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By: Guzmn Eusebio Hilda Karen

Opinions for Graciela:

I agree with you mate, but portions should be balanced, because there are
foods like animal can ocacionar serious health problems if consumed in excess.
Opinions for Evelia:
It is true what you say, and although some legumes engan high prices we
consume, remember.
Opinions for Margarita:
Margarita, you're right, I think you carry a very healthy diet.
Opinions for Sigrid:
According partner, but also remember to drink juice and cereals, nuts and
Opinions for Ana Abi:
You are right because I think the simple fact that having good health, even
makes us feel good, physically and mentally, we can also even help to have a
good weight. So you need to exercise, eat a balanced food intake, because
even to prevent some dangerous diseases, for us.

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