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— 2 o o Simon Mellor-Clark i Pv SOM Char MU cites MACMILLAN SUSU Simon Mellor-Clark tA Yvonne Baker de Altamirano MACMILLAN et ar ENGLISH Tee cor 1 Start point be statements and negatives, introductions ‘the aphanet | ‘countries and nationalities yes/no and-IWh question, short gratings and goodbyes a/an pds answers 0-70 parts ofthe ay subject pronouns personal detais and possessive acectives itary vehicles nd aie pra form pltal forms with “5 aking or lp wih guage 2 =~ Boot camp present simple statements and ‘shopping 1 ‘the military alphabet basic taining Iegaies, yes/no and Wh questions, he 2-hour clock Plural endimgs waning activites, days short ansvers ‘the 24-hour lock ‘weapons and equipment Dlr ors 2 ith 25 personal items there there are daly rouines ‘countable and uncountable nouns, some and any saw Langage tie: ang Wer ogetor iterate 3 Tohea past simple statements and negatives ‘saying the year Genera, Adm, Felt Marshal soldier ye8/ no and-Wh questions, short past simple a, ican vers, verbs and answers you prepositons and negates past simple, fal relations and possessive -s il calbrations itary routines miltary uniform, colours 1 i Wa eis paso Sue erate cy Hy aul 4 Military prepositions for inant at ‘otdnal numbers nity ranks army us, Bs Ary ranks organisation ‘nite compen ‘modes of adtess compound nouns avmy formations social conversation, corectag 1 branches of tha Bish ery ciulan ites sabes and large ary formations esziong a mitary words stress coxgarisaton Farge numbers RtleW LasgLage tac ompound pours Inet Skis: organising @ onferenae 5 Sports and present continuous: likes and disikes ‘becomtractions sports, callcators with play and do fitness statements and negatives. yes / o sports clothes an equipment, noand Wir guesions wearand cary, colous2 frequency avers ‘teetime actives expressions of frequency ‘eis of moverent, assault course prepositions 2:prepasons of movement ineaate sis sports and finess 6 — Avisitor to ths, azz nese, hose or, tore —_keomingavistor {question intonation people ae peas ona milan bass the base resent simple passive ‘ving sireons tis, tat these, —buldngs on a rary base Propositions 3: prepastions taking aout tose infantry nts, atacand of plas 1 responsiilties 1 assigned paces in town the organisation ofa Brtsn infantry unt appointments ii [gabe 1A eR rg UoesBla neato chlelaay oh 7 Military past simple passive shopping 2 correcting 2 tmitary technology technology — <2n/ceat Aaccibing and dining decimal points arr vhs an naval ships avestions with Howe can can't ‘hice speciation questions with an aca, suomarines cout cou not ould) (ie aster eae 2 neared Shs aosonbing and defining Tad Cun 8 The NATO school all most, some. fe resent continues: foc future pans tacts opposiee sation fora 9 Fitto fight ‘comparative adjectives: ‘sould / should nat (shout) ‘more an tas ‘must mst ot mst’) Toone in a tng travel iformaton rationales ‘ooking aosommodation eccing ona course of setion reguasts with anand could taking about heath final ence tary alianes students and courses traveling bili accommodation ‘waiter tress rations couldand would farts ofthe body, heath problems fist adh, wounds and injuries 10 War games the, a/ am superlative adctives ‘saying rd tererces sence stress 1 eseribng pacesana tho ashing fora descriton essing lean and sistance itary exerises ‘eran features 1 ‘eran features 2 tern features 2 ‘acta tasks, coordination 11 Peacekeeping impoatives sequencing ina ring wih pa asking forand giving showing opinions understanding pressions of polteess excuse me UW peacekeeping operations personel qualies ‘escribngpeopie mines and demining demining procedures 12 Headquarters — atoved, permitted and prohibited prepostions 4: preposions of place aging pore Gar Saons 13 when with oraseat tense instructions wis (zr conetona) have 0 talking about of responsibites 2 teophone cals ina mila ofce pot and direct orders invitations living quarters ing diving drectons sentence stress 2 fentng acar ratio prowords 1 sending 2 aco message 1 stat uncions pats ofa levels alet orders and equests seouy measures buiigs, ing quarters humanitarian aid, convoys and convoy vais traf spns vice emergencies cars and driving ‘cols, problems with weiss 14 Patrol Instructions with unfess ‘order of aiptives + penele ‘order of afetves 2: obec: gape ace eying Integrate sls explaining a mission a deserbinga stuaion aly esering people: rad prowords 2 asking for and giving ‘escritons of people sendig a rano message 2 location, pata tasks ules of engagement ‘eszribng crowds, SALUTE uniform and equipient My name’s Hanif OBVECTIVES (@ Task Listen and complete. + am/are /is + introductions Hello Good morning, i Jim Peter Brown. 2 my name's Fatima. 3 my name's Hanif Task? Say yourname. Hello, I'm Hello, My name's Functional English Grammar Speaking Introd 1S and introducing others 2)@ Task3 Listen and read. Fatima Hello, my name's Fatima Boulmerka. Peter Pleased to meet you. I'm Peter Brown. Now practise in pairs. )@ Task 4 Listen and read. Barbara I'm Barbara Warner and this is Max Bell. We're from CNN. John Pleased to meet you. Max Pleased to meet you. Now introduce your partner to another student. am /are fis Task 5 Study the examples. Tam 1m Peter Brovon You are You're Barbara Warner. My name is My name's Fatima, He] Sheis He / She's from CNN. Weare We're from CNN. You are You've Americans. They are They're from CNN. Now complete the sentences. Good morning. Ym Max Bell. Hello, my name’... Elaine Vonnmnns Max Bell and this... Barbara Wamer, We none American, You’ from CNN. Task 6 Complete the conversation. Peter Hello, 1(1) ann. Peter Brown, Fatima Pleased to meet you. My name (2) Fatima Boulmerka. This (3) my friend Elaine, Peter Pleased to meet you. Blaine Pleased to meet you. Now work in groups and practise the conversation. He’s British Task1 Look at the map. Find the countries. Algeria Poland Great Britain France Pakistan the United States Task 2. Write the nationality. Algeria Algerian (@ Listening Task 3 Listen and complete the sentences. 