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Vol. 8

i\ o. 1

\\1th the close ui the year 1917, Jacobs' J>har.nacy has roanded out thirty-nine years oi its business career under its present title.

In 1879 J)r. Joseph Jatobs engaged in business 1n ,\ tht'ns, (ja., under the 11a1ne. Jacobs' I'har....
1nacy. .\iter ren1aining there for live years, ti1e " "lrg..-:tore of\\ alter.\. raylor. in .\tlanta, \\as purchased ;n


\\ alttr .\. 1avlor.


1'hc Taylor store \\as opent<l in 1834 hy J)r. Jan1es raylor, the father of

'fhus. this business has had 01!,

- thrrt o\\ncrs in

Jn the latter part of 1884 Dr. Jacobs, in co1n1tny

\ \ 'ilh Jayne~


o( Boston. J lcgen1an of Kc\v York,

Rabotcau of St. l.ouis. J<ead of l3altin1orc, l lall & Lyon oi Pro \idcncc. I.oder of Philadelph ia and
probably so111e o t hers. rt,olutionizcd the retail d r,ug business th rougho ut the country.

l 'p to that

ti1ne thcrt pre,ailed an ethical idea that all 111edic ia cs and other drug store products tnust he sold
to the consun1er at full prices.

\\'ithout regard t, t he arnount of capital \\ hich n1ight be ernployed.

or the business ability hack oi it , it \\"as clee111cd l hl p oper thing to protect the s1nallcr deale r,
rcga dlrs:-. of ability to rnake better prices to the cons11111cr.
!'hr p"onee,.s in this 1110\en1ent to scll n1edici11C's a nd drug products at IO\\'er. or "cut prices.

a.;,aultcd and assailed

011 e,cr~

hand; they "ere h:tt crly abused as traitor s and pirates. .\nd

.Yet, tocla\.
. the ,crv n1cn \\'ho \\'ere loudest in t heir abuse. arc the 111ost ardent de\otecs of the svstem
then hr<1ttght abc1ut by these pioneers.

One oi the 111ost pleasing features of o ur busi:H,,s experie nce is the fact that \\'e still have on
our books the nan1cs of n1any custo111ers \vho ha vr t rackd \\ ith us during a ll these thirty-nine years.
1'his is naturally a source of great pride t o us.
ro all our friends and custo111ers ' '"e ex tend otir thanks and heartiest greetings. together " 'ith

our best \\is hes for fu t urc prosperity aitd

h appin~~s.



ATL .~N'"f A

It Will Pay You to Read the Advertisement in Jacobs' Monthly


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