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Board game

Name: World Peace

Objective: The one who reaches the highest score wins.
Scenario 1:
- Developed country.
- Budget: 1 million dollars.
- In war with scenario number 3 because they both want all the
oil of scenario number 2.
- Main characteristic: Their high technology and industry
Scenario 2:
- Developing country.
- Budget: 100 thousand dollars.
- Scenarios 1 and 3 want its oil.
- Hunger and poverty in its inhabitants.
- Main characteristic: Natural resources. (Produces 1000 oil
barrels a month)
Scenario 3:
- Developed country.
- Budget: 1 million dollars.
- In war with scenario number 1 because they both want all the
oil of scenario number 2.
- Main characteristic: Huge armament producers. Best army.
Scenario 4:
- Developing country.
- Budget: 100 thousand dollars.
- Poverty and hunger.
- Enormous social gaps.
- Main characteristic: Open for outside investments and
amazing tourism.
Country goals:
Scenario 1:
- Finish war with scenario number 3 and get the oil you need.
(800 barrels per month) 100 points.
Scenario 2:
Scenario 3:
- Finish war with scenario number 1 and get the oil you need.
(700 barrels per month) 100 points.

Scenario 4:


Each team has to pick a country (ficha de color) and name it.
Each player is representing a developing and small country
(the one you named).
Each country is given 1 million dollars by the World Bank. (One
of the players must handle the money of the World Bank.

Lista de bjetivos al azar cada ficha tiene diferentes objetivos para

estar en paz o estar felices. Estas fichas seran entregadas
aleatoriamente y cada color tendr esto. Cartas:
Objetivos de las cartas:

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