1 My name's Elaine, I'm 2 I'm Peter. I'm not American, Ta 3 This is Rayna. She's 4 This is Barbara and this is Max. ‘They're not British, they're : 5. This is Hanif. He's not French, he's Grammar am not /are not /is not Task 4 Study the examples. Tam not America. Pm not American. You are not Algerian. You're not. or You aren’t Algerian. He | She (It is not British He Ske | I's not. ox He isn’t British We/ You / They are not Pakistani. We're | You're | They're not or We You | They aren't Pakistani. subject + be + not Now complete the sentences. Rayna is Polish. She isn’t (not) French. Peter nen. British. He's ...... (not) Pakistani. Hanif nse (NOE) Algerian. He's senum Pakistani. Blaine ....... French. She (not) Bosnian. Barbara and Max «mn. (not) British. They're .. -- American. ()@ Pronunciation The alphabet Task Listen and repeat the alphabet and the vowels. Moses : bah de Aa Bb Ce Dd Ee FF Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Na Heremewer eres Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Un Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Sie (s1@ Task 6 Listen and write the names. Speaking Task7 Workin pairs. Student A turn to File 1. Say and spell the names. ‘Student B write the names. (7)@ Pronunciation Listening Grammar Speaking Are you in the army? Task Label the pictures. Choose from these words. airman doctor engineer interpreter _ police officer sailor soldier journalists Now complete the sentences. Tao's in the army. He’s a Jane is in the navy. she's a ‘Tim is in the air force. He's an Rayna’s at enn» Max and Barbara are a/an Task 2 Listen and repeat. When do we say a or an? Task 3 Complete the sentences. 1 A Is Tima soldier? No, he's an Is Jane a police officer? No, she isn’t. She's a ‘Are Barbara and Max in the army? No, theyre not. They're poe Sore ())® Now listen and cheek. ‘be yes / no questions and short answers Task 4 Study the examples. A. Is Janea police officer? B No, she isn't. She's. sailor. Am1...? Yes, Tam No, I'm not Are you...? Yes, you are. No, you're not. Ishe/she it ...? Yes, he / she it is, No, he | she /it’s not. Are we ...? Yes, we are, No, they’re not. Are they...? Yes, they are. No, they're not. Now write answers. Are youa soldier? Are you from France? ‘Are your classmates British? Is your teacher in the army? Ishis / her name Smith? Task5 Write yes /no questions. Are you American? Now work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. = Off-duty: greetings and goodbyes Task 1 Complete the greetings and goodbyes. afternoon evening morning night WORLD ENGLISH cad © Listening Task 2 Listen and complete. Jane Hello, Fatima. Fatima (1) Jane. Sergeant Minter Good morning, Captain White 2) sera... morning, Sergeant Minter, Hi, Hanif Hi, Blaine. (3) are you? I'm very (4) thanks. And you? 1m6) thanks. How's your (6) 2 They're very well, thanks, Now practise the conversations. Functional English (pe Listening Functional English Spe ing Greetings Task3 Study the examples. Formal _Gond morning | afternoon | evening. Informal Hello / Hi How are you? I'm very well thanks. And you? Im fie thas How's your family? Now complete the conversations. Hello, Peter. Hi, Rayna Good Good evening Hello Peter, 2 Hello Fatima. Very well, thanks. cco sass? T'm fine, thanks, How’s your family? ‘They're cee thanks, wDO> WD OD 0) Task 4 Listen and check. Task 8 Work in pairs. Practise the conversations in task 3. New practise with other students. Task 6 Listen and complete the conversations. Use these words. Goodbye Bye Goodnight A. (1) sons Jane. See you tomorrow. B_ Goodnight A Bye. B (2) neon «See you tomorrow. A. Q) sccmunn « Have a nice weekend B_ Thank you. You too. Gooubyes Task 7 Study the examples. Have a nice day {evening / weekend See you tomorrow {this evening | next reek Have a nice + period See you + point in ti Now match the conversations. A B Goodbye. Have a nice evening. See you tomorrow. Have a nice weekend See younext week. Goodbye. Have a nice day. Task 8 Work in pairs. Practise the conversations in task 6, ' Grammar Grammar Personal identification Task 1 Read and answer the questions. 1 What is his job? He's a soldier, Aloe 2° What's his first name? Alan Alan 3 What's his last name? Minter 4 Where is he from? : 5 What’s his rank? c British sergeant ‘be Wh questions Task2 Study the examples. What is his {her job? Whats terran? wiare= war’ — CNN’ News What's his/her phone number? = Where is he | she from? Barbara Warner JOURNALIST What's his | her address? Now write questions. 7 Wallstreet, New York 1 What's her name? Barbara Warner. op coca DN ceaiaalt She's a journalist. ae 3 Eee 7 Wall Street. 4 ap She's from New York. 5 2 Tes 515 2157, 2) @ Task 3 Listen and check, ‘Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives Task 4 Study the examples. I my you your he his she her it its we our you your they their ‘Now complete the sentences, Alan Minter is a sergeant, (1) mou. is British, He's from London. (2)... Wife is British, @ name is Sarah. My name is (4) on. [your name]. | att (5) ---1om- [your nationality]. Task Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. What's your first name? What's your last name? Where are you from? What’s your job? Grammar Functional English Speaking Military vehicles Task 1 Label the pictures. Use these words. helicopter jeep plane tank truck Task 2. Put the words in groups. vehicles aircraft ruck | Plural forms with -s + Task 3. Study the examples. na singular plural helicopter helicopters a truck feo trucks Now write the pluzals. 1 jeep : 3. tank ss 2. plane 4 vehide 0-20 tos) @ Task 4 Listen and repeat. 0 zero 7 seven 4 fourteen 1 one 8 eight 15 fifteen 2 two 9 nine 16 sixteen 3. three 10 ten 17 seventeen 4 four Ml eleven 18 eighteen 5 five 12 twelve 19 nineteen 6 six 13° thirteen 20. twenty (@ Task Listen and mark the stress. seven thirteen eighteen eleven fifteen seventeen twenty Task 6 Work in pairs. Student A turn to File 2. Look at the table for ten seconds. Say the numbers of vehicles and aircraft, Student B write the numbers. lane joo tak Review Language tactics Oo Review and Language tactics Task 1 Study the business card. Write answers to the questions. 