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Group 5

The Persian government was based on the Assyrian government. It
was divided into twenty satrapies that was ruled by a satrap. The
Persian government was the first to attempt governing multiple racial
groups. This attempt was based on the principle of equal
responsibilities and rights for all people; and as long as all races paid
their taxes, peace was kept.

Persians created three major religions. They were Zoroastrianism,
Manichaeism, and Bahai Faith. They also contributed to the Islamic
religion. Most of Irans elite used to be Shia Muslims. Before Shi'a
Islam, Persians lived by the Twelver. Twelver are 12 Divinely Ordained
Leaders called Imams. Imams are political and spiritual successors of

Communication and transportation were two very important parts of
the Persian Empire's society. Their social class was a lot like the Indian
social structure. The social ladder went (from top to bottom) kings,
priests, military, traders, craftsmen, farmers, and slaves. Slaves were
usually captured from other civilizations that were conquered during
other battles and wars. The Persians often played games, and liked to
be entertaining by things happening in society.

The Persians contributed to the Islamic religion. Many names of
religions and cities also originated from Persia. King Darius of Persia
2500 years ago wrote the first Human Rights Charter.
Persia had also started insurance from the government and was the
first empire with the first system of federal government. The Industrial
REvolution of the world had started in Persia, as well. Money, weight
and measurement were standardized in Persia. Thousands of years
ago, the architecture of castles started in Persia

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