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The Last Straw Technique

Threshold techniques
The Compulsion Blowout Technique takes the feeling of desire for something and i
ntensifies it past the point of desirability. The last straw technique does the
opposite. It takes a feeling of unpleasantness and amplifies it until you are no
longer willing to put up with it.
Have you ever had an annoying or damaging habit and one day you woke up and said
enough! and never did it again? Many people have naturally changed their lives li
ke this. Maybe you gorged on chocolate cake and then could never face it again.
Maybe you were dating someone and he kept saying mean things until one day you h
ad enough. Maybe you put up with an unorganized closet and one day when a box fe
ll on you for the fifth time you said, that s it!
At what point would you say

never again

to something that isn t in your best interes

Sometimes we put up with things simply because they aren t bad enough to change th
em. For instance an unsatisfying job, annoying habit or disempowering relationsh
ip that don t energize you or improve life, but aren t unbearable.
Then again, sometimes we know something is very bad for us, like an abusive rela
tionship or sociopathic boss, but can t seem to get to the point where we say enoug
Connirae and Steve Andreas created the last straw technique in Change Your Mind a
nd Keep the Change It is an example of a submodality threshold pattern.
Reaching threshold and going past it are two different things. Once you go past
the point, there is no going back.
Getting to threshold
too-fatYou couldn t squeeze into those pants, you were utterly disgusted, but stil
l didn t take up exercise.
Going over threshold
You were dating someone and they criticized you one time too often, so you ended
it. I once worked in the public service. There was a day when I was so frustrat
ed and miserable it was unbearable. I suddenly had a moment of clarity when I de
cided to leave couldn t be that day, but I quietly worked towards escaping.
Think of a time when you reached threshold but didn t cross it.
What are the analogue submodalities that change? What builds up? Many people
have some kind of example stacking or a way to build intensity (like with the c
ompulsion blowout).
Think of a time when you crossed a threshold permanently. There is usually s
ome kind of digital change when you reach critical mass. Maybe there is a comple
tely different picture and/or a voice saying enough or no etc .
Make sure you have a new representation of how things wi

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