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izing Separators e speed with which operators can rect upsets is included in these jesign considerations SEPARATORS AND ACCUMULATORS should be sized on the sis of the minimum possible volume consistent with easonable operating flexibility. The term “reasonable” related to the time in which operating personnel can nse and correct a process upset around a fractionator x other processing equipment. The lag time between snsing and correcting trouble is dependent upon the yype of operating personnel in the unit and the degree f sophistication of the instrumentation. LIQUID ACCUMULATORS Hower Reflux-Distillate Accumlators. The manner in which certain factors influence a design is shown in the following examples which are based on Fig. 1. The jtower is operating on flow controlled reflux with prod- luct withdrawal on level control. A temperature recorder provided at a tray below the top tray for reference in operating. If there is a failure of the reflux pump, the required surge time will be different due to the various types of instrument schemes utilized. Consider the fol- lowing Primary Element Alarm, The low flow alarm will found almost immediately. The operator will check the FRC module on the panel to confirm low flow or will lcheck the pump running light if one has been provided, This should take about 30 seconds. He will then go to the equipment and start the spare pump. Assuming that the control room is immediately adjacent to the unit, this operation will take about two minutes. Since the latter time will be greatly dependent upon the plot plan and/or the physical condition of the operator, this point will require careful study with each design. November 1967, Vol. 46, No. 11 and Accumulators Since two and one-half minutes have been used in this operation, the minimum vessel volume is five min- utes volume (of reflux plus distillate) based on half- full normal operation. It is necessary to design for half full operation to provide flexibility for the case of loss of level as well as level increase. Secondary Element Alarm. The instrumentation func- tions in such a way that there will be a short lag be- tween the beginning of an upset condition and the sounding of an alarm. This arrangement is necessary to mo) Fig. 1—There is a short lag between the beginning of an upset and the sounding of some alarms. Fig. 2—A bridlemounted controller saves vessel nozzles and gives control over full vessel volume. 253 SIZING SEPARATORS AND ACCUMULATORS . . avoid constant alarms due to minor fluctuations. As an approximation, the condition should exist for about 30 seconds before reaching the alarm point. For this ex- ample, pump failure results in a level increase. Thirty seconds after failure, the alarm sounds, giving the op- erator 30 seconds t0 locate the trouble on the board ‘The time required for field remedial action will be the same as discussed under “primary element alarm.” If the secondary clement were a temperature alarm at some tray below the reflux tray, an even greater lag time before alarm will exist. Normally, the control point will be within five trays from the top. Allowing a lag of 10-15 seconds per tray, about 60 seconds will ppass between inception of upset and sound of alarm, ‘Another 30 seconds will be required to identify trouble fon the board followed by field remedial action. ‘These two cases clearly show the influence of instru- mentation and labor factors on the actual design of equipment and clearly point out the fallacy behind any arbitrary rules in reference to surge volumes. For the cease of high level alarm, the vessel size should be seven minutes full. Note that the word “full” means total vessel volume, heads excluded, and does not refer to the control range of a level control element. Use of the latter standard to define volumes will result in excessively large vessels. This definition does not preclude level control over the full vessel volume. This can be accomplished by use of bridle-mounted controllers which, in addition, saves vessel nozzles. A typical installation is shown in Fig. 2. ‘The most difficult factor to evaluate here is labor. Sharp, conscientious personnel can easily meet the re- quirements outlined above, On the other hand, lazy or untrained personnel will require considerably more time to locate and remedy trouble. If a unit is unattended, TABLE 1—Design Criteria for Refex Distillate Accomulators Minutes These design times represent adequate surge volume and 2ctually are somewhat fat. Ina highly competitive situation, Ris recommended that the labor factors be cut by 80% TABLE 2—Operating Factors for Externol Uni Operating Characteristics Factor Under good control 20 Under fair contrat 30 Under poor contro! 