Shakespeare What and Who

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Why everyone praise Shakespeare?

Well that`s an easy question, beside his tremendous work, many of modern
English words can be traced down to Shakespeare works. Just trying to imagine
that a single human being can change a enormous structure, that is language, is
His influence is so big, that languages beside English adopted some of his
writings` quotes. For example the to be or not to be is used almost in any
language and had entered into some kind of phraseological district of each
About Shakespeare was written a lot, and will be written a lot. There were a lot of
studies about who Shakespeare was. There was studies that tried to prove that
he was gay, that actually it wasn`t him who wrote the plays he is accredited
with. There even is a study that prove that Shakespeare was a junky. 1
Well there is a quite misunderstanding on what really matters about writers.
Biographical criticism cannot be applied to Shakespeare as there are to
many theories about him. And mostly those theories that try to explain
a text of his, are like gloves that are continuously changing in order to
be applied on the text.
In other words as G.A. Kennedy2 said "The works of authors were read as
sources of information about their lives, personalities and interests. Some of this
material was then used by other commentators and critics to explain passages in
their works. The process became a circular one in that, though Peripatetic
biographers utilized external evidence where available, they had little to go on
and quarried the texts for hints".
So it`s quite unimportant what Shakespeare was, because there is a jungle of
theories, and the best way to not get lost in a jungle is not to enter in it. If
biographical information is unimportant on Shakespeare, than what`s important,
what can be analyzed?
The answer is easy; the text on the page, a close reading technique is required in
the case of Shakespeare. And what, next we`ll try to

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