1 What's her name? Jane White 2 What's her rank? 3. Where's she from? 4 What's her address? 5 LOWE RRANG 5 What's her phone number? Canterbuy, Kent Task2 Complete the sentences Te, 760494 Use these words. airforce army navy police force 1. soldier He's in the 2 sailor She's in the 3 airman He's in the 4 police officer She's in the Task3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. ‘Are you a student? Are you in the army? Are you in the air force? Ate you in the navy? Are you in the police force? Asking for help with language Task 4 Study the examples, Can you repeat that, please? Please, speak so Sorry, I don't understand. What's tis in English? How do you spell your name? A. John, that’s }OHN, (1) Please, J-O-HAN. Peter Jones. C=. -- please? Yes. Peter Jones ‘61 Now listen and complete the conversations. Parlez-vous anglais? Somty, 8) ann Do you speak English? @ your name? Hanif. H-A.N-LF, sews in English? We say helicopter. Thank you DoD W> bob pad ow Task 5 Work in pairs. Practise the conversations in task 4. a eMC Speaking Integrated skills: an interview p91@ Task 1 A United Nations official interviews a journalist. Listen and complete. OSU ee LE Last MAME FIRST NAME(S) NATIONALITY 408 Ered fi Task2 Write questions for the application form in task 3. Whai's your last name? u Task 3. Work in pairs. Complete the application form. fierce boo stan FIRST NAME(S) | SERVICE NUMBER (MILITARY) ‘UNIT @ILITARY) "COMPANY / ORGANISATION (CIVILIAN) eo PLACE OF AIRTH NATIONALITY ADDRESS ‘TELEPHONE NUMBER Now introduce your partner fo the class. > er OBJECTIVES) +> present simple 1 + the military alphabet + basic training, Basic combat training (BCT) US Army basic combat training Task 1 Match the words with the pictures. Recruit barracks c NCO instructors teach drill 5) Recruits in basic training] ‘Weapons training, a Reading Task2 Complete the text. Use these words, barracks basic training instructors recruits uniform graduation Soldiers in the United States (US) Army are volunteers. The Army trains (1). af Basic training units. The main basic training unit is Fort Jackson in South Carolina, (2) ann 8 nine WEEKS. The (8) nnn fe non-commissioned officers (NCOs). They teach basic military skills, including drill and weapons training. Recruits in basic training live and sleep in (4) comm. . They Wear a military (5) so « They don't go home during basic training and they don’t see their family before (6) Racruits are organised into companies ~ A (alpha) company, B (bravo) company, C (charlie) company. Task3 True or false? Recruits don’t live in barracks. False, In the US Army, soldiers are volunteers. ‘The main basic training unit is Fort Benning in Georgia Basic training is 12 weeks, Recruits wear military uniform. Recruits go home during basic training, Recruits don’t see their family during basic training Now correct the false statements. Recruits live in barracks. Grammar Present simple 1st and 2nd person statements and negatives Task 4 Study the examples. Recruits live in barracks. They don’t ga home during training. ive in barracks. 1 don’ t go home during training. We use the present simple to talk about things that are generally true. I I You 4, You We livein barracks, jy" do not (don’t) go home during training | They ‘They Now tick the sentences that are true for you. 1 Tdon't wear a uniform. 3 4 Tliveathome. 0 2 Teatat home. 1 5. Yma volunteer. | 3. don’t sleep in barracks. 0 Task Make the other sentences true for you. Pronunciation The military alphabet Task 6 Listen and repeat. A. alpha N_ november B bravo © oscar C charlie P papa D delta Q quebec E echo R_ romeo F foxtrot S. sierra G golf T tango H hotel U_ uniform 1 india V_ victor J juliet W whiskey K kilo X xray L lima Y yankee M mike Z rulu Task7 Listen and write the US Army basic training units. 1 Fort Jackson in South Carolina 2. FortK_o_ in Kentucky 3 Fort L_o a dw_o_in Missouri 4 FortMcelninAlabama Fort S_L_ in Oklahoma Now work in pairs. Say and write the names of places in your country. Task 8 Choose the words for basic training in your country. In my country, recruits are volunteers | conscripts. Recruit training 18... Weeks, Recruits live in barracks | live at home and they go home | don’t go home during basic training, Their families go | don’t go to the graduation ceremony. Now work in pairs. Add more information and tell your partner. : TOMY y From civilian to soldier Task 1 Answer the questions. What's the day today? vs. What's the day tomorrow? It’s What days do you work? I work on What days do you rest? Trest on Vocabulary and Task 2 Name the activities. Choose from these words. listening S kilometre (an) foot march communications training, field training exercise (FTX) first aid training map reading NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) training obstacle course weapons training drill Uc core am, Bin 2 wexpons too 5 Fx morning fect march taining aftrncon training training Task 4 Work in pairs. Check your answers. A. Do they have a field training exercise on Friday morning? B Yes, they do. A Do they have frst aia training on Monday afternoon? B_No, they don't. They have pm, i = fist aid —— communications FIX Fk ‘a map reading class. Grammar Present simple yes /no questions and short answers Task Study the examples. Do you have an English class? Yes, Ido. / No, I don't Do they have a field training exercise on Friday? Yes, they do. Now write the questions in full, 1 live in barracks Do you live in barracks? 4 live at home 2 wear a uniform everyday 5 have an English class every Monday 3 sleep in barracks on Saturday and Sunday Speaking Task 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in task 5. or Great military leaders Task 1 Work in pairs. Complete the informal - Use these words and dates. nationality: German American Chinese date: 1805 1885. 