40 Feed to or from storage 125 Note: These factors assume that there is @ board-mounted level recorder. i this ts not s0, the following additional multiplying factor must be ‘applied: ‘Level indicator on board 15 Gauge glass at equipment only 20 254 these criteria do not apply and must be evaluated on an individual basis. ‘Table 1 illustrates the recommended design surge times for these vessels. As an example, size an accumulator for a butane splitter in a grass roots gasoline plant in North Dakota Column control is reflux on FRC and distillate with drawal on LG with high level alarm. Inst, factor = 1 min. Labor factor = (likely to be inexperienced but also probably eager.) = 3 min, Vessel size = 4 min., half-full. Surge Volumes for Unit Feed and Product Streams. To provide for smooth operation, it is advisable to pro- Vide surge capacity for feed and product streams be- cause of the degree of uncertainty in the operation of other units, These volumes are determined by the labor and instrument factors which were discussed in the pre- ‘vious section but also by an additional operating factor which considers the reliability of the external unit either from an operating or control viewpoint. This operating factor must consider the external unit and its operation, its instrumentation and response to control, the efficiency of its labor, any chronic mechan- ical problems, possibility of short or long term interrup- tions, and any other information that may be available, ‘The procedure for sizing this type of surge drum con- sists of estimating the proper parent unit instrument and ig a multiplier which re~ factors for continuously operating extemal units which are under the control of separate operators are given in ‘Table 2. Note that the vessel surge volume subject to the ‘mechanical factor is the product stream only and is not to be applied to any internal streams within the parent For an example, size a reflux accumulator for a de- propanizer to be installed in an existing large refinery gas plant. Assume 900 gpm of reflux is pumped back fon temperature control, Also, 500 gpm of product pro- pane is fed to a new ethylene unit. Product flow is on level control with unit alarm, From Table 1, Inst. factor Labor factor From Table 2, External operating factor (good control) = 20 Volume = 4 min. reflux +20 (4 min. of produet) 3600 + (20% 2000) = 7600 gal., half-full For cases where the external unit is subject to wide variations in rates or is a batch operation, special case- by-case judgment must be applied, 2 min., half-full 2min., half-full (good labor) VAPOR-LIQUID SEPARATORS ‘These vessels usually serve two functions. The primary job is to separate vapor and liquid but they may also serve as liquid surge drums. The basic principle of design Hyprocarnow Processinvo o6 0.4 oz 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.006 8 0.01 2 a) e001 (Wa Wo ) VP v/Pp Fig. 3—Design vapor velocity factor for vertical vaporiiquld separators at 85% of flooding. is to provide a sufficiently low velocity so that vapor and liquid will separate. The designer must also design the surge volume properly. As a general rule, a vessel which is to provide a large surge volume such as an atmospheric tower accumulator will be a horizontal drum. A vessel which provides only a small surge volume such as a com- pressor interstage knockout drum will be a vertical vessel. ‘The vapor velocity factor chart is based on five percent of the liquid being entrained with the vapor. This is ade- quate for normal design. For design where entrainment must be less, the use of a demister section is recom mended. ‘These