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Jalan Patra Kuningan

Blok L 5-6
Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel: +62 (021) 2356 5200
Fax: +62 (021) 2356 5351

British Embassy Jakarta Discovering Indonesian Islam Travel Grant

Application Form
Please fill in the following information providing details about your objectives for
achiever on this project, ideas for collaboration and how you hope the partnerships
can be sustained over the medium and long term to further the UKs efforts to
counter extremism.
Successful applicants will be expected to submit a short (one A4 side) report on the
visit outcomes, reflections and future plans by the end of October 2016. A further
report should be submitted by the end of February 2017.
Applications will be reviewed jointly by the British Embassy Jakarta and British
Council Indonesia.
Please submit your application to by midnight (UK
time) Monday 20 June 2016.

1. Name:

2. Institution:

3. Main aims (including detail of existing or planned collaboration):

Jalan Patra Kuningan

Blok L 5-6
Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel: +62 (021) 2356 5200
Fax: +62 (021) 2356 5351

4. Outline of proposed itinerary (including detail of individuals and institutions where

known, dates, proposed sessions/presentations):

5. Intended / expected / hoped for outcomes (including vision for further steps over
at least the 6-12 months following the visit):

6. Proposed budget:

Jalan Patra Kuningan

Blok L 5-6
Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tel: +62 (021) 2356 5200
Fax: +62 (021) 2356 5351

7. Contact details:

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