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Crocheted Lion Slippers

Slipper length measures 17 cm.

1 x 50 g ball Main Colour 8 ply (MC)
Scraps of yarn for the Contrast Colour (CC)
Scraps of black yarn to embroider the Lions face
Using MC make 6 ch for the sole of the slipper and continue as follows.
Row 1: 2 dc into second ch from hook, 1 dc into each of the next 3 ch, 2
dc into last ch, 1 ch. 7 sts. Turn.
Row 2: 2 dc into first dc, 1 dc into next 5 dc, 2 dc into last dc, 1 ch. 9
sts. Turn.
Cont. without increasing on these 9 sts until work measures 17 cm.

Next Row: Decrease 1 st at the start and end of the next row, 1 ch. 7
sts. Turn.
Next Row: Decrease 1 st at the start and end of the next row. 5 sts.
Fasten off.
Using MC, join the yarn at the sixth row after the starting chain and
work 8 rows of dc along the side of the sole, the last row and the
remaining side of the sole, working the last dc into the sixth row after the
starting chain. At the end of each round work 1 ch, then turn.
Lions Face
Using MC make 4 ch. Join with a sl st to form a ring. Work the following
6 rounds in spiral rounds.
Round 1: Work 6 dc into the ring.
Round 2: 2 dc into each dc to end of round. 12 sts.
Round 3: 2 dc into each dc to end of round. 24 sts.
Round 4: * 2 dc into next dc, 1 dc into each of the next 2 dc, rep from
* to end of round. 32 sts.
Round 5: 1 dc into each dc to end of round. 32 sts.
Round 6: * 2 dc into next dc, 1 dc into each of the next 3 dc, rep from
* to end of round. 40 sts. Slst into the first dc of the previous round.
Round 7: Using 1 strand each of MC and CC, work 1 loop stitch into
each dc to end of round.
Round 8: Using both MC and CC, work 1 loop st into each loop st to
end of round. Join to previous round with a sl st. Fasten off.

Make Up
Embroider the Lions face as seen in the photo or to personal preference.
To attach the Lions face, hold in the two corners of the front with a
couple of stitches. Sew Lions head onto front opening of the slipper.
Sew a small tassel to the center back above the heel.
ch - chain
st - stitch
sl st - slip stitch
htr - half treble
Loop Stitch
Yarn over hook.
Insert hook into next st, yarn over hook and draw yarn through to the
front of the work.
Wrap the yarn around the index finger before completing the stitch as
worked for a htr then remove the index finger from the loop before
working the next st.

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