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Ugi sugiri


Husband: how much did the new dress` cost darling?

Wife: I know, lets go out tonight now, where would you like to

Locutionary act: I know

Illocutionary act: where would you like to go? Means she wants to
go to the store to buy the dress.

A: apakah anjing kamu menggigit?

B: tidak
A: (sambil membungkukan badan dan mengelus anjing itu
menggigit) kamu bilang anjing kamu tidak menggigit.
B: itu bukan anjing saya.

Locutionary: B thought A is talking about the dog in front of A.

Illocutionary: apakah anjing kamu mengigit she doubts whether
the will bite or not, if she touches the dog.
Perlocutionary: she touched the dog and got bitten.
Namamu selalu kusebut disetiap do`a yang aku panjatkan.
Locutionary: what he intended to say is he always prays for her.
Illucotionary: what he means is that he always remember her and
wishing the best for her.
Perlocutionary: (Di kelas).
Tadi pagi bapak baru pulang jam 03.00 dari Jakarta, jadi bapak
masuknya telat.
Locutionary : he is late
Illucotionary: he apologize for coming late to the class
percakapan dua orang teman di siang yang sangat panas.
A: (menenggak minuman dingin dari botol)
B: minumnya seger bro?
A: (memberikan minum ke B) banget bro.
Locutionary : minumnya seger bro? he is wondering about the
Illucotionary: minumnya seger bro? he asks the beverage from his
Perlocutionary: A give the beverage to B.

percakapan dua orang teman

A: yaudah ntar gua kesana.

B: bener ya?
A: serius.
Locutionary: A says that he will come.
Illucotionary: A promises he will come.

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