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The presentation is scheduled for Friday, May 27 from 11:30 to 12:45 in Room 402 and on
Saturday from 2:15 to 3:30




Warm up


Activities: Shapes - Questions Hula-hula

Participants discussion How was your activity planned




Check lesson plan+ Improve lesson plan


Plan a class


Wrap up

Introduction of the presenters. Names and biography


Activity 1:
The class is divided in groups of 5 using some colored papers. Hand them a cartoon per

Then show them the following question: Whats the message of your cartoon? Participants will
discuss it and then explain their conclusions to the group. You can help by showing the slide on the
To wrap up this activity ask the participants to come with a general conclusion. Each sub
group will say one part of it.

Transition: Tell participants that they are going to have three activities. These activities will be
done in groups of three. (1 MINUTO)

Activity 2: Explain the following activities to each sub group: (10 MINUTES)

Put the pieces in the correct place. Using wooden pieces participants will follow the
instructions to organize them. These instructions have been previously recorded.

Make a butterfly in Origami. Have them watch a video.

Hula Hula Tic-Tac-Toe. Participants have to play the tic-tac-toe game by marking the space if
giving the correct answer to a question given to them. You have to divide the whole group in 2.
The questions are taken from the following questions.

Multiple Choice Quiz

1. Kinesthetic learners learn best

by doing. *


by hearing.


by using texts and watching videos.


in calm, quiet surroundings.

2. According to Howard Gardner, intelligence is

A. best measured with a standardized test such as the Stanford-Binet.
B. best developed through bio. *
C. valued uniquely in different cultures.
D. best tested with the "marshmallow experiment."
3. Which of the following is NOT an element of emotional intelligence?
A. recognizing emotions in others
B. managing emotions
C. motivating oneself
D. ability to discriminate among living things. *
4. Howard Gardner broadened the traditional definition of intelligence to encompass
A. the capacity to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural settings.
B. a high competence in mathematical-logical abilities.
C. emotional intelligence. *
D. the ability to delay immediate gratification.
5. Which of the following statements best describes the benefits of identifying your dominant
learning modality?
A. Students who identify and capitalize on their learning preferences and strengths can study more
productively. *
B. Once you identify your learning preference, you will never need to use any other modality.
C. Using your natural learning abilities is only relevant if you are majoring in science.
D. Students whose preferred learning modality is auditory do not need to take lecture notes.
E. Visual learners do not need to listen as intently during class discussions.
6. Which type of intelligence would a politician primarily utilize?

A. Logical/mathematical
B. Visual/spatial
C. Music/rhythmic
D. Interpersonal. *
E. Naturalist
7. What type of intelligence would an architect primarily use in developing plans for a new
A. Verbal/linguistic
B. Intrapersonal
C. Interpersonal
D. Naturalist
E. Visual/spatial. *
8. The person who prefers to do a walk-through or have a practice session on the playing field
is most likely:
A. A visual learner.
B. An auditory learner.
C. A tactile learner.
D. A kinesthetic/experiential learner. *
E. None of the above
9. What type of intelligence would an engineer probably possess?
A. Logical/mathematical. *
B. Interpersonal
C. Body/kinesthetic
D. Intrapersonal
E. Naturalist

Transition: (8 MINUTES)
Tell participants that they are going to identify the learning style their activity was planned with.
In their groups, participants will discuss what leaning style was applied in each activity, discussing the
following questions:

Which activity did you feel more comfortable with?

How did you feel with the other two activities?

Do you think that the activity was planned taking into account your learning style?

Conclusions will be given by them.

Transition: Tell participants that they are going to see a short presentation.

Activity 3: Presenters will give a 10 minute presentation about learning styles. (10 MINUTES)
Activity 4: Hand participants a lesson plan in which they have to identify the three-basic learning
styles. Then they will share this. (15 MINUTES)
Activity 5: Maintaining the same groups of three. They will plan a class trying to incorporate activities
that are adequate for different learning styles in the previous lesson plans. Once they have finished
they will exchange lesson plans and will have feedback from their peers. Have some of them give
conclusions about how does lesson planning help in the different learning styles. (10 MINUTES)


Participants will use different multiple intelligences theory to give one conclusion per group.
Take some paper, markers, etc.

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