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Intro- The purpose of this project was to give us a real life example of how these math methods

can be used. It was also a way for kids who arent great at taking tests to get their grade up.
Task one- Task one was a layout for the project. It was our first step which was needed to
complete all of the other tasks.
Task two- Task two was the points of where each attraction was. Without the points of where the
site was we would not be able to complete any of the other tasks.
Task three- Task three was calculating the slope of each line. After we connected the lines we
needed to find the slope, finding the slope was important because it gave us what x was for
the rest of the tasks.
Task four- Task four was to find the midpoint of each line. This set up a meeting point at the
waterpark, which also helped with the next tasks.
Task five- Task five was to calculate the distance between each attraction. This let us know how
big the park needed to be and close they were to each other.
Task six- Task six made us count how many spaces were between each attraction. This helped
us make the actual blueprint for the waterpark.
Task seven- Task seven was to write a linear equation for each line. We used the y=mx+b
formula to solve for each line.
Task eight- Task eight was to determine the meeting point of any lines that crossed. We used
the substitution method to figure out the exact coordinates for where the lines crossed.
Personal ReflectionMy thoughts on the work that I did during this project was that it was very good practice. I liked
how it was a real life scenario that we will need to know how to do in the future.
If I were to do this again I would double check my work before handing it in.
The information I learned will help us in real life. It gave us a real problem that we will need to
know how to when we grow up. This was great practice for the future and now I will know how to
do my task in the future.

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