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Teacher- Anna Riggs

Class- History

Date- 1/17/2013

Grade level- 11-12

Unit- The World at War

Time- 55 minutes


The students will understand the home front effort in America during WWII

Objectives1. The students will identify the major parts of the Koremastu vs. the US.
2. The student will judge the case of Korematsu vs. The United States and
determine for themselves

SS.P.2.3 SS.USH.5.5 - Explain the significance of the Supreme Court

cases Korematsu v. United States (1944) and Hirabayashi v. United
States (1943), dealing with individual rights and national security
during World War II.

SS.USH.5.6- Identify and describe the impact of World War II on American culture

and economic life.

- NCSS 2- Time Continuity and Change.
- NCSS 3- People, Places and Environments.
- NCSS 5- Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
- NCSS 6- Power Authority and Governance
- NCSS 10- Civic Ideals and Practices

Bell ringer- given the video, students will identify if they think that the court was correct
in their decision (why or why not) and what the two main arguments were. (5 minutes)

1. Bell ringer- given the video, students will identify if they think that the court was
correct in their decision (why or why not) and what the two main arguments were.
(5 minutes)
2. The teacher will bring the class a back together after the video and from that and
their practice from the night before, they class will discuss if they think the
Supreme Court was right in their ruling about EO 9066 (5-10 minutes)
3. The teacher will pass out the two explanations of why two of the justices made
the decisions they did and the class will read it aloud. The class will then discuss
the two reasons and if they think if this argument will still be true today. (10
a. Patriot act
4. The teacher will pass out letters from people in the internment camps and as a
group the students will work together to complete the page that goes along with
the letters as to the conditions of the work camps. (15 minutes)
5. Closing- The teacher will assign the letters for practice if the students do not
finish, or will take them up if students have. The teacher will remind students that
their Vocab is due Friday.
AccommodationsGroup instruction

Self reflectionKnow- Worksheets, discussion.

Formative- group work, guided discussion.
Summative- worksheets due for Koremastu Vs. The U.S. and worksheets on
camp inhabitants.

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