of the
OT, minus the irrigation set time. In order to do so, the OT is divided into intervals in which the hydrant opening
can occur with the same probability. These can be long or short periods of time, and allow obtaining the RDDC
with different standard deviation, depending on the interval length. Those differences are caused by the higher
probability of demand accumulation when intervals are long. Clments methodology considers a situation in
which the intervals length is equal to the average irrigation set time, whenever intervals are long. In the proposed
methodology, the OT has been divided into time intervals of 15 minutes.
If the opened hydrant is added for each interval discharge, the flow in each line and period the OT has been
divided into, can be obtained (Figure 1). In this way, the RDDC are generated.




Figure 1. Random Daily Demand Curve generation

ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland

If a large number of those curves is generated, the maximum flows curve is obtained joining the points of maximum flow of each interval (Figure 2).

Curve 96 %
Q max



Figure 2. Random Daily Demand Curves and maximum flow curve generation
This curve determines the maximum flow demanded by the network. This flow is always lower than the flow
obtained when all hydrants are opened simultaneously. The network does not frequently demand such a maximum flow. Therefore, an OQ can be applied, obtaining a flow lower than the maximum, by taking into account a
maximum percentage of failure. In order to determine the design flow, the generated flow distribution is considered to fit a Normal distribution, for each one of the intervals in which the OT has been divided. Similarly to
Clments methodology, the OQ can be applied (equation (2)) (96 % in this case) for each interval, obtaining a
curve that involves 96 % of the generated flows. The maximum flow determined with this curve will be the design flow.
2.6 Methodologies comparison
In order to establish which is the best methodology for predicting flows, results obtained with the different
methodologies and measured data have been contrasted. In this case, two irrigation seasons were taken into account (2003 and 2004). Initial data were the same for all the methodologies used, being the hydrant discharge
and the opening hydrant probability (estimated through the irrigation set time and the irrigation period of each
crop), established for each plot. Thus, all hydrants will have their own probability, depending on the crop of each
plot. In this study, such a comparison has been carried out in Sector I.


3.1 Cropping pattern and measured irrigation parameters

The cropping pattern for the two studied irrigation seasons can be observed in Figure 3.








Do not





% area occupied by crop


Figure 3. Cropping pattern for the irrigation seasons 2003 and 2004
The most important measured irrigation parameters are:
- Operation Time (OT). Although farmers can irrigate for the whole day (potential OT = 24 h) in Tarazona de La Mancha, in practice the energy cost defines the applied OT. Therefore, the management of

ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland

the SAT charges a double price for water between 9 h and 19 h, so the applied OT is 14 h. Over both
weekends and bank holidays, water is cheaper all day.
Hydrant discharge. Although pressure at the hydrant level is very constant, the hydrant discharge can
vary due to the different size of the sector in which the plot is divided, the irrigation system design, etc.
However, this kind of variations is not too important.

The irrigation parameters related to each crop are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3. Irrigation parameters by crop for the peak period of the irrigation seasons 2003 and 2004
Irrigation Interval (Days)

Irrigation Set Time (h)

Crop Corn Onion Alfalfa Vineyard Corn Onion Alfalfa Vineyard



3.2 Peak period

The average daily volume obtained for each week is shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Average daily volume of Sector I for 2003 and 2004 irrigation season




07/07/03 to 13/07/03


12/07/04 to 18/07/04


14/07/03 to 20/07/03


19/07/04 to 25/07/04


21/07/03 to 27/07/03


26/07/04 to 01/08/04


28/07/03 to 03/08/03


02/08/04 to 08/08/04


04/08/03 to 10/08/03


09/08/04 to 15/08/04


11/08/03 to 17/08/03


16/08/04 to 22/08/04


18/08/03 to 24/08/03


23/08/04 to 29/08/04


The peak period for the 2003 irrigation season includes from July 14th to July 20th and from July 12sd to July 18th
for the 2004 season. They both correspond with the third week of July.
3.3 Initial contrast of Clments hypothesis
In order to evaluate Clments methodology, the initial hypothesis in which it is based on, is contrasted with
measured data.
3.3.1 Normal distribution fitting
It cannot be assumed that the head discharge fits a Normal distribution on each irrigation season peak period,
because once the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied, the p-value produced was lower than 0.05. The head
discharge distribution and its contrast with a Normal distribution is shown in Figure 4.
14-18 July 2003




12-16 July 2004




Q (l/s)





-100 100



Q (l/s)


900 1100

Figure 4. Flow distribution fitting to a Normal distribution for 2003 and 2004 irrigation season peak periods

ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland

The fitting to different distributions are included in Table 5 by means of the p-value obtained.
Table 5. p-value for different statistic distributions for both experimental years

2,21 10-11

1,05 10-8

3,4 10-4

1,99 10-5
3,25 10-8

The head discharge distribution does not fit any statistical distribution because the p-value is, in all the cases,
lower than 0.05. Nevertheless, a better fitting to a Gamma distribution for 2003 and to a Weibull distribution for
2004 is observed. The better fitting to a Weibull distribution of the head discharge in on-demand irrigation networks had already been concluded by several authors (MAVROPOULUS et al. 1997, CAMACHO et al. 1998,
RODRGUEZ et al. 2001, MONSERRAT et al. 2004). They state that this is right when the number of hydrants
downstream is large enough. MONSERRAT et al. (2004) and RODRIGUEZ et al. (2001) concluded that such data
better fitted to a Gamma distribution.
3.3.2 Daily and hourly opening hydrant probability
The calculated ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA) p-value for the daily hydrant opening is lower than 0.05, so it
can be concluded that there are significant differences between the peak period days for each irrigation season.
This is shown in Figure 5 and 6, in which the LSD intervals are represented.

