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7 Causes of Ghusul
Movement of sperm, even if merely sensed
movement without discharge, obligates ghusul. If
ghusul is performed due to it and then it
apathetically excretes, it is not repeated. Its
excretion, even if blood, due to arousal for other
than one asleep and their like, from its exit.
Insertion of a real glans or its equivalent into a real
sexual opening, even if an anus, of an animal or
corpse of one with whom intercourse is performed
even if asleep. Islam of the non-believer even if an
apostate or without that which necessitates ghusul
while in the state of disbelief. Excretion of
menstrual blood. Excretion of post-partum blood,
without which does not necessitate ghusul. Death,
as an act of worship, besides the martyred on a
battle field of the wrongly killed.
The Eid musalla, not the funeral musalla, is a masjid
in which it is haram to seek profit from career/trade.



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