1729 Ged 1732-1798 | (2) General 1758 ~ (3) | British Admiral ‘Mao Zedong Crea ES 1893-19761 (4). Revolutionary (5). ~1945 | American General 1891 ~ 19441 (6). Field Marshal Now listen and check Ey Pronunciation Grammar Saying the year Task 2 Study the examples. write say 1800 eighteen hundred 1805 eighteen oh five 1945 mineteen forty-five 2004 two thousand and four (011® Now listen and repeat. 2) Task3 Listen and write the correct dates. ‘The Battle of el-Alamein (1940) x 1942 The Battle of Cambrai (1939) The Battle of Yorktown (1775) The Battle of Jena (1796) The Battle of Trafalgar (1812) Now write sentences. ‘The Battle of et-Alamein was in 1942. was | were statements and negatives Task 4 Study the examples. Exwirs Rommel was born in 1891. George S. Patton and George Washington were American Generals, Erwin Rommel wasn’t Russian, he was German. Now complete the table. present past 1 am was you are were he/she /it is Cae we are were you are were they are © Task Work in pai Julius Caesar was Greek. (Roman) omens Correct the sentences. (1) twas not were not was not @ ‘were not were not wasn’t weren't @ weren't weren't o ‘The Battle of Cambrai was in 1939. (1917) No, it wasn't. It cas in 1917, Montgomery and Churchill were American leaders in World War 2. (British) ‘The Battle of Trafalgar was in 1806. (1812) Sun Tzu was a Japanese military writer: (Chinese) Task 6 Work in pairs. Write about famous military people and events in your country. General . ‘was born in Admiral Field Marshal ‘The Battle of was in Lear). sno [person] Was a famous ~-- job]. [place] in Iyearl B rer | Reading Grammar Speaking ce - The fighting Pattons Task 1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions Was your grader | im hear / any / fre / poi fore father Task2 Label the pictures with the underlined sentences. GEORGE SMITH PATTON was an American general. ‘He was born in San Gabriel, California in 1885. He was ‘rom a military family ~ (0) his grandfather wasa ‘commander in the American Civil War. Patton was the first commander of the US Tank Corps. tton and his tanks we 3e Battle of Cambrai, the first important tank battle. In World War2, General Patton was the commander of the 2nd Armored Division, the 7th Army and the 3rd Army. Patton wasn‘t killed in the war, (G) he was killed ina car accident in Germany in 1945. (@) George Patton married Beatrice Aver. They were married for 85 years. Patton’s son was also a soldier and in 1974 he was the ‘commander of his father’s unit, the 2nd Armored Division. Task 3 Answer the questions about General Patton. 1 Was he American? Yes, fe was. 4 Was his grandfather inthe army? 2 When was he born? 5. Who was his wife? 3. Where was he born? 6 Was his son in the army? was /were yes /no and Wh- questions Task 4 Study the examples. Was he American? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn't. Were they American? Yes, they were. / No, they weren't. When was he born? He was born in 1885, Task 5 Work in pairs. Student A turn to File 8. Choose a military leader from the list. Do not tell your partner the name. Student B ask yes /no questions and find the person. B Was he German? A. No, he wasn't. Bo When wus he born? A. Tdon't now. Listening c1)@ Pronunciation Grammar Writing A career in the military Task 1 Complete the phrases. Use these words. attend join enter 1 enter a school or military academy 2 a training course 3 the army, navy or air force Task2 Read and complete the text with the verbs. deployed graduated (x2) served promoted PIERRE joined the army asa soldier when he was 19. He entered the NCO school atthe age of 24. He was one year in the NCO ‘school and in 1991 he (i) anche was promoted to sergeant eee (2) ....... inUNPROFOR (United Nations Protection Force) in Bosnia In 1993 he entered officer school and Ne (3) asa. iM 1995. After officer school, Pitre attended an infantry officer specialisation course, 0] ®@ Now listen and check. Past simple jt, /l/ Task3 Listen and write /d/ or jd. (1) deployed /a/ (2) graduated hd) promoted /.../ (4) entered / Joi (6)atiended /.../ (7) joined /.../ (8) posted /.../ Now listen again and repeat. Past simple statements and negatives Task 4 Study the examples. Tjoined the army as.a soldier. I didn’t join the army as an officer. We use past simple for completed actions. ‘subject + verb + -ed | (subject + did not (didn't) + verb | Spelling: deploy + ed, serve + d Task5 Write a description about you. Enlistment I joined the army | navy | air force | police force in WAS -oenee lage 1) served (year when 1 Training I graduated from basic training | NCO school | officer school in Iyear]. The course was years / months} Assignments Iwas posted to the {unit in year]. served in country] in nn [year] and Fm curently posted t0 sonomm [unit] Military rank I was promoted t0 som [current rank] it a. [month and year] er ORIECTIVES = possessive ‘5 past simple 2 * didyou + pronunciation of family falations and celebrations, 5) Listening Grammar Off-duty: the family Task 1 Complete the chart. Use these words. grandfather mother daughter grandmother wife son sister-in-law Pauls (1) and grandmother Tom and Helen Pauls father and (2) . ESET Palani Sah] Pauls brother and (3) husband and (4) Paul's sistor Task2 Listen and answer the questions. 1 Where is Maria from? 2 IsPaul’s sister married? 3 What does Paul's wife do? 4 How many children does Hassim have? Possessive ’s Task 3. Study the examples. My wife’s name is Leila What are your children’s names? ‘s means possession: Paul's family = the family of Paul Now complete the sentences. 1 Michael is Paut’s grandfather. 2° Susan is andl monnm daughter, 3. Tomi father. 