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ILSpy Command Line Arguments

Command line arguments can be either options or file names.

If an argument is a file name, the file will be opened as assembly and added to
the current assembly list.
Available options:

If ILSpy is already running, activates the existing insta

and passes command line arguments to that instance.
This is the default value if /list is not used.


Start up a separate ILSpy instance even if it is already

has no effect

Do not activate the existing ILSpy instance. This option

if a new ILSpy instance is being started.


Specifies the name of the assembly list that is loaded in

When this option is not specified, ILSpy loads the previo

usly opened list.

Specify "/list" (without value) to open the default list.
When this option is used, ILSpy will activate an existing
only if it uses the same list as specified.
[Note: Assembly Lists are not yet implemented]

Clears the assembly list before loading the specified ass

[Note: Assembly Lists are not yet implemented]


Navigates to the member specified by the given ID string.

The member is searched for only in the assemblies specifi

ed on the command line.

Example: 'ILSpy ILSpy.exe /navigateTo:T:ICSharpCode.ILSpy
The syntax of ID strings is described in appendix A of th
e C# language specification.

Selects the specified language.

Example: 'ILSpy /language:C#' or 'ILSpy /language:IL'

WM_COPYDATA (SendMessage API):

ILSpy can be controlled by other programs that send a WM_COPYDATA message to
its main window.
The message data must be an Unicode (UTF-16) string starting with "ILSpy:\r\
All lines except the first ("ILSpy:") in that string are handled as commandline arguments.
There must be exactly one argument per line.
That is, by sending this message:

The target ILSpy instance will open C:\Assembly.dll and navigate to the spec
ified type.
ILSpy will return TRUE (1) if it handles the message, and FALSE (0) otherwis
The /separate option will be ignored; WM_COPYDATA will never start up a new
The /noActivate option has no effect, sending WM_COPYDATA will never activat
e the window.
Instead, the calling process should use SetForegroundWindow().
If you use /list with WM_COPYDATA, you need to specify /singleInstance as we
ll, otherwise
ILSpy will not handle the message if it has opened a different assembly list

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