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5 62 The Designer & Society Designers have Moral and Socal responsiilties, They need tobe minafulof the damage the design/roduct may have onthe envronment/sustainabily 1D Waste must be kept to a minimum with designs Designers are using less and less PVC in their products because PVC creates large amounts of waste in all pats of is fe cycle, from extracting the raw meteral up to disposal. Pines, for exemple, are being made with Polyethylene instead Pollution must be kept to 2 minimum ‘An example wuld be a power plant, mast power sources create much palution with the exception of solor power and wind power, although those are quit ineffective. Market Forces relate to Supply and Demanc. Designers need on understonding of what is in demand and what isnot when they design a new product Deliberat ning or desi a, t with a limited Planned elas Lilo 7 Cees oven) cela A conscious act elther to ensure a continuing market orto ensure that safety factors and new technologies ‘an be incorporated into later versons of the product. Planned obsolescence has potential benefits for 2 producer because to obtain continuing use ofthe product the consumer is under pressure to purchase again 1 The rationale behind the strategy sto generate long-term sales volume by reducing the time between repeat purchases, The types of planned obsolescence are: 2 Technica or Functional obsolescence systemic obsolescence, 1 Style obsolescence, 1 Notation obsolescence. | Planned Obsolescence influences the design specification of a product | In order to render he product obsolete, the designer wil adopt the design specications Materiales 2 Low quality, 2 cheay Possibly recyclable inorder to save production costs forthe company, Noto durable construction: 1D Easy toconstruct, 1 Loweost, 1 Fastand efciento manufacture soto save costs and simpltythe construction {Constructed in away 50 itbecomes easly disposable urabitty: {2 wit not realy be an issue for che manufacturer because the product Involved is not supposed tas very long. Shortie span, ase of maintenance 1D Not 2 major concern forthe designer 2 Wil protably not be very maintainable since the goa for the preduet Is not to last for very long Planned Obsolescence to the Designer, Manufacturer and Consumer Advantages: 1 Generatestong-term sale 1 increases demand 1D Increases demand fr longer-lasting and more expensive products creates jobs 1D Promotes new innovations Disadvantages: 2 Creates waste 1D Hels the competitors Exploits customers 1D Uses resources for unnecessary changes Doesn't promote new products to be manufactures sooner a7 Fashion, a general term for a current'y popular style er practice, especially in clothing, Foot wear or accessories Fashion references to anything that isthe current trend in look and dress up of a person. 1 Trend: in vogue, stl, craze, al the rage, fad flavour ofthe month, Style: the popular taste at a given time or the way in which something ssa, done, ‘expressed, o performed. ‘The influence of fashion and planned cbsolescence on the product cycle Plonned obsolescence has a definite time-scole oshion is less predictable. Both may be present. Far example, a certain colour may be fashionable fora car but this does not ofect material or technological obsolescence Influence on product cycle: 1 Planned obsolescence is usualy a set time perio: 2 itis predictable, Fashion Is Influenced by what the curent rage or adi. 1D Irises predictable 1 If fashion passes it does not mean that technical or material ‘obsolescence will occur. The reverse could be sad about technical or material obsolesence affect on fashion cars havea strict yearly schedule of new models and often there may be lite technical obsolescence, ‘The influence of fashion and planned obsolescence in relation to the quality and value of a product a ‘Are “designer” products better qualty thon cheoper brands ofthe some product? Da we question the values of@“tnrow-away secety"? 1 The throw-away society iss human society strongly influenced by consumer, The term describes a critical view of ver-consumption and excessive production of short ived oF lisposable tems. 1 Fashionis factor, when a trend pastes the artefacts rendered useless and thrown away. 138

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