4 Leilais sister-in-law. 5 Lellais and mother. cing (s8)@ Listening Grammar Pronunciation Speaking Task 4 Work in pairs. Ask your partner about his / her family. Use these questions. Are you married? Do you have any children? Do you have any brothers or sisters? What's your father’s / mother’s name? Task5 Match the family celebrations with the pictures. wedding anniversary birthday party graduation Task6 Listen and complete the conversations. What did you do last weekend, Hassim? On Saturday I played football and on Sunday Lwas at a (1) som Hi, Wendy. Did you have a good weekend? Yes, I did. It was my brother's 2) ‘Where did you go? ‘To anew Mexican restaurant. It was great What did you do last Saturday, Paul? Iwas at my sister’s wedding (3) How did you celebrate? ‘We had a big meal and went to a club. WP Uh T>w> ad Past simple yes /no and Wh- questions Task7 Study the examples. Did you have a good weekend? did + subject + verb What did you do last weekend? Where did you go? Wh- + did + subject + verb Now put the questions in the correct order. did | go | last | weekend? | Wendy | Where Where did Wendy go last weekend? did | do | Hassim | last | Sunday? | What play | you | Did | Saturday? | football | last did | do | What | yesterday? | you did | go | last | weekend? | partner | Where | your id you 7} Task 8 Listen to the questions. Notice how did you is pronounced. ‘Now listen again and repeat. Task 9 Work in pairs. Practise the conversations in task 6. » ION so) @ Listening Grammar Speaking You’re in the army now Task 1 Complete the sentences. Use these words. carry follow give salute wear Officers and NCOs give orders. 1 2 Military personnel auuniform. 3. Soldiers un. their superiors. 4 Soldiers ....... orders, 5 Soldiers and officers on. Weapons on operations. Task? Li Feng talks about his life before he joined the army and his life now. Listen and tick. before now seep eniy in « do exercise follow orders give orders, ‘wear a uniform salute superiors is carry a weapon eS Past simple irregular verbs ~ statements and negatives Task3 Study the examples. Present past get got got up early. z0 went When something went wrong, it wasn’t my problem. do did I didn't do any exercise give gave didn't give onders wear wore Tdidn't wear a uniform Past simple irregular verbs do not end in -ed. Task4 Complete the sentences for you. Before I joined After I joined Now work in pairs. Talk about your experience. Military uniform Task 1 Label the pictures. Choose from these words. beret boots cap jacket shirt badge of rank cap badge trousers belt name tag epaulette Task 2. Match the words with the colours. green black blue camouflage = = Now describe the pictures. black boots Reading Task 3 Complete the text. Use these words. cleaned ironed polished put on took off brushed washed After the exercise he (1) fook of his dirty combat uniform. First, he (2) washed his uniform and he (3) a aN (8) ne his boots. Then he (3) his shirt, and (6) his beret. Then he 7) soomen his uniform again and he paraded with his company. 19) @ Now listen and check. ao) @ Pronunciation Past simple /a/ i, a! Task 4 ial Now listen again and repeat. Writing Task Describe your uniform. [My boots are black. I have a blue beret. ares Review Language tactics a - Review and Language tactics Task 1 Look at the calendar and identify the days. Today is the 17th. yesterday last weekend last Friday last Saturday ee Cad FRI SAT 1 2 oR sa a 8 a ee 1 Gl i a5 es Ae ee ou Task2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about last week. What did you do last Saturday? Task3 Complete the phrases. Use these prepositions. from in to (x3) A deployed wma [+ place or area, for example, Bositia} 2 graduated mmm [+ School, for example, officer school] 3. promoted Le rank, for example, captain] 4 served [+ place, for example, Bosnia, UNPROFOR] 5 posted [+ unit, for example, ar infantry regiment] Now complete the sentences. 1 Alan graduated NCO school at the age of 22. 2 He was posted a cavalry regiment, 3. He deployed Cambodia in 1992, 4 He served ......... UNTAC from 1992 to 1993, 5 He was promoted sergeant major last year. Task 4 Complete the chart. Use these words, daughter grandfather husband mother sister fee father brother @ grandmother) nme BV enn — wile Parts of speech Task 5 Study the example. noun verb adjective noun preposition a eee porn, Prepositic Hanif joined the Pakistani ‘army’ “in 1996: ‘Now work in pairs. Identify the parts of speech 1 Kurt took off his uniform. noun Kurt, uniform 2 Pierre is French, adjective 3. On Saturday, I played football. verb 4° [joined the army in 1986. repo: eo. Integrated skills: military history quiz Task 1 Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions, When was the Battle of Waterloo? a 1905 b 1815 1796 © Were is Jan ote come from? a France b Britain © Algeria Where was the Battle of Micivay? a onland b inthe air atsea © What wore Fat Man and tite Boy? submarines planes in World War 4 6 atomic bombs in World War 2 © When was the Cuban missile Crisis? a 1982 b 1939 © 1898 © Was Wa san-Kuei (1612~ 1678) @ a Japanese Emperor? b aChinese General? © aBritish King? @ Wo was akbar the Great (1542-1605)? a An Indian Emperar b ARussian Emperor © AChinese Emperor © Who was Emiliano Zapata (1879-1919)? a An Argentinian Revolutionary b An American General © A Mexican Revolutionary @® who was Hiroto (1901 - 1989)? a The last Emperor of China b An Emperor of Japan c ABussian leader @ wien was the Spanish civil War? a 1931-1934 b 1936 - 1939 © 1939-1945 @ Vier nas ne Faanis/ Malvinas War? a 1991 b 1982 © 1961 © Where was the Battle of Britain) when did the United Nations in 19407 a onland b inthe air © atsea @ When aid tne Frencn Revolution happen? a 1848 b 1777 1787 Task2 Work in groups. Write more questions. Task3_ Ask the other groups your questions. deploy peacekeepers to Bosnia? a 1982 b 1992 1990 @ What was tho name of the mmission in question 142 a UNPROFOR, b SFOR © KFOR > ooo DAC ey Len Army organisation Task1 Match the words with the military symbols. battalion section company platoon 1 The sso». {8 the smallest element in the army. The section commander is a ‘corporal and the second in command (2IC) is a lance corporal. An infantry un. hhas between eight and ten men, 2 A. own has three sections. The platoon commander isa second lieutenant or lieutenant. A sergeant is second in command, An infantry has between 29 ‘and 36 officars and men, 8A sn has three platoons. The commander is called the OC (officer ‘commanding). Inthe British Army the OC is a major. The 2IG is a captain. The senior NCO is a company sergeant major (CSM) 4-An infantry ...... has ive companies. The commander is called the GO (commanding officer). The CO is.a lieutenant colonel and his 21C is a major, The senior NCO is the regimental sergeant major (RSM). Task Are the sentences true or false? 