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Jumping for joy

Hi, Im Jason Barricelli. Ive been building this______________ for a

_____________, and now Im______________ finished. Ive written this page
to introduce myself.
Ive always been a hard-work, play-hard kind of_________. I grew up in Perth,
Australia, and my family did___________________ sports
like_______________________._______________, some people have called
these activities ________________ sports, but to me theyve always seemed
like normal fun.
Ive been working on a ________________________
for__________________________ but I __________ take time out to play.
Since I moved to Sydney, Ive learned how to skydive. This month, Ive already
made five____________.
Yes, I have a social life too._________________, last month I got engaged to a
fantastic woman. Here is a picture of two of us jumping together.
Joy hasnt been skydiving that long, but she wanted to celebrate our
_____________________ with a jump. Ive included more pictures of this
historic jump. Just click on the plane to continue.

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