Medias y 95,0 Porcentajes Intervalos LSD










Figure 5. LSD Intervals when hydrants are opened, for each day of the peak period (2003 irrigation season)

Medias y 95,0 Porcentajes Intervalos LSD










Figure 6. LSD Intervals when hydrants are opened, for each day of the peak period (2004 irrigation season)
This is due to different factors, such as the irrigation interval being 3-4 days, what can cause an accumulation in
certain days of the week. In Figures X and X can be observed that the higher accumulation of opened hydrant is
on Wednesday. This is due to the fact that farmers normally irrigate over the weekend and if the irrigation interval is 3-4 days, the following application of water is done on Wednesday or Thursday.
The output of the ANOVA analysis conducted for the hourly opening hydrant, shows a p-value lower than
0.05. Therefore, there are significant differences between the hours of the day. In Figures 7 and 8 the LSD intervals for the peak period of each irrigation season are shown.

ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland

Medias y 95,0 Porcentajes Intervalos LSD



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 21 22 23

Figure 7. LSD Intervals when hydrants are opened, for each hour of the peak period (2003 irrigation season)

Medias y 95,0 Porcentajes Intervalos LSD



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 21 22 23

Figure 8. LSD Intervals when hydrants are opened, for each hour of the peak period (2004 irrigation season)
In the above Figures can be appreciated how opened hydrants are especially accumulated at 5-7 A.M. and at the
end of the afternoon (21-22 h). This is due to the fact that farmers want to be present when the application of
water starts and/or finishes, or even during the whole period. Other authors state that this can be explained by the
differences in the cost of energy (PULIDO et al. 1998, RECA et al. 1999). In this last case, there are also differences when the price of water is the same.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the initial hypothesis Clments methodology is based on, can be rejected.
3.4 Random Daily Demand Curves results
The results obtained when the RDDC is applied, are shown in Figure 9 for the 2003 and 2004 irrigation seasons.
In this Figure both the maximum flows curve and the curve associated to an OQ of 96 % can be seen.

Q (l/s)

Qmax 2003

Qdesign 2003

Qmax 2004

Qdesign 2004




OT (h)

Figure 9. Envelope of the daily demand curves for the 2003 and 2004 seasons

ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland

The flow distribution in each of the intervals in which the OT has been divided, does not fit a Normal distribution (p-value lower than 0.05) because the flow population is too large, so the test is not significant (PARDO &
RUIZ 2002). To solve this, Figure 10 shows an example of flow distribution for an interval, being the Normal
distribution fitting, visually contrasted. As it can be appreciated, it fits well a Normal ditribution.


(X 1000)







Q (l/s)
Figure 10. 2004 maximum flow distribution
The result of applying this methodology with an OQ of 96 % is 811 l/s and 997 l/s for 2003 and 2004 cropping
pattern, respectively.
3.5 Contrast of the different methodologies with the measured data
The output of applying the abovementioned methodologies to the same initial data, is shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Design flows (l/s) estimated according to different methodologies for Sector I during 2003 and 2004



Q as the sum of
hydrant discharge

Distribution efficiency (%)

Q head

Qhead 2003 (l/s)







Qhead 2004 (l/s)







The same result is obtained with both Clments and the Random Opening Hydrant methods because the two of
them are based on the same concept of probability (equation (1)). Therefore, it can be concluded that when considering the p-value, the design flow is underestimated.
The design flows obtained for the 2003 and 2004 irrigation seasons, by means of the RDDC methodology are
greater than the ones obtained with the rest of the methodologies considered (35.1 % and 41.5 %, respectively).
The efficiency distribution was measured comparing the result of the sum of hydrant discharges and the head
discharge, being in this case 85.6 %. Taking this into account and calculating the flow as a sum of the hydrant
discharge, measured data and data obtained with the RDDC methodology, are very similar for the 2003 irrigation
season. Nonetheless, the result obtained with the RDDC is much higher than measured data in the 2004 irrigation
season. This is due to the fact that the cropping pattern in 2004 was more restrictive so the design flow was
higher. It has to be pointed out that the measured flow is limited to 850-900 l/s (value that depends on the joint
loss), by the pumping station.
The results obtained by other authors do not show such big differences as the ones found in this network.
MORA et al. (2000), ABADIA (2003) and MONSERRAT et al. (2004) found an underestimation of 5-10 % in other
irrigation networks in Spain. Those differences can be due to the placement of the irrigation network (Zaragoza
and Lrida regions are not as arid as Albacete) or to the fact that water is distributed to drip-irrigated plots. In
such networks, flows are not as variable as they are in networks where water is distributed to sprinkler-irrigated
LAMADDALENA & SAGARDOY (2000) adjust measured data to the results obtained with Clments method,
using network efficiency (i. e., the relation between OT and the 24 hours of the day) as the adjusting parameter.
They conclude that the results obtained when making use of the methodology proposed by Clment, are similar
to the measured ones. Therefore, the OT has no physical sense.

ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland


The initial hypothesis in which Clments methodology is based on can be rejected.

By using Clments methodology, an underestimation of about 35-40 % is made, due to the fact
that the probability of the hydrant opening is used.

By applying the Random Daily Demand Curves methodology, results similar to measured data are


This research work is funded by the Spanish Ministry through the R&D Plan of Science and Technology, and
included within the project Manejo eficiente del agua de riego y la energa en zonas semiaridas (ref AGL20011180-C02-01).


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