1 Asection has four men. False 4 The company OC is a captain. 2 The section commander isa sergeant. 5 A battalion has nine platoons. 3. Acompany has three platoons. Now correct the false statements, es AES poem ey Boru ay RU sections are between squads and platoons. A section doesn’t have four men. It has between eight and ten men. Task 4 Make sentences about the British Army. Ree A | section | | Thecommander | The 2IC (wo) ew | Sino isa isa company battalion Task Read the text in task 2 again and underline the ranks. ‘Now complete the British Army ranks. Cae Oe Coa Ue OTHER RANKS SOLDIERS AND JUNIOR NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ont private Pte Noone eee Lop! Yoon Corporal opi ‘SENIOR NOW-COMWISSIONED OFFICERS Yoins ® sat 3 Yoon staft Sergeant Ssyt WARRANT OFFICERS @ oes warrant office aes 2 (8) woe (ost) shes o™ wartont ofcer css 1 wot (Asm) ee rogimontal sarqeant major ‘COMMISSIONED OFFICERS REGIMENTAL OFFICERS mdr second iutenant att ome oF ) u : a captain Capt ama (oh Maj am] oF o Loot SEMIOR STAFF OFFICERS arg] Fs colonel Col ce: brigadier Big me ory major general Maj Gen omg ore leutenant general Utgon amor oneal Gen Pronunciation Military ranks c1)® Task 6 Listen and write the ranks. 1 This is Captain White, 48 smn Brown here? 2 TEM vn Parks, 5 My name is veeon Chen Lin, 3. He's Minter. \e1® Now listen and repeat the ranks. Task7 Work in pairs. Complete task 5 with the ranks for your country. Now ask and answer questions about your rank. What's your rank? 'ma sergeant. ‘My rank is captain. » EE ARMY UNITS ‘There are different names for units in different branches of the army. Armour, artillery and engineer units (including signal units) equivalent to infantry platoons are called troops. Armour units and engineer units equivalent to companies in the infantry are called squadrons, Artillery units at this level are called batteries Armour, artillery and engineer formations Task 1 Match the words with the symbols, infantry armour artillery engineer e m (a) Ds tes Gz be Task 2 Read the text and complete the table. Battalion size units and company size units are frequently grouped in regiments for example, 14Signal Regiment or 3 Artillery Regiment. Regiments are commanded by a colonel. Units may be organised in a different way for combat. These groups are called battlegroups or lask forces | | [el jo [ma Funetional English ya | Ukarmy, terri cle US Army te 9) Pronunciation Speaking Ci 36 We platoon o squadron troop company squadron 1 infantry platoon 2eE-— Ordinal numbers Task 4 Study the examples. write say Sri Artillery Regiment the third Artillery Regiment We use ordinal numbers for divisions, brigades, regiments and battalions. Ist first 6th sixth 1th eleventh 16th sixteenth 2nd /24 (US) second 7th seventh 12th twelfth 17th seventeenth Sr | 3d (US) third 8th eighth 13th thirteenth — 18th eighteenth ath fourth 9th ninth §=— 14th fourteenth — 19th nineteenth Sth fifth 10th tenth —— 15th fifteenth §— 20th twentieth 163)® Now listen and repeat. Compound nouns Task Listen and mark the stress. Which word is stressed? 3. 3rd Armoured Regiment 1 Sth Engineer Regiment 2 14th Signal Regiment Now listen again and repeat. Task 6 Describe the organisation of your country’s army. es) @ Listening Funetional English Speaking Modes of address Task 1 Label the photo. Use these words. subordinate superior salute Task 2 Listen and complete the sentences. corporal mavam Yes, sir 1 A Excuse me ma‘am, can [have a word please? B_ Whats it, Private Thomas? I'm very busy at the moment. 2 A Corporal Smith, Bb sass 3. A. Lance Corporal Duncan reporting, ma’am. B Good morning, At ease. Modes of address Task3 Study the examples. Subordinates Cpl and LCpl as Corporat address Sgt as Sergeant SSgt as Staff wor as Sergeant Major je wo. as sir (male) or ma’ant (female) ‘commissioned officers as sir (male) or ma‘am (female) NCOsor Pte with rank and surname, for example, Private officers Harries address Cpland LCpl with rank and surname, for example, Corporat Eonns S Sgt with rank and enneame, for example, Sergeant Martinelli SSgt as Staff wo2 as Sergeant Major CSM ox, Mr Smith (male only) wo as Sergeant Major RSM or, Mr Smitit (male only) When you ask an officer or an RSM questions, say sir/ ma’ant at the beginning. When you answer an officer or RSM, say sir / ma’am at the end. Task 4 Complete the conversations. Lt Walker is female; all others are male, Maj Hargevik (1) Walker, the Colonel wants the list of new recruits as soon as possible. LeWalker Right away, 2) Lt Walker Get me the new list for the colonel, please sergeant. Sgt Muller ¥66, (3) come Sgt Muller Excuse me, (4)... . The lieutenant wants the list of new colonels, CSMEllis What? ss) @ Now listen and check. Task Practise the conversations in task 4. >» Eom ©) @ Listening stan Carmen sta Functional English (90) Speaking itary organis Off-duty: a drink with friends Task 1 Match the names with the pictures. ‘Médecins Sans Frontitres. OXEAM ‘The United Nations NATO Task 2 Listen to the conversation and complete the table. oS ry (9) Task Listen and answer the questions. When did Carmen arrive in the country? When did Stan arrive in the country? How longis she there for? Is this Stan's first visit? What does he think of the country? Social conversation Task 4 Study the examples. Social questions When did you arrive? 