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Many people think that regions affect successful person.

What is your opinion about accomplished person s influence on the native region he
belongs to?
Undeniably person's vicinity plays a vital role in moldings him into his success
. Accomplished person have great influence on their native region, as many young
sters can relate to him and want to imitate his blueprint of success. This essay
will discuss how successful person can impact their native people.
Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper have become t
he essential part of our lives.
What is your opinion?
Mass media plays a pivotal role in our life. Many people and businesses rely on
these mediums for their day to day transactions. On the flip-side it also bombar
ds us with too much or unwanted information. This essay will shed a light on var
ious aspects of this issue.
Company s top level authorities should get their employees in decision mak
ing process. Discuss
Decision making is a crucial step in a success of a company. Whether to involve
employees in this process is a moot point. I advocate that top management should
deploy their juniors to make decisions although some may object that it is risk
Feedback: Second sentence can be written as: The moot question is that whether i
nvolvement of employees is required for the decision making process. Third sente
nce: If u advocate, then don't write what other side thinks... Just build up the
essay on what u think.
Discuss the roles of governments, companies and individuals to combat cl
imate change.
Since last few decades climate change is afflicting our planet severely. It's is
the duty of the government, companies, and individuals to reduce carbon emissio
n to save the planet. This essay will outline the role of each party in combatti
ng climate change.
Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper have become t
he essential part of our lives. What is your opinion?
Mass media plays a pivotal role in our life. Many people and businesses rely on
these mediums for their day to day transactions. On the flip-side it also bombar
ds us with too much or unwanted information. This essay will shed a light on var
ious aspects of this issue.
Feedback: You have to clearly mention
that para)

The flipside (What are you going to cover in

The environment we live in is in danger due to various problems.
What are the underlying causes?
Who is responsible to combat this?
What measures?
No one can overlay the fact that the planet we live in is at serious threat. Inc
reasing number of natural calamities like Tsunami, earthquakes, floods and hurri
canes have given us repeated warning signals. This essay will outline few causes
and measures that must be implemented by responsible authorities.


Pros and Cons of extreme /adventure sports.

Advancing technology and science has invented new sports, never imagined before
with the risks that never existed before. Undoubtedly the feel of a thrill comes
at a price and on few occasions it can be death. This essay will discuss the po
sitive and negative aspects of these adventure sports.
Feedback: Try to avoid technology and science .
It can also be written as.
Adventure sports were there before as well but only limited to defense purposes.
With the advancement in technology these sports are now accessible by a common

Some people think law changes our behavior. Discuss.

Law is the only way to have control over the public. People usefully behave in a
way that is in accordance with the law so it is true that law changes our behav
ior. This is essay will discuss few reasons with examples to prove the validity
of this statement.
In education system, assessment through formal written examination still
valid. Discuss
Without a doubt formal written examination is used widely as assessment criteria
. Advancement in technology has open doors for alternate ways to assess educatio
nal skills and abilities. This essay will discuss the validity of formal exams a
s assessment criteria.
Feedback: In the question they never asked you about the alternative ways of ass
Second line can be written as: The moot question as to whether the formal writte
n assessment is reasonable is an interesting issue upon which opinion varies gre


Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. Your opinion? Good or ba

Without a doubt, mall culture is spreading its wings in most urban areas by repl
acing small shops. As a consumer it s much convenient for us as we can shop for mo
st of our requirement under one roof. In this essay we will look at some pros an
d cons of this trend.
Feedback: Second sentence must include what is asked in the question. That tells
the reader if u have understood the question or not and The third sentence must
inform what u will write in the essay.
Tip: Just paraphrase the question.

It can also be written as

The question whether this boom of mall's trend is positive or negative is a comp
lex issue, upon which opinion varies greatly.
Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they har
dly have time for their personal life. Discuss.
Modern lifestyle has brought some drastic changes in a way we function as compar
ed to our traditional lifestyle. People are spending most of their day at work a
nd can hardly spare some time for personal life. I am of the opinion that work a
nd personal life must be balanced. Herein we will discuss few reasons and soluti
ons of this issue.
Feedback: Tip: Try to write as many academic words as u can.
Third sentence can start as: This essay will outline the compelling reasons

It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and
getting established in a good job? Do you agree or disagree"
Getting married before finishing studies and getting employed can be arduous at
times. Although some may object that it's good to have a helping hand, I would s
till advocate that getting married later is much better as one can focus on his
Feedback: Although some people may believe in getting married prior to settle th
eir career.

Talk about pros/cons in this era of daily inventions.

It is undeniable that inventions have shrunk the boundaries of the world we live
in. In this modern era everyday there is some new invention in some part of the
world. Although these inventions are meant to solve problems, many have proven
to be dangerous. This essay will talk about its positive and negative impacts.

Imitating celebrities in sports and movies good or bad?

