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~Your heart, my soul~

In the midst of a midst of a mid-autumn monsoon there was a quiet rural town that sleeps
early near the sea. Tonight however, no one slept at all.
A scenery of hell was painted onto it with destruction running wild across the town trailing to
its apex just before the waters.
Within it an unfitting black sedan silently cruised through, carefully avoiding the fissures and
debris. The interior was silent, save for the low humming of the engine and breathing of the
two occupants.
The passenger a seemingly young woman in her twenties was wearing an irritated
expression. She was still in the gothic outfit that she bought for a date when she was forced
into the car. The man in the suit had refused to answer her questions as he continued driving
despite her numerous attempts at conversation.
Playing with an orange gemstone that floated near the side of her head the woman looked
outside through a window. The buildings were collapsed and on fire, bodies littering across
the landscape. Nothing was moving as far as she could tell, the whole town was dead.
Making a turn, the sea came into view and the car slowed to a stop.
We have arrived. Please exit the vehicle. Releasing the door locks, the driver urged the
woman to get out.
Outside a group of people in white uniforms stood around a large crater. Noticing the
womans arrival, a man with a rough beard broke away and jogged over.
Hey there Eien! Woah you are all dressed up, I hope I didnt interrupt anything important by
calling you here tonight without notice.
Cross. Actually, you did. I was supposed to be having dinner with an idol about an hour ago.
Your numbskull of a chauffeur wont tell me anything either so Im pretty annoyed right now.
I hope you have a good reason for dragging me out here.
Aww that sucks, hope she isnt too cute. Anyway you arrived at a good time, we were just
finishing up here. Come, take a look at this. Cross gestured with his hand and walked over to
the edge of the crater.
Looking down, the woman saw smoke billowing from a large mechanical wreckage at the
centre of the crater.
that thing caused all this destruction didnt it, why is it still alive?
Shaking his head Cross answered. That isnt an enemy. It is responsible for this towns
demise but it isnt a foe.
Turning to face the woman, Cross continued. You see, this is why I called you here. They
first appeared several years ago in small numbers but recently the number surged
dramatically. An incident is going to happen and we need help. They are dangerous and
unstable so you are perfect for this.
Well good luck with it. Im not interested, it has nothing to do with me and I dont get
anything out of this. Sighing, the woman turned to walk away.

Of course you do. They have traits that you might be interested in.
The woman stopped. Having caught her attention, Cross beckoned towards the group of
people in the crater. A boy ran up to his side.
Go ahead and introduce yourself.
Yes sir! The boy saluted and turned to the woman. My name is Alex Cross and

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