1s this your first time here? What do you think about...2 How long are you here for? Return questions And you? What about you? Agreeing A_ [really like the people. B_ Me too. Now complete the conversation. Krista When (1) sms Alan? Alan Tarrived last January. Krista And how long (2) for? Alan My contract is for two years. (3) you? Krista Me? I was bon here. So, (0) time here? Alan No, Iwas here last year Krista So, what (@) 5 vom My country? Alan really like it Task Listen and check. ‘Now work in pairs. Practise the conversation. Functional English Grammar 0) Pronunt Civitan titles Task 6 Study the examples. Hi Stan. Hello, Doctor Lopez. Formal female, married Good morning, Mrs Denant. female, single Good afternoon, Miss Lopez. female, married orsingle Good evening, Ms Kilic. male, married or single Goad evening, Mr Monroe. Now complete the rules. Informal situations 1 Usea person's first name | last name only. Formal situations 2 Address medical doctors by swe.» and their last name. 3. Address married women by Mrs | Miss and their last name, 4 Address single women by Mrs | Miss and their last name. 5 Address men by and their last name, Prepositions for, inand at Task7 Study the examples. for + organisation He works for the UN. I work for NATO. in J at + place of work She's a medic in the hospital. She works at the HQ. in + country, section or department at work ‘She worked in Africa last year. She works in the intelligence section Note: J'm in the army { neay / airforce / police force. Now complete the sentences. Doctor Lopez works (1) Médiecins Sans Frontiéres. This is Corporal Ali, He's a clerk (2) the Operations Centre. Captain Jones Works (3) mmm NATO. He Works (4) smn the NATO HQ (5) . Madrid. Correcting Task 8 Listen and underline the stressed word. A Did you say Lieutenant Meyer? B No, Captain Meyer. ‘Now listen again and repeat. Task 9 Work in pairs. Student A check the ranks and names with Student B. Student B tum to File 9. Correct Student A. 1. Ms / Mrs Evans? [sit Ms Eowts or Mrs Boas? Major / Colonel Hart? Mr / Dr Ford? Private / Sergeant Fox? Brigadier / General Hastings? Arms and services Task 1 Match the branches and insignia. @ @ r) the Royal Army Medical Corps the Royal Artillery the Army Air corps Reading Task 2 Complete the text with branches from task 1. 0) THE BRITISH ARMY | | ‘The British Army classifies the different corps Armoured Corps (RAG), the Infantry (INF) and Engineers (RE}, the Royal Signals (SIGNALS) and regiments ofthe Army as Combat AIMS, —— (1) emwnnn (AAC). and the Inteligence corps (INT CORPS) Combat arms Support and Combat Service ‘The mission of Gombat Arms Support corps Combat Service Support corps include the Support. isto provide close supporto the Combat Royal Logistic (RLC), the (3) (RAMC) The Combat Arms are directly involved in Arms. The Combat Arms Support corps, and the Royal Eocrcal and Mechanica fighting. The Combat Arms include the Royal include the (2) (RA), the Royal Engineers (REME) 81) Now listen and check. Task 3 Complete the sentences with arms or services from task 2. 1 The mission of the is to collect information about the enemy. 2 ‘The mission of the... is to build roads and bridges, 3. The mission of the .......- is to operate the Army's communication systems. 4 The mission of the so... is to provide medical support. Grammar Infinitive complements Task 4 Study the example, The mission of the Royal Engineers is to build roads and bridges, ‘We use infinitive complements to talk about purpose. subject + be +to + verb Now complete the sentences. Use these words, transport fly maintain provide 1 The mission of the RLC is to troops, equipment and supplies. 2 The mission of the RAS 0 o.oo fire support. 3. The mission of the AAC is to the Anmy’s helicopters. 4 The mission of the REME is to the Army’s vehicles and equipment. ‘s21@ Pronunciation Syllables and word stress Task Listen and count the syllables in the words. artillery aviation engineer infantry medical signals transport Now listen again and mark the stressed syllables. ntillery Writing Task 6 Write about the branches in your country’s army. In my country, the army has a/an armoured / artillery / aviation / branch. There isn’t a signals / engineer / infantry / branch. The mission of 1810 0 WORLD ENGLISH Inthe UX we say three rE es ts ee eis five o59)® Listening Large formations Task 1 Label the units. Use these words. battalion brigade division x IL «x - ** mi 98h Task 2. Work in pairs. Where are your country’s armed forces deployed? Task 3 Listen and complete. x Major UK forces deployments overseas nie one A Geni) eee Comer) eee = Con Armoured Division 5 senso personnel 27 She 2 seounom Armoured Brigade baced in Osnabruck. 6 wun personnel 2,169, ‘Troops approximately 2,000 3 eosum Armoured Brigade based in Bergen. 7 suvunu- personnel 1129 Aer tis Total personnel 18,000 Tanks 300 Pronunciation Functional English _-» Armoured Brigade based in Paderborn. Total servicemen and women 3325 Troops ~ approximately 33500 8 UK enn personnel 400 Large numbers Task 4 Study the examples. 169 one hundred and sixty-nine 300 three hundred 325 three hundred and twenty-five 2,169 two thousand, one hundred and sixty-nine 3,000 three thousand {s4)@ Now listen and repeat. Describing a military organisation Task Study the examples. strength ‘The total strength is about 18,000 personnel. weapons and equipment The Ist Armoured Division is equipped with Challenger tanks. composition The division is composed of / consists of three brigades base The Ist Armoured Division is stationed / based in Germany. deployments British troops are deployed in more than 8 countries. Task 6 Write a description of a large unit in your country’s armed forces. Review and Language tactics Task 1 Complete the table, ti mmared singe ar'tknew vomnea Mes v Mise Me sen Mr Task2 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 How many syllables do the words have? 2 Which is the stressed syllable? sergeant missus (Mrs) mister (Mr) major corporal «s)@ Now listen and check. Task 3 Complete the sentences. Use for, i, or at: 1 She works for the United Nations, 2 Doctor Lopez works the Red Cross, 3° She works the hospital. 4 I'ma liaison officer. Twork the French battalion headquarters, 5) They work the UN Headquarters «em. Geneva. Task 4 Write the abbreviations in full. Lo arma on 2 arty Bengt 4 Task5 Write the abbreviations. 