It's a human nature to imitate the famous around us. These sports and movie star
s being portrayed as personalities with admirable jazzy lifestyle, most youngste
rs want to imitate them. Whether it is good or bad is a moot question upon which
the opinion varies.
Without a doubt, human nature has been blessed to imitate the famous around them
. The moot question as to whether imitating sportspersons or celebrities is an i
nteresting issue, upon which opinion varies greatly. This essay will outline the
compelling reasons to show the positive and negative sides of portraying as spo
rtsperson or celebrities.
Many people think that regions affect successful person.
What is your opinion about accomplished person s influence on the native region he
belongs to?
Undeniably person's vicinity plays a vital role in moldings him into his success

. Accomplished person have great influence on their native region, as many young
sters can relate to him and want to imitate his blueprint of success. This essay
will discuss how successful person can impact their native people.
Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper have become t
he essential part of our lives.
What is your opinion?
Mass media plays a pivotal role in our life. Many people and businesses rely on
these mediums for their day to day transactions. On the flip-side it also bombar
ds us with too much or unwanted information. This essay will shed a light on var
ious aspects of this issue.
Company s top level authorities should get their employees in decision mak
ing process. Discuss
Decision making is a crucial step in a success of a company. Whether to involve
employees in this process is a moot point. I advocate that top management should
deploy their juniors to make decisions although some may object that it is risk
Feedback: Second sentence can be written as: The moot question is that whether i
nvolvement of employees is required for the decision making process. Third sente
nce: If u advocate, then don't write what other side thinks... Just build up the
essay on what u think.
Discuss the roles of governments, companies and individuals to combat cl
imate change.
Since last few decades climate change is afflicting our planet severely. It's is
the duty of the government, companies, and individuals to reduce carbon emissio
n to save the planet. This essay will outline the role of each party in combatti
ng climate change.
Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper have become t
he essential part of our lives. What is your opinion?
Mass media plays a pivotal role in our life. Many people and businesses rely on
these mediums for their day to day transactions. On the flip-side it also bombar
ds us with too much or unwanted information. This essay will shed a light on var
ious aspects of this issue.
Feedback: You have to clearly mention
that para)

The flipside (What are you going to cover in

The environment we live in is in danger due to various problems.
What are the underlying causes?
Who is responsible to combat this?
What measures?
No one can overlay the fact that the planet we live in is at serious threat. Inc
reasing number of natural calamities like Tsunami, earthquakes, floods and hurri
canes have given us repeated warning signals. This essay will outline few causes
and measures that must be implemented by responsible authorities.


Pros and Cons of extreme /adventure sports.

Advancing technology and science has invented new sports, never imagined before
with the risks that never existed before. Undoubtedly the feel of a thrill comes
at a price and on few occasions it can be death. This essay will discuss the po
sitive and negative aspects of these adventure sports.
Feedback: Try to avoid technology and science .
It can also be written as.
Adventure sports were there before as well but only limited to defense purposes.
With the advancement in technology these sports are now accessible by a common

Some people think law changes our behavior. Discuss.

Law is the only way to have control over the public. People usefully behave in a
way that is in accordance with the law so it is true that law changes our behav
ior. This is essay will discuss few reasons with examples to prove the validity
of this statement.
In education system, assessment through formal written examination still
valid. Discuss
Without a doubt formal written examination is used widely as assessment criteria
. Advancement in technology has open doors for alternate ways to assess educatio
nal skills and abilities. This essay will discuss the validity of formal exams a
s assessment criteria.
Feedback: In the question they never asked you about the alternative ways of ass
Second line can be written as: The moot question as to whether the formal writte
n assessment is reasonable is an interesting issue upon which opinion varies gre


Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. Your opinion? Good or ba

Without a doubt, mall culture is spreading its wings in most urban areas by repl
acing small shops. As a consumer it s much convenient for us as we can shop for mo
st of our requirement under one roof. In this essay we will look at some pros an
d cons of this trend.
Feedback: Second sentence must include what is asked in the question. That tells
the reader if u have understood the question or not and The third sentence must
inform what u will write in the essay.
Tip: Just paraphrase the question.
It can also be written as
The question whether this boom of mall's trend is positive or negative is a comp
lex issue, upon which opinion varies greatly.

Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they har
dly have time for their personal life. Discuss.
Modern lifestyle has brought some drastic changes in a way we function as compar
ed to our traditional lifestyle. People are spending most of their day at work a
nd can hardly spare some time for personal life. I am of the opinion that work a
nd personal life must be balanced. Herein we will discuss few reasons and soluti
ons of this issue.
Feedback: Tip: Try to write as many academic words as u can.
Third sentence can start as: This essay will outline the compelling reasons

It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and
getting established in a good job? Do you agree or disagree"
Getting married before finishing studies and getting employed can be arduous at
times. Although some may object that it's good to have a helping hand, I would s
till advocate that getting married later is much better as one can focus on his
Feedback: Although some people may believe in getting married prior to settle th
eir career.

Talk about pros/cons in this era of daily inventions.

It is undeniable that inventions have shrunk the boundaries of the world we live
in. In this modern era everyday there is some new invention in some part of the
world. Although these inventions are meant to solve problems, many have proven
to be dangerous. This essay will talk about its positive and negative impacts.

Imitating celebrities in sports and movies good or bad?

It's a human nature to imitate the famous around us. These sports and movie star
s being portrayed as personalities with admirable jazzy lifestyle, most youngste
rs want to imitate them. Whether it is good or bad is a moot question upon which
the opinion varies.
Without a doubt, human nature has been blessed to imitate the famous around them
. The moot question as to whether imitating sportspersons or celebrities is an i
nteresting issue, upon which opinion varies greatly. This essay will outline the
compelling reasons to show the positive and negative sides of portraying as spo
rtsperson or celebrities.

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