will guarantee a maximum entrainment of one percent. The principal use of these devices is in compressor suction drums and product gas separator Calculation Method—Vertical Drum. ‘Step 1. Calculate the vapor-liquid separation factor (WW) Voi Step 2. From Fig. 3 find the design vapor velocity fac- tor Ky, and calculate the maximum design vapor velocity (0) mae = Ky Vi = 6) ft. /s00 and should not be Note that this is a design veloci derated. Step 3. Calculate the minimum vessel cross sectional Amin = Wel (He) ae 0M ‘Step 4. Set vessel diameter based on 6-inch increments. Pain = V opin? ft D=Dig 19 next largest Ginches 100/,/ Pais f/s0: 60 Pa fee Step 6. Make preliminary vessel sizing as in Fig. 4 Step 7. From Table 1 or Table 2, select the appropriate full surge volume in seconds. Calculate the required ves- sel volume V = Qj/ design time to fl), cw. fe. ‘Then liquid height is H,=V (4/4 D8) Step 8. Check geometry (H,-4H,)/D must be between 3 and 5. For small volumes of liquid, it may be necessary to pro vide more liquid surge than is necessary to satisfy the L/D > 3. Otherwise, this criteria. should be observed. If the required liquid surge volume is greater than that possible in a vessel having L/D <5, a horizontal drum must be provided. Calculation Methed—Horizontal Drum. Step 1. Calculate (WW dV Pe Step 2. For horizontal vessels using Fig. 3 Ky =125 Ky SIZING SEPARATORS AND ACCUMULATORS . .. 36"++ (FEED NOZZLE 0.0) 48° MIN. FEED NOZZLE (FEED NOZZLE 0.0) Is" MIN. MAX. LEVEL, Fig. 4—An example is given to show how to calculate the ‘dimensions of a vertical separator. Step 3. (46) mae = Ky Vy — Pe) Pe ft. /s0e. ‘Step 4. Calculate the required vapor flow area (Ae) nin = Qo/ (te) maa 84 ‘Step 5. From Table 1, select the appropriate design surge time and calculate full liquid volume. The remain der of the sizing procedure is done by trial and error as in the following steps. Step 6. When the vessel is full, Arotat nin = (Ap) nn/ 02 Dayin = V WA cota nin Mt. Step 7. Calculate vessel length Fall Liquid Volume (H/F D=Dyig to the next largest G-inches. Step 8.15 < (L/D) < 3, resize About the author RN. Warxins ia a process engineer for The Fluor Corp., Lta., Houston, Texas, where he does process design of petroleum, petrochemical and natural asoline processing plants. He holds B. 8. degrees in chemistry and. chemi- cal’ engineering. Br. Watkine aloo has worked for Monsanto Coy Celanese Chemical Co. and Bechtel Corp. He is a registered professional engineer and a member of AICKE. MECHANICAL DESIGN ASPECTS To this point, the discussion has been devoted to de- termining the required volume of a vessel and rough ing its dimensions. The principle physical criterion specified has been that length-to-diameter ratio shall be between 3 and 5. It is possible for the process engincer to make some simple vessel design calculations and opti- mize the accumulator dimensions. This is based on the fact that, as diameter decreases, shell thickness decreases and vessel length increases. At some point between L/D ratios of 3 and 5, a minimum vessel weight will occur and this will result in minimum cost, The following example is based on a depropanizer ac- ccumulator: Operating conditions: 100° F and 200 psig Design conditions: 650° F and 225 psig Material of construction: SA-285C Allowable stress: 13,750 psi {Joint efficiency: 85’ percent Corrosion allowances: -inch Total volume: 2,157 en. f. va =DL/s Use 30 ft. Shell thickness = (press. (radius) /[ (stress ~ 0.6(press.)} “+ corrosion factor. = (225) (57)/[(0.85) (18,750) — (0.6) (225)] +0.125 = 1.295 in. Use 16-inch plate Shell weight We, = 56,880 Ib. ALL/D: D=AB? he Use 9 ft 177 in, Use 1%4 in, plate 7,798 Tb. 13 ft. Use. 8 ft.6 in 38.01 fe. Use 38 ft. 1.118 in. Use 1% in. plate We. = 53,802 Ib. ‘Thus the design with L/D = gives the lowest cost NOMENCLATURE Vessel crow-secton area, sq Vessel diameter, fe Yeret height fspor velocity factor Wesel length, te Flow rate, ev. fe/tec, ‘Vesel thickness, in. Fluid velocity, fe /tec. Vessel volume, cw. fe Flow rate, Ib./ste ‘Vessel welght, Ib, Density, Is/eu. fe SUBSCRIPTS > Sexe .onazea. Rae Diameird, Es Shine Sain

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