1 general 2. brigadier 3 major 4 captain Language tactics Compound nouns Task 6 Compound nouns have two or more parts. The first part of the noun tells you about the second part. what type what / who infantry battalion Read the descriptions and make compound nouns. ‘This weapon fires many bullets 1 maciae gu antitank woman He isin the police 2 German weapon She's in the services. army / navy / air force) 3 ‘machine training weapon to fight tanks, 4 platoon man ‘The leader ofa platoon, t= police lieutenant A senior officer inthe German army. 6 second gun. The officer rank below lieutenant. Z service general Training with weapons. 8 weapons commander EQmII - 5)@ Listening Security Conference Briefing Notes _ ACCOMMODATION a Hotel in Stockholm CONFERENCE DATES Starts Monday October (2) Finishes Friday October (3) ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE Participants arrive 07 (5) PARTICIPANTS. Military (7) Civilian eight Total (8)... Dress (9) Speaking Integrated skills: organising a conference Task 1 Listen to the briefing and complete. at 0830. BOG) cers eFOFE (6) an Task2 Answer the questions. 1 Where's the conference? 2 What time does the conference start? 3 What date does the conference finish? 4 How many participants are civilian? Task 3 Work in pairs. Student A check the list of participants with Student B and correct the mistakes. Student B turn to File 10 and correct Student A's list. PES Auda anki Cutler 1st Engr Regt Lect Morin INT CORPS Maj Allan 7ihSig Son Mr Baker MoD Maj Petter 7 Sig Regt ‘The Ist Engineer Regiment, He's from the 21st Engineer Regiment, cpep 140ct oct 150cT oct oct 2100 2100 745 1800 1885 Captain Cutler fromt the 1st Engineer Regiment arvives on October 14th at 2100. Sorry, di you say the Ist or the 2st Engineer Regiment? : Sports CaIEOTINES Task 1 Match the words with the pictures, + present cantinuous 4 + becontractions * sports, collacations with play and da) baseball football karate situps tennis stretching exercises Task 2 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Dear Mum, How are you? I'm having a terrible weekend, it’ the battalion football match. Our company are playing againet B company. Last year they beat us. I'm not on the team — | broke my leg. I'm sitting in the hospital watching the match. Our bean ten't winning ~ we're losing. At the moment the score is 5~ Oto B company. This is terrible. Love, Henry A Coy is winning. A Coy lost last year. Henry isn’t playing. Henry is watching the football match from the hospital eae Grammar Present continuous statements and negatives Task 3 Study the examples. Vm having a terible weekend. Our tear isn’t winning. We use present continuous for temporary actions happening now. Subject + be + verb ing Spelling Ada -ing to the verb. watch taniching Verbs that end vowel + consonant +e: delete ¢ lose losing ‘Verbs that end vowel + consonant: double the consonant. win wieing. Note: verbs that end vowel + w, x or y: do not double the consonant. play ‘They're playing football. ‘Now write sentences about the pictures in task 1. Task 4 Put the sports from task 1 in groups. ball games exercise / self-defence ‘Now choose the correct word to complete the rules. 1 Weuse play | do with ball games. 2 Weuse play | do with exercises and self-defence. pt eae ra ue ue ieee LE ena ee ea Task § Add more sports to task 4. (s7@ Pronunciation be contractions ‘Task 6 Listen to the sentences, Notice the pronunciation of the contractions. Now listen again and repeat. Speaking Task7 Work in pairs. Student A choose a sport and sport. ¢ it, Student B guess the : ===Iom What are you doing? Task 1 Work in pairs. What are the people doing? Task 2 Complete the conversations with the present continuous. Use these phrases, Play football use this machine go tothe gym play golf, 1 Jane Hi, Peter. Where are you going? Peter I'm wnnuow. Thave a fitness test next week 2° Mario Hello. Paul Hello Mario, i's Paul. What aze you doing? Mario Um enon at the club. 3° Fernando Are you soos 2 Lisa No, I'm not. 4 Maj Brown Good morning, Lieutenant Smith. LtSmith Good morning, sir. ‘Maj Brown Where ate your men this morning? LtSmith They're - They're practising for the ‘match with the Italians on Saturday. so Listening Now listen and check. Task3 Answer the questions. ( 1 Where is Peter going? 4 What are Lieutenant 2 Why is he going there? Smith’s men doing? 3 What's Mario doing? 5 What are they practising for? Grammar Present continuous yes /no and Wh- questions Task 4 Study the examples. Are you using this machine? No, I'm not. be + subject + verb-ing Where is Peter going? He's going to the gym. What’s Mario doing? He's playing golf [Wh + be + subject + verb-ing Now write questions and answers in full. 1 they I play | football? No | they | play | basketball Are they playing football? No, they're not. They're playing basketball. 2 Where | he play | golf? He | play ! golf | at the golf club. 3 He | running? No | play | tennis. 4 Why | she I practise? She | practise | for the competition. 5 I they do | Karate? Yes, they | Speaking Task Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions to find five differences in the pictures. Student A turn to File 11. Student B tur to File 12. « PT kit Task 1 Label the pictures. Use these words. ball bat tennis racket shorts sportsbag tracksuit trainers Tshirt Task 2 Complete the sentences about the picture. ‘The man is wearing (D shorts and a (2) somen « He's carrying a (3) ‘The woman is wearing a (4) She's carrying a 8) They are both wearing (6) Task 3 Put the words from task 1 in groups, clothes equipment tracksuit Now choose the correct word to complete the rules. 1 We wear | carry clothes. 2 We wear | carry equipment. @ Listening Task 4 Listen and point to the picture in task 1 ) Now match the words with the colours. white red grey green black blue yellow khaki brown Speaking Task 5 Describe the people in your class. He | She's wearing